Nydex thank you for the topic. I have followed the manifestations of the Greta from some time. Good vibs to her. She will be great human being.
It does not matter that she is a child. We just came to Earth a few years before her. Nothing more. The fact that we have come to Earth earlier does not give us any more right.
Have you ever thought that kids are smarter than their parents? (not always, but this is the trend) You are smarter than your parents, your children are smarter than you yourself. "Children are teachers and we are students" Peter Deunov
The "child" takes the mother's DNA + the father's DNA. This means taking the experience of mother and father until the moment of conception. This genetic information immediately shot it in front of you, because the "kid" has your genetic information + your soulmate's genetic information.
You do not know your great-great-grand-grand-grandfather, but his beautiful nose is on your face. The same is done with some skill. There are things that no one has taught me, but I can do them as like I had practiced them years or from a lifetime. Most likely, some of my relatives have done them or worked them before generations.
The new generations will be smarter than us. More and more spiritual and energy children are born.
endlessness said:
The way I see it, we are a part of Gaia, which is like a giant organism, except we forgot we are a part of it. Like cancer cells, reproducing at insane rates, at the cost of the host, so are we doing to our Mother.
If someone is calling the attention to the fact that our actions have impact on all other species, and that we must be mindful as a species on how we act, I think that's a wonderful thing. If someone is young and idealistic and fighting for what they think is right, I think that is a wonderful thing. Will people (companies, politicians, whatever) try to use her in order to get more power/fame/money? Sure, likely.. Does that take away from her message? Not IMO.
I think people are cynical because our society pushes us to be cynical, specially the news, which basically tell us every day, in all sorts of different ways, how we are meaningless and how everything is beyond our control. But I think that adopting that worldview is basically letting them win. Through every action we can express harmony with Gaia, the Universe or whatever you wanna call it, or we can express separation from it. It may seem like one person doesn't do much, but that is an incredibly important responsibility, to at least as one person, do what is right. And if we can spread the message and help others become conscious and change from being destructive to being constructive, even better, but at the very least we have to do our own part.
The fact that there are things bigger than us doesn't remove our personal responsibility. One day this earth will be gone, one day this universe will be gone, but this doesn't mean each second we are alive isn't incredibly important. We have to be grateful for being a part of this, even if it seems at times things are bad.
Lastly, as a father, I wish the planet would be at the level that my son deserves. And I'll do my part to get a little bit closer to that. But even if I wasn't a father, all children are our children, and we have to try and leave this planet (or our little corner of it) better than it was when we arrived.
I love your words Endlessness. Good vibs
Everyone who thinks that there is no Global Warming i will tells them that they are deaf and blind about the cries and pain of they are own mother and of himself.
In Bulgaria, in just a few years time has changed drastically. We almost have no winter, and before that there were epic winters. Snow and rains are almost out in winter and spring. Rains began in the summer and incredible hailstorms. Despite the rain the land is dry. Bees die because of spraying. The trees are cut and no one sows. I myself have worked in timber industry years ago. (I'm ashamed of what I've done and now I'm trying to at least redeem my guilt). Although there is a law in Bulgaria that obliges logging companies to sow trees, almost no company plant trees. But at the same time old forests are rotated ... they even found a way to cut trees from reserves and protected areas.
People can now grow olives here. I suppose that up to 3 years will be able to grow and oranges.
Because I grow vegetables, hemp and many other plants, I have to observe rain and weather forecasts. (this has become a necessary tool for me) I have been following the rains for several years and I have evidence that the amount of rain in the area I have drastically decreased.
Destroy and disappear species in Bulgaria. Without seeing him, I'm sure Amazon's disappearance of species is even faster and larger in size.
My neighbors throw their junk everywhere. I'm talking about plastic in front of their doors, I'm talking about any junk in front of their doors, and the basket is 3 meters away. They literally go wherever they go past the junk bin but prefer to get it on the road ahead of them (we) and do not care that it makes dirt. They do not care that their children are playing there. They do not care that the animals are eaten by these junk.
They spray with pesticides, fungicides and pesticides and get sick. Then they wonder what they get sick of. Half of the neighborhood is insulin. For cancer and other severe diseases not to mention.
I saw a goat as a grass herbicide sprayed.
The GMO industry is booming. I do not know about the other countries, but there has been a GMO institute and has always been used not only for animals. Vegetables themselves have neither the taste nor the kind of natural vegetables. Cows do not release the same amount, fat and tasty milk by eating GMOs. Not to mention that this affected bees as well. Bees make honey from GMO crops (rape, sunflower and others). Honey itself has a different color and taste. The bees themselves became more aggressive. I am the only beekeeper is in the village who walks and works with his bees without protective clothing. A lot of people in the village think me for crazy. Few people realize what I do.
In my yard (forest) you can hear wild birds and see wild animals where they are not anywhere else in the village. I just do not cut trees and stimulate the forest.
I know I can not be the salvation of the Planet alone. But at least I can be part of the solution. I prefer not to
deconstruct, but to be a part of the
construct. Even losing my life in trying to help the Nature, it is possible not to achieve anything, but at least I will know that I have tried. Helping nature reflects my life. I would give my life for this because I see meaning in this. The question is how many people have not tried?
I may be crazy, I may have overcome drugs. But when I am in Nature (whether in our garden a forest or somewhere else). I see amazing colors and vibrations. I literally see vibrations that are alive. Amazing things are happening like I have new better eyes. This new vision gives me joy and gives me a very crazy smile. (from ear to ear)
I am grateful to the Creator for having invented everything. Even if we do some fuck or stupidity ... The Creator has directed it to something good. This is one of the key mechanisms of the Universe. In the genes of all of us is the Creator.f
Interestingly, the Earth has warmed up and now it has begun to freeze the Sun. It's like pressing the button to make a buffer of time.
When there are climatic changes and problems, then there is the greatest growth of consciousness and evolution. The last grand evolution was thousands of years ago. The time has come for a new evolutionary leap.
That even the Earth will die will not mean the end for Us because We are multidimensional creatures. If we were only three dimensioned and fixed here I would be much worried.
As a matter of fact, I see a bright future for the Earth and the People. Now it's dark, but the darkest is before Sunrise. I believe the bloom of the World and the Consciousness has begun and that will turn the whole world 180 degrees or at least 90
I hope I did not insult anyone. These are just my thoughts. You have the right to think and do whatever you want.
Be Well, love others, take care of others, take care for Pachamama .