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How long is too long for the Nexus E-Magazine?


Staff member
I'm really eager to here about what other people think the length should be like. If its too long we can always just save some pieces for later issues. Looking at what we have so far, right now it seems like it'll definitely be over 50 pages

any input welcome!

edit: any ideas on a good font?
thanks for compiling the e-zine UC

no matter how long it is , it cannot be longer than i've waited to read the e-zine
I just found out that usually a magazine has between 80-100 pages, but for a first timer 50 does not sound bad at all.

Can't wait :love:
As many as possible! Although... If fewer pages would mean a sooner release date, I'd be all for it :lol:

In all seriousness though, take your time, no such thing as too many pages, and thank you so much to everyone who has contributed! I am so excited that this is finally coming to fruition!!! 😁
It's all pretty compelling material so I would t worry about length. We should try to have enough images and graphics to keep it from just being a giant block of text, though. But yeah, we probably don't need much more material.

One question: any short features? Any good zine should have a lot of two-minute reads to balance out the heavy stuff...
Thanks for the input everyone :)

Guyomech said:
It's all pretty compelling material so I would t worry about length. We should try to have enough images and graphics to keep it from just being a giant block of text, though. But yeah, we probably don't need much more material.

One question: any short features? Any good zine should have a lot of two-minute reads to balance out the heavy stuff...

Right now we have a page long poem by macre, a page on harm reduction by pandora, and a 2-3 pager by aegle on india. The rest are more like 7-11 page articles

...We could add a page of psychedelic jokes and/or funny myths 8) ...Or instead of a page, have them split up, with a little bit here and there between some of the articles
Guyomech said:
We should try to have enough images and graphics to keep it from just being a giant block of text

This is a good point. Solid content, no matter if long... but eye candy is important.

Besides Macre's poem, we have an outstanding member art gallery here. Surely getting permission to reproduce a few pieces in the e-zine, properly credited, should be easy. And perhaps it doesn't need to belong in a specific section. We don't have ads, we have hyperspace views 8)
Vodsel, I was just about to post those very same thoughts. Art can be used a lot of different ways: in some cases there may be a piece that fits well with one of the articles, and could be used as illustrations. A lot of it could also be remixed into borders, flourishes and other embellishments. There can also be an art section, possibly with a particular artist or artists featured, or recent gallery additions, or reader favorites, etc. There are lots of ways art can be used and yes, permission should be easy to obtain.
Yeah, I think 50 pages peppered with graphics and images sounds about right. As long as we are not exhausting available content to the extent that it will take another 3 yrs to throw together a volume 2!!

That's a good point- maybe the editors should really take a long look at the material and ask if any of the features seem to touch on parallel topics- that could push a couple pieces into the next issue. Personally, though, I don't think there's any risk of this well running dry. I think the trick is to get the next issue written in the month after #1 comes out, while enthusiasm is still running high. This one didn't take so long because of lack of material- we sort of lost our focus after JourneyToJah faded away, as he was at the center of the project. We can avoid this as long as we have more than one individual in the editorial loop, and by keeping the files all backed up at one of the FTP pages. Plus, UC has a long steady history here at the Nexus.
The length seems good, though longer certainly wouldn't hurt anything.

Quality over quantity is my thought. Or as we say "All killer... no filler."

I also think a good amount of art and photos would be welcome. I vote for some of Cyb's cool Hyperspace Indians. Maybe some Xtal Pron... A few fractal flames.

Let me know if you need some pics. I have some flames I have made over the years that look very Hyperspacey.

Thanks again for putting this together UC!

Not really tbh. I'm just waiting for one or two more things which should be here shortly. Then I just need insert a few more images and combine all the articles in an order that seems to flow nicely and make sense, which shouldn't take long at all.

All of that will probably be done in a few days but after that's completed we still have to send the .pdf of it all to Just Desert so that he can do the digital design/layout stuff, and I have no idea how long that will take. I'm sure he'll be looking for some input though since he is unsure of which direction we want to go with that and how it should look.

That reminds me, we should also put together a little table of contents type page... If anyone knows how to do a nice one let me know since I'm pretty much clueless there. I can send the article names, author and page numbers to use. If not i'll just slap one together once the order is figured out and see how it looks.
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