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How many tries until you struck gold...

Migrated topic.


Words keep flowing out like endless rain into a pa
Hi guys. I'm just curious, How many attempts did it take for you to perform your first successful dmt extraction ??

The general consensus seems to be that most people succeed on either their very first or second attempt.
0ne(1), THX to cyb, earthwalker and the Nexus aaand the innernet...however, masterering vaping was another story and we still work on integration
Excellent work guys. Succeeding on your first or second try seems to be the consensus here at the nexus. If people can't figure it out after a few attempts then they'll never figure it out.

And downwardsfromzero, I love your pierra joseph quote.
I failed trying to vape DMT fumarate using Q21Q21'S food safe TEK (this was my first attempt at extraction). Since then, I have had no issues with several other TEKs.

I just never got the DMT acetate + Heat -> DMT freebase thing to work. I'd don't recommend that as the TEK to use as a first extraction attempt based on my experiences with the spice.
1 😁

a lot of reading and cybs salt tek helped.
although i got some unusual results later on when doing clean ups and re-x
Endlessness well I've asked around and started this thread be careful i was just wanted to gauge peoples experiences and so far 99% of person seem to be successful on their very first or second attempt regardless of their source material.

And i know you've said that people not getting results from smoking dmt due to incorrect smoking technique is common, But so far I've never actually spoken to anyone who's ever had that problem. I believe you that it has happened before, But it seems incredibly rare.

If peoples first puff didn't work for them then they adjust and quickly figure it out.
Pinkoyd - Excellent work, I bet it would have felt great succeeding so quickly.
I started this thread because *

Not be careful. Damn typos. >,<
Yes, the first was one of the best yielding. That's probably because i looked at the TEK with a magnifying glass and proceeded by the letter at every step.

Then i got cocky and messed up several, falling asleep during an acid cook to wake up at 2:00 AM to smoke alarms and a ruined pot comes to mind...

But yes #1=:thumb_up: 😁
Hendrix87 said:
Endlessness well I've asked around and started this thread be careful i was just wanted to gauge peoples experiences and so far 99% of person seem to be successful on their very first or second attempt regardless of their source material.

And i know you've said that people not getting results from smoking dmt due to incorrect smoking technique is common, But so far I've never actually spoken to anyone who's ever had that problem. I believe you that it has happened before, But it seems incredibly rare.

If peoples first puff didn't work for them then they adjust and quickly figure it out.

It seems to me you already formed your conclusion and are looking for evidence to confirm it while disregarding whatever shows the contrary. Search for keywords like "no effects" , "failed launch", "failed extraction", "low yield", "acacia problems" "acuminata bark" etc and you'll find hundreds of examples. I've been here for 10 years and I've seen it over and over again. But somehow you decide that it's "incredibly rare" from a single misleadingly worded poll you make which disregards the key factor which is the plant material being used, and "asking around" (whatever that means in terms of number and how representative your sample is).

Also, even IF everybody else had great first experiences and got everything right the first time and you were the only person who didn't, that still doesn't really matter and doesn't mean you can't get it right if you fix the issues, because each person is unique, the way they attempt to smoke is unique, and you are extracting from a different plant than most do.

In the chat I've told you 3 likely reasons why you are having problems (bad bark, SSRI diminishing sensitivity and bad smoking method) , and a mathematical reason why it's very unlikely you are not one of the people who get no effects from DMT (likelihood of you AND your friend having same problem is very very low). Yet right after I and others say that, in the chat, you say that that the most likely reason why you have no effects is you are naturally immune, disregarding everything that was said. When I asked for you to explain why you got to that conclusion, you just say it's a gut feeling, which is honestly a cop out answer specially because you can still test for the other possibilities before arriving at that conclusion but you seem unwilling.

You said you feel frustrated when things dont work out and dont want to put even more time into something that can fail again It's understandable to a certain degree but in life we gotta learn how to deal with frustrations, and be persisting despite things not going our way. Maybe it's easier to believe it's something beyond your control (i.e. you are one of the naturally "immune" people) and not try anymore. I think that would be dishonest with yourself, though, if you didn't eliminate the other likely scenarios. All the other 3 possibilities are within your control. So if you are using your and other people's time here asking questions, might as well take into account what is being said instead of reverting back to your pre-established conclusions that you have "gut feeling" about. It is within your possibilities to experiment further and find what's wrong, by process of elimination. If you are not willing to do it, that is fine and you are free to decide that, but then move on, don't look for excuses why you dont want to experiment and drag this on unnecessarily, that would be a waste of your time and of others. Just to be clear, im not saying asking questions is wasting people's times, but rather asking questions and then ignoring/disregarding answers, is..

Sorry if this sounds harsh, I'm being as honest and clear as I can.
And i know you've said that people not getting results from smoking dmt due to incorrect smoking technique is common, But so far I've never actually spoken to anyone who's ever had that problem.

I've had that problem, and read about it many times on the forum.
I think i did about 30 extractions before i got my first success. Followed every step to the T, and still failure.

All of our attempts were on self harvested material. Our first success was with ACRB that a friend of mine had lying around.
Endlessness well I'm going to keep trying, I just feel it's going to be pointless and a waste of time. I'm allowed to have my own opinions and thoughts and feelings here. I've had nothing but failures out of all of my attempts so far but I haven't given up and I've kept on trying. Don't imply that I'm lazy and want to give up trying because i can't be bothered figuring out the answer to my problem.

I'll keep trying, I'll try different bark, I'll try different smoking methods. I'll stand on my god damn head upside down and smoke it if it might make a difference.

I'm at the point where I'm going to look like a weak quitter if i stop trying or take a break for awhile, So I'm going to keep trying. Even if i spend a few more months on this and don't end up with any success, I'll keep doing it. And if i do get unlucky and find myself in that situation where i try every possibility and still end up with no success then I'm going to tell you that i was right all along and i should have listened to my own instincts. But at least I'll get a pat on the back because i eliminate every single possibility that someone throws at me right ?? Because if i don't eliminate every possibility thrown at me and if i can't get it working then I'm going to look lazy and it will look as though i didn't succeed because i wasn't willing to put enough time and effort into investigating every single possibility. Even if that's not the case, Certain people will still say that anyways because it's easier for them to say that than to just admit that sometimes they do not know the answer to everything.

And please stop assuming so much, I haven't come to any conclusions from a " single misleadingly worded poll ". And what does ask around mean ?? What do you think it means ?? It means I've been talking to a number of people online here at the nexus and trying to gleen whatever info i can from it and take everyones advice into consideration.

And by the way, I don't disregard anything anyone says here, But when different people are telling you conflicting things then it's difficult to know what to believe.

I tried inquiring to see why my dmt had no effect on me, I was told that i could just be immune to it, And also told that it's impossible for anyone to be immune to dmt, I got told that ssri's are the problem, I've been told that since I've been on ssri's for so long that even if i stop taking them that I'm still screwed because I've already damaged and blocked some part of my brain that enables me to experience dmt trips, Other people who are on ssri's have said that being on ssri's shouldn't make any difference.

I've been told that i may of had bunk bark, But I've also been told that bunk bark doesn't produce any crystals after precip so my bark mustn't have been bunk bark. Some have said that finding the right smoking method is difficult while others have said that it's self explanatory and only an idiot couldn't figure it out.

I understand why you are getting frustrated with me endlessness, It's because I'm not just using your advice and your advice only and I'm not completely disregarding everyone else's advice on a whim because you feel that you know better than them. I mean if you want to talk about last nights chat room session, Yes you told me that you don't think that i was immune to it and gave a few reasons why you believe that, But there were some other people who kept saying otherwise. So please don't try and act as if everyone was agreeing with you and that i was just unwilling to listen


Don't tell me that i wasn't listening to people and taking their advice on board and the reason why I'm not having success yet is because I'm not trying hard enough and I'm being stubborn and not listening to peopels advice. I'm listening to everyones advice !! Different people are offering different suggestions !! No one seems to know why my dmt isn't working for me !! Even you admit that you're not sure why I'm in this situation !! But I'm being chastised for not listening to people ?? WTF !!??? I was on chat for hours last night talking to people on the main hyperspace page as well as multiple people in chat pm. And away from the chat room I've also beem talking to people in pm about my situation. No one seems to have any definitive answers, I'm basically getting lot's of shrugs from people. So stop implying that I'm ignoring everyone !! If you try to spread false rumours about me not listening to peoples advice because you are frustrated with me then people will be less reluctant to help me or offer advice !!

You're a cool person and a good dude endlessness, I'm thankful that you are trying to help me. I know that you're frustrated, No one here is frustrated over this more than me. But please don't infer or imply that I'm not having success because I'm either to stubborn, or stupid, or lazy, or because I'm ignoring peoples advice. My problem is that I'm listening to too many peoples advice.

And i don't want that to come across the wrong way, I'm appreciative of everyone who's listened to me here and tried to help me by offering their advice and general opinion. Two heads are better than one, And I'm sure that the combined knowledge of the nexus can solve just about any problem regarding failed extractions and yields and pulls and even dmt that doesn't seem to be working.

You're now suggesting that i do some searches with key phrases like failed launch and failed extractions and low yields. But i posted pictures and showed people my glass tray and multiple people told me that it looked like my extraction was definitely successful. But fine, I shall search those specific key phrases anyways.

" you said you feel frustrated when things dont work out and dont want to put even more time into something that can fail again. Maybe it's easier to believe it's something beyond your control (i.e. you are one of the naturally "immune" people) and not try anymore. I think that would be dishonest with yourself, though, if you didn't eliminate the other likely scenarios. All the other 3 possibilities are within your control. So if you are using your and other people's time here asking questions, might as well take into account what is being said instead of reverting back to your pre-established conclusions that you have "gut feeling" about. It is within your possibilities to experiment further and find what's wrong, by process of elimination. If you are not willing to do it, that is fine and you are free to decide that, but then move on, don't look for excuses why you dont want to experiment and drag this on unnecessarily, that would be a waste of your time and of others. Just to be clear, im not saying asking questions is wasting people's times, but rather asking questions and then ignoring/disregarding answers "

Seriously ??

" don't look for excuses why you don't want to experiment and drag this on unnecessarily. "

I don't want this to drag on for any longer than it needs too !! I just want to have some successful dmt trips and then I'll piss off and leave you all alone !! I don't want to be a pest that people find annoying because i keep failing, I already feel guilty for taking up peoples time as it is !!

I understand that you are frustrated endlessness, But i feel as though you've made a massive error in judgment by writing me off as lazy and stubborn and unwilling to experiment and unwilling to keep trying until i find success.

And i know that you probably aren't doing it intentionally, But please don't twist the facts. Some people agreed with your advice last night and some didn't, You didn't see all my pm convos with people. So again, Stop putting the idea out there that I'm self sabotaging myself and I'm destined to fail because I'm lazy and stubborn and dumb and unwilling to take anyones advice on board.

I trust that you've had lot's of experience here, I've never doubted that.

My dmt didn't work when i smoked it. I kept trying over an hour or two. I then went to bed and woke up and came on the nexus to find out what my problem was.

The reason why i feel like taking a break is because I'm becoming a pest and annoying and frustrating people. You chastising me and your character assassination of me is proof of that.

I don't want to argue with anyone or bring any negative energy to the nexus, But i shouldn't have to defend myself like there's something wrong with me just because i haven't had success yet.

Take it easy ✌ peace.
Obliguhl, That's interesting, You're the first person I've spoken to who's had that problem.

So what was your problem and how did you go about solving it ??

Cheers 👍
Psilosopher?. Wow, Seems like you had a lot of trouble.

So your self harvested materiel was so good, Did you think to try other another material sooner or did you keep thinking that your material was good to use ?

Hendrix87 said:
Obliguhl, That's interesting, You're the first person I've spoken to who's had that problem.

So what was your problem and how did you go about solving it ??

Cheers 👍

I applied too much heat, which caused a lot of the dmt being rendered inactive.
Also used a bad smoking apparatus (classic machine) which made the smoke/vapor even harder to inhale. With DMT i found it is crucial to inhale as much as quickly as possible, so a poor smoking technique can lead to subpar results.
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