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how master plants dietas work. Does it worth...?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
The only real care you absolutely must have with ayahuasca is not taking anti-depressants, stimulants or other substances that can dangerously interact with MAOI. As far as the typical food (and sex) dieta, it is by no means a universal requirement, is arbitrary and subjective. Some people do it, some do not, some tribes do it, others do not. Nobody is The Ayahuasca Chief which can say to everybody else what they follow, even amongst indigenous people there is no agreement.

For example the Shuar will consume ayahuasca together with alcoholic fermented drinks, as well as have sex freely (Sangirardi Jr, 1983). In other tribes this might be a big no.

In some tribes, 'normal' people can't consume ayahuasca, only the shamans. In others, women can't consume when they are menstruating, or at all. In others, only the patient who is sick can drink, or the hunter who will soon hunt, nobody else. I could quote you many different restrictions from different groups which are localized and arbitrary, not universal.

IMO ayahuasca simply asks you to 'be balanced' and avoid excesses so you have to find for yourself what YOU have to do or avoid doing. Historically, it might have made sense for some tribes to have taken some special diets because maybe they had just gotten in contact with processed salt and sugar, with stronger alcoholic drinks from white people, and maybe ayahuasca told them to avoid that. But maybe it wasn't that ayahuasca tells people salt is bad, its just that in that specific context, where many indigenous people were overindulging in those specific things, maybe ayahuasca told them that to find a balance they needed to take a break from that. And then it became a dogma which others follow blindly.

As for the MAO-tyramine interaction dangers, they are way overstated since tyramine is metabolized by both MAO-A and MAO-B, and harmalas in ayahuasca are reversible MAO-A inhibitors only. There is no real danger of taking ayahuasca and eating cheese or things like that. Me personally, I just believe in eating generally light and healthy, and after trying all sorts of ways I rather have eaten a couple of hours before ingestion rather than fasting.

I have no clue what the "rollback" thing you are talkign about, but if ayahuasca is having negative effects for you, take a break. Otherwise, feel free to experiment with different restrictions or freedoms you decide to set upon yourself. Just be informed, avoid dangerous pharmacological mixes and you'll be fine.
You're being extremely rude J$k3r0. :!:
endlessness answered your question as it was stated very well.

Dieta simply means diet, or, dietary and behavioral regimens that allow one to move most safely and effectively into working relationships with plant teachers.

I think you may have confused the word dieta with meaning actual ayahuasca ceremony.

So...what are you, one of those fabled internet trolls we hear so much about? Either way, I agree with Melon Lord, you are being extremely rude, J$k3r0. Not a good way to to start your first few posts.

Endlessness is one of the most respected members on this site, so you can get out of here with your nonsense about him. He has proven himself to be highly intelligent, helpful, and one of the friendliest moderators around. Why ask questions if you "already know the answer" and also automatically shoot down any responses? Then to top it off, you tell us to just google it for you!
Why not just google it yourself or perhaps word your questions differently if it is so easy to understand? Your attitude is beyond terrible and is unacceptable on this forum. You will not get much help if you continue in this way.

Here is a :thumb_dow . You've earned it.
Hi there J$k3r0!
i know you wont try to be rude and i see that nobudy answer your quastion.
endlessnes give you respected answer about the diet but still there much to add to this topic.

about the diet, the more you restrict yourself with what you eat and how you live and terms of food and sex, and become more and more like monks from ttibet or so, the more self control you gain about your life and thats why you feel even better then with the ayahuasca, there's a big connection with spirit uplifting and fasting/restriction.
the combination of selfcontrol and ayahuasca can bring you very high in expirience your concesness.
in my expirience the first time i drink ayahuasca i took a week of and fasting for 3 days with only air to consume(no water and no food), ater i have a day that i eat rally small amount and then in the day of the ceramony i did my reiki session on the morning and a SEE A JAGUAR coming in front of my and i was comletly sober!!! the ceramony was extreamly powerfull and enligting and i didnt even purge! so thats being said about the importency of the diet.

about the rollback, you can see that in other percpective thats empower you,
surly you have much to learn in the subject that you dealing with and that isnt rollback, you figured some thing about this situation and now your ready to dive deep in your understanding,
its a gift not a rollback because now you can look this subject from point of view that you wont have before.
btw you NEVER rollback, you always riched a HIGHER state of mind and NEVER lowers stat when you was before.

hope thats been helpfull to you and if not please write whats not clear yet.
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