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How to grind up a large amount of root bark?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've been doing straight-to-base extractions for a while now but it takes me forever to grind up the root bark. Right now I have quite a bit of bark but no way to grind it to a fine powder effectively. I've considered buying an electric mulcher from home depot but they don't look like they could get it fine enough for the straight-to-base tek. What would you guys do to grind it up quickly and effectively?
If you're going to be doing this regularly, I strongly suggest you buy an electric mulcher. A multi-blade system like the Talon 2200 is best. This will not powder the bark but it will very efficiently prepare the bark for the coffee grinder stage. And you'll get far more life out of your coffee grinder as it's not chopping up chunks of bark, but instead relatively fine mulched stuff.

This is some thick acacia bark after mulching:


This is after coffee grinding:


Actually.. those pictures don't adequately reflect how much better the bark is for use after coffee grinding, but trust me, it is 😉
use a paper guillotine to chop up pieces around half an inch long,and then use a blender instead of a coffee grinder.using that method I can do a kilo of rootbark in about 20 minutes-half an hour.Or you could spend an extra 25 bucks and order powdered rootbark.
I'm having the same issue with B. Caapi. That is some tough vine! I shredded up some with a hammer and pliers last night, only 150grams and my hands are blistered and raw today.

Maybe I need to get a mulching machine???
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