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how's obama doing?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
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President Obama has already accomplished better relationships between russia and the west, by putting plans for this titanic rocketshield in the freezer (let's hope it stays there, apropriate place for coldwar toys).
There is a chance that this will have some effect on iran as well since it might move the russians towards using more of their weight in preventing iran to make nuclear bombs (wich is what they want though they sometimes deny it, while saying at the same time that iran has the right to have these things,:roll: hmmm makes you wonder, don't it?).

The healthcare reform doesn't seem to be going all too well. It seems that has to do with these non-existing but still infamous death-panels, sarah palin invented.

I cannot believe that so many people find a person who on a regular basis 'sees russia' floating by, from mainland alaska, to be a more credible source of information on these things.

It would be sad if america was witheld a good healthcare system on the basis of those totally bizarre rumours.
I dont understand the opposition to the health care reform..I keep wondering why there is all this opposition..though I live in canada not the US..so I dont fully understand they're health care the way it is.

I have heard others saying that it's because all the rich people who can afford full coverage over there dont want to be paying for everyone else...but I dont know how true that is. All I know is that here in canada we have good universal health care that seems to work, but not well enough. Once naturalpathic forms of healing are accepted and covered under our health care things will be much better.

I was sick and could go to the doctor over and over and it was all covered..but the tests they were giving me were inadequate so it didn't matter. The government wouldnt pay for decent allergy tests..so the ones they did pay for were not accurate at all. I had to go pay hundreds of dollars at a nuturalpathic clininc that had no governmetn support to find out what was up..which was irritating since I had full coverage.

Still though, if I break my leg it wont cost a fortune here. I dont know why americans want the system they have now:? I dont near that country without buying insurance first for the time I am down there, becasue mostly I go across to skimboard and surf as I live 20 minutes from the boarder and one of my fav beaches in right across the line. I could just come back and go to the hospital if something happened but there are long boarder waits quite often.

Same with car insurance over there...I had a gf from Massacheuttes and her car insureance was soo cheap, but she had basically no coverage..if she got into anaccident it could make her basically bankrupt...Dont get me wrong I hate insurance companies..but I also dont want to drive around paranoid of bumping into anything and geting screwed royally. She though her cheap insurance was great though. I dont know if that is how it is there, but that was how she explained it to me.

I had a boss who bumped into some lady in a parking lot, like 2 miles per hour, and she was fine...later she came to court witha neck brace and sued him for somethng like $20,000...If he hd less coverage than he had he would have been screwed and had a had time feeding his family.
I don't understand the resistance to healthcare either. People with higher rates don't want to pay for others health care, but they already pay for it in higher premiums to cover those who do not have health care and go to the hospital where they are required by law to treat people.

I have a friend who is an emergency room doctor, and half the people he sees are people with colds, or sniffles and no insurance...they clog up waiting rooms and increase costs for everyone with insurnace. It makes no sense. We can spend 500 billion a year on defense, 700 billion for a bank bailout, but 90 billion year to provide everyone with health insurance is fought tooth and nail by some people.

Man people in this country are stupid.
I feel sorry for you americans that you have to take such bullshit.

Of course we have problems here in europe too but the stuff I hear is going on over there just blows my mind.

Hang in there.
He is NOTHING more than the "Good Cop" after the "Bad Cop" that's having the strings pulled by the same corporate thug trillionaires.

If by change you mean single-handedly destroying our economy and putting our nation further into debt than there are numbers for...

If by change you mean still sending troops into the middle east, just renaming them as to not have a 'combat role'...

If by change you mean reinstating a mandatory draft of military service to keep the US war machine growing...

I recall a great speaker that made promises to a nation, if the people would just make him their leader, he would stop all the bad and make everything perfect...
He believed if you said it loud and long enough, people will eventually believe it... Ask a German how that went...
The GOP is not a decent party. There may be some decent republicans but the party as a whole is just a criminal organization.

I think obama has already done a few realy great things. But his hands are tied.

I have always believed that much of the so called free-market ideology is actualy nothing but a belief in a traditional class-society like 19th century britain and current india with it's castes system.

It's a brilliant disguise, since you can actually take a liberal position and say it's all about freedom.

The financial system might very well be totally cyclic in creating meltdowns now and then. But it's probably creating more wealth over the longer period of time, so there's a lot of pressure from everybody who benefits from that on obama's administration.

In europe you have the same things going on. In some countries it's a little less and in some countries it's worse, like in italy.

Politics is a very messed up game.
Fiashly said:
richierich_931 said:
I recall a great speaker that made promises to a nation, if the people would just make him their leader, he would stop all the bad and make everything perfect...
He believed if you said it loud and long enough, people will eventually believe it... Ask a German how that went...

I'm not a big fan of Obama obviously but comparing him to Hitler? Seriously? Seems more than a little over the top and completely unjustifed. Bush did more to remove the personal rights and freedoms of the average citizen than Obama has and I don't recall anyone trying to compare him to the fascists or communists and yet I hear it all the time with Obama. I think Jimmy Carter is on to something when he says these kinds of comments are rooted in racism.

Yes, absolutely.
Bush has done a hell of a lot more that would justify such a comparison. Like starting a war that wasn't nessecary for defending the nation or any ally (like israel), or putting people away without trials.

Obama has done nothing that comes even close to that.
And they compare obama to hitler because he wants every american to have acces to good healthcare. Like that has even remotely anything to do with fascism or any other evil.

Expactations that the whole world was gonna change instantly where a little unrealistic, though.
He aint jesus either.
Fiashly said:
richierich_931 said:
I recall a great speaker that made promises to a nation, if the people would just make him their leader, he would stop all the bad and make everything perfect...
He believed if you said it loud and long enough, people will eventually believe it... Ask a German how that went...

I'm not a big fan of Obama obviously but comparing him to Hitler? Seriously? Seems more than a little over the top and completely unjustifed. Bush did more to remove the personal rights and freedoms of the average citizen than Obama has and I don't recall anyone trying to compare him to the fascists or communists and yet I hear it all the time with Obama. I think Jimmy Carter is on to something when he says these kinds of comments are rooted in racism.
Fiashly, if the majority of Obama's opposition was as well-reasoned as you then perhaps the Republican party wouldn't be a parody of itself lead by Glenn Beck. I mean, I voted for Obama and I want to see him succeed (and really, anyone who isn't a partisan hack wants our president to succeed as far as it benefits the country), but I would much rather live in a place where there was one kind of moderate party and one insane party that seems intent on never getting back into power.

Obama did undo a bunch of unfortunate things that Bush enacted. They're not wasting federal dollars raiding medical pot dispensaries any more, for one. However, healthcare has been his main focus to the detriment of some other issues. My opinion of Obama will be largely determined not by how healthcare pans out, since he's receiving so much goddamn ignorant opposition and childish delay tactics, but rather by what he chooses to spend political capital on after healthcare is finished.
I dont like Obama. Sure he says nice things but doesn't seem to back them up..It's easy to say nice and preaty things..

Not that it's better here with Harper..

Whatever happened to Ron Paul?..I would have chose him 1000000 times over.

Obama reinstates the Draft??? I didnt believe what I was reading until I read it:shock: Is this true??
How can any of you get behind that??? That does not stand for freedom?? what is this the dark ages??? Seriousily I dont know how anyone can get behind Obama if he is really reinstating the Draft..has it really come back to that?

If I had kids and I thought they might be drafted in the country I live in, Id be packing my bags that day and getting the fuck away.

Can someone please confirm this?? Is it true?
fractal enchantment said:
I dont like Obama. Sure he says nice things but doesn't seem to back them up..It's easy to say nice and preaty things..

Not that it's better here with Harper..

Whatever happened to Ron Paul?..I would have chose him 1000000 times over.
What do you think Obama has failed to back up?

And Ron Paul has some good ideas (end the war on drugs, etc) but a lot of really terrible ideas as well (gold standard, states' rights to the point of ridiculousness).
Well he lied to his supporters saying that he would release the name of his VP to his supporteres first..which would have been a first..and what does he do...
Goes ahaead and releases it to the media first instead..

The there is his gloabl tax proposition...which means certain levels of foreign aid comming from the states will be dictated by the United Nations..I guess that all good if you actaully trsut the UN and think they do much good. I dont.

He also took away peoples rights to own hundguns...I wouldnt want that if I was living in the states...look at what happened in new orleans...people deserve the right to have some way to protect themselves against a government that is willing to gun down innocent and hungry people..not to mention all the crime is certain areas..which handgun regulations do nothing for...except make families more vulnerable and have no way of defending themsleves against home invasion..

All I see is rights being taken away.

Then I came here and saw people posting about his war draft...stilldontknow if I belive it..THAT is hard to believe..but if it's true i dont know how people can support that.
I wasn't comparing Hitler to Obama... I was simply saying that promises can be broken, words are just words until they're put to action. Once you give someone too much control, you can't take it back...

Although when he goes to speak with our children and tells them that times will be tough, but with their hard work and sacrifice, America will be stronger... sounds a little like mein kampf...

Bill Clinton - Ordered cruse missile attack on Sudan and Afghanistan to destroy terrorist chemical weapons plant run by Osama Bin Ladin. The Sudanese plant was an asprin factory, the site hit in Afghanistan was a mosque.

G.W. Bush Senior - Told Saddam Hussein the US wouldn't intervene if he attacked Kuwait for more oil. 8 Days later Saddam invaded Kuwait, soon to follow was Operation Desert Storm.

Yes Bush has done stupid things, and wars will continue to happen no matter who seems to be in charge. It's called creating an enemy when you need one, and it's been done since the beginning of Rome...

Obama's Draft
richierich_931 said:
I wasn't comparing Hitler to Obama... I was simply saying that promises can be broken, words are just words until they're put to action. Once you give someone too much control, you can't take it back...

Although when he goes to speak with our children and tells them that times will be tough, but with their hard work and sacrifice, America will be stronger... sounds a little like mein kampf...

Bill Clinton - Ordered cruse missile attack on Sudan and Afghanistan to destroy terrorist chemical weapons plant run by Osama Bin Ladin. The Sudanese plant was an asprin factory, the site hit in Afghanistan was a mosque.

G.W. Bush Senior - Told Saddam Hussein the US wouldn't intervene if he attacked Kuwait for more oil. 8 Days later Saddam invaded Kuwait, soon to follow was Operation Desert Storm.

Yes Bush has done stupid things, and wars will continue to happen no matter who seems to be in charge. It's called creating an enemy when you need one, and it's been done since the beginning of Rome...

Obama's Draft
Oh man, I thought we were talking about the real world. Not the "seig heil mein president, community service in exchange for college scholarships = private socialist army of brown shirts olol" fantasy land.
fractal enchantment said:
Well he lied to his supporters saying that he would release the name of his VP to his supporteres first..which would have been a first..and what does he do...
Goes ahaead and releases it to the media first instead..

The there is his gloabl tax proposition...which means certain levels of foreign aid comming from the states will be dictated by the United Nations..I guess that all good if you actaully trsut the UN and think they do much good. I dont.

He also took away peoples rights to own hundguns...I wouldnt want that if I was living in the states...look at what happened in new orleans...people deserve the right to have some way to protect themselves against a government that is willing to gun down innocent and hungry people..not to mention all the crime is certain areas..which handgun regulations do nothing for...except make families more vulnerable and have no way of defending themsleves against home invasion..

All I see is rights being taken away.

Then I came here and saw people posting about his war draft...stilldontknow if I belive it..THAT is hard to believe..but if it's true i dont know how people can support that.
When did Obama enact anti-handgun legislation? When he was in Chicago? I know he was against allowing handguns in DC, which is kind of silly, even though a shotgun is vastly superior to a handgun for home defense.

I'd like some more information about the global tax proposition, if you have a good article.
If ron paul would ever become president, then america would isolate itself from the rest of the world. That wouldn't be such a good thing.

It's easy to blame international institutions for all kinds of things. I'm not a big fan of most of them either. But doing away with them is totally unrealistic.

America has interests all over the world and for a country thát big and prosperous it is innevitable to have interests all over the world.

So that means that you cannot get around trade issues, monetary issues, security issues, etc.

If america would only step out of the non-proliferation treaty, wich ron paul would most definately want, then you can just sit and wait for nuclear proliferation to spread like the plague, for instance.

The international agenda of ron paul is probably that he has no international agenda.

America has a multicultural population of over 300 million people and a GDP of over 14000 billion dollars.
You cannot ignore the rest of the world with those figures.

If you want to keep the oil flowing to america, you've got to do business with russia and the sheiks, and if you want to abrubtly stop the flow of oil, you've got to prepare for another civil war.

It's that simple.
I honestly dont think either option is ideal...

I have no faith in our governments to fix things either way..I havent even voted here in canada in the last 2 elections because I dont think it mattes at this point. One puppet vs the next puppet.

I just hate trying to pick the best situation of all the shitty situations...Id rather watch it fall and create something that works..but thats me, I am an eccentric idealist..I know that. thats who I am.
There will never be a draft unless World War III breaks out, it just won't happen, and even so, the protests would make the 60's look tame. Of course there will be plenty of those willing to go fight some made up enemy overseas, that's fine if they want to risk their lives for a lie. There is currently no support for a draft from any credible corner.

Telling kids to study and learn as much as they can is a socialist agenda? Seems kind of the opposite to me. The more we know, even in our No Child Left with a Mind educational system, is a good thing. The indoctrination games are becoming known, the veil is being lifted...as long as kids can learn to think critically (even if not taught that in school) we have hope for the future.
Saidin said:
There will never be a draft unless World War III breaks out, it just won't happen, and even so, the protests would make the 60's look tame. Of course there will be plenty of those willing to go fight some made up enemy overseas, that's fine if they want to risk their lives for a lie. There is currently no support for a draft from any credible corner.

Telling kids to study and learn as much as they can is a socialist agenda? Seems kind of the opposite to me. The more we know, even in our No Child Left with a Mind educational system, is a good thing. The indoctrination games are becoming known, the veil is being lifted...as long as kids can learn to think critically (even if not taught that in school) we have hope for the future.
Yes. A draft for an expedition army, wich all NATO armies are would be nothing less than satanic.
Who wants to send his son to afghanistan?

It would mean that obama would pass the far-right by, on the right side.:shock:
And it would contradict everything he has said and done so far.

I think we can clearly say that this myth falls in the 'death pannel' category.
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