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how's obama doing?

Migrated topic.
Saidin said:
There will never be a draft unless World War III breaks out, it just won't happen, and even so, the protests would make the 60's look tame. Of course there will be plenty of those willing to go fight some made up enemy overseas, that's fine if they want to risk their lives for a lie. There is currently no support for a draft from any credible corner.

Telling kids to study and learn as much as they can is a socialist agenda? Seems kind of the opposite to me. The more we know, even in our No Child Left with a Mind educational system, is a good thing. The indoctrination games are becoming known, the veil is being lifted...as long as kids can learn to think critically (even if not taught that in school) we have hope for the future.
Well strictly speaking, government involvement in education is socialism. Of course, socialism is not the boogeyman that the GOP has been trying to portray it as since before the Cold War.
Government involvment in education here in canada means lie to the children and change history, leave out the parts you dont want to tell them..

For instance..they completely glorified the underground railroad, making canada out to be the fucking holy land that it is not...they went on and on abouthow canada was this totally free country, free of salvery and racial prejudice...

But they never tell you a thing about all the residential schools, all the native families they broke up, the native children they tested turberculosis on..they make the RCMP (royal canadain mounted police) out to be the white nights they aren't, not tellign the children a thing about the real history of the RCMP..that they were created to controll the native population durring the time of residential school..I did not hear one THING about this in a classroom until I hit colledge, and only in a specific anthropology class on native culture..

I wonder how most canadians would view the history of this country if they were told the truth and the whole story in the classroom.

I dont know about the US becasue I did not got to school there..but thats what you get in canada when the government is too involved in overseeing what you can and cannot terach in the classroom.
fractal enchantment said:
Government involvment in education here in canada means lie to the children and change history, leave out the parts you dont want to tell them..

For instance..they completely glorified the underground railroad, making canada out to be the fucking holy land that it is not...they went on and on abouthow canada was this totally free country, free of salvery and racial prejudice...

But they never tell you a thing about all the residential schools, all the native families they broke up, the native children they tested turberculosis on..they make the RCMP (royal canadain mounted police) out to be the white nights they aren't, not tellign the children a thing about the real history of the RCMP..that they were created to controll the native population durring the time of residential school..I did not hear one THING about this in a classroom until I hit colledge, and only in a specific anthropology class on native culture..

I wonder how most canadians would view the history of this country if they were told the truth and the whole story in the classroom.

I dont know about the US becasue I did not got to school there..but thats what you get in canada when the government is too involved in overseeing what you can and cannot terach in the classroom.
Yeah, it was pretty much the same when I went to school in the US. Very war-centric, too. It pretty much goes Revolution, War of 1812 (Revolution With a Vengeance!), Civil War, skip ahead, WW1 (as a brief prologue), WW2, waste time until the end of the semester. And that's pretty much it, except for some bits about colonials, natives, a short paragraph on the Trail of Tears and maybe a chapter each on the Industrial Revolution and Civil Rights Movement.
Touche Guevara said:
fractal enchantment said:
Government involvment in education here in canada means lie to the children and change history, leave out the parts you dont want to tell them..

For instance..they completely glorified the underground railroad, making canada out to be the fucking holy land that it is not...they went on and on abouthow canada was this totally free country, free of salvery and racial prejudice...

But they never tell you a thing about all the residential schools, all the native families they broke up, the native children they tested turberculosis on..they make the RCMP (royal canadain mounted police) out to be the white nights they aren't, not tellign the children a thing about the real history of the RCMP..that they were created to controll the native population durring the time of residential school..I did not hear one THING about this in a classroom until I hit colledge, and only in a specific anthropology class on native culture..

I wonder how most canadians would view the history of this country if they were told the truth and the whole story in the classroom.

I dont know about the US becasue I did not got to school there..but thats what you get in canada when the government is too involved in overseeing what you can and cannot terach in the classroom.
Yeah, it was pretty much the same when I went to school in the US. Very war-centric, too. It pretty much goes Revolution, War of 1812 (Revolution With a Vengeance!), Civil War, skip ahead, WW1 (as a brief prologue), WW2, waste time until the end of the semester. And that's pretty much it, except for some bits about colonials, natives, a short paragraph on the Trail of Tears and maybe a chapter each on the Industrial Revolution and Civil Rights Movement.
Each country has it's own wicked version of the same historic events.
Many brittish people for instance, realy think that democracy, the western civilization and the industrial revolution are brittish inventions.:lol:
The majority of people in japan is totally ignorant about japanese war crimes. They all think that japan was the victim of the 2th world war:shock: Not mentioning all the death camps, medical experiments and massive forced prostitution they exposed the chinese, korean and indonesians to.

I basically think that children should be taught world history instead of national history. Most of national history anywhere, doesn't make sense when you leave out the rest of the world.
I basically think that children should be taught world history instead of national history. Most of national history anywhere, doesn't make sense when you leave out the rest of the world.

polytrip said:
Each country has it's own wicked version of the same historic events.
Many brittish people for instance, realy think that democracy, the western civilization and the industrial revolution are brittish inventions.:lol:
The majority of people in japan is totally ignorant about japanese war crimes. They all think that japan was the victim of the 2th world war:shock: Not mentioning all the death camps, medical experiments and massive forced prostitution they exposed the chinese, korean and indonesians to.

I basically think that children should be taught world history instead of national history. Most of national history anywhere, doesn't make sense when you leave out the rest of the world.

little off topic here, but I thought industrial revolution did indeed got mostly started in the UK through certain improved agricultural processes and the invention of the vapour engine... was it not?

(in any case yes I agree with what you said :) )
Unless you take a look at the earths history abroad, you'll never seem to have the right story...

Back to Obama -

Promise : He promised not to increase taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year...
Truth : A mandatory health insurance tax and the cap and trade energy tax are new taxes on those making less than $250,000

Obama Tax Increase
richierich_931 said:
Promise : He promised not to increase taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year...
Truth : A mandatory health insurance tax and the cap and trade energy tax are new taxes on those making less than $250,000

Anyone with 2/3ths of a brain knows that everyones taxes will have to go up to levels never seen before in the US to pay for all the debt we have accrued. Either that or the dollar will have to completely collapse and render all debts null and void.

Obama is just the latest in a line that started back with Ronald Regan, if not before of spending more than we make, essentially taxing future generations. We passed the tipping point probably back in 2000, where the time to act was. Since we did nothing to fix the problems, and in fact have made them far far worse since, there is little hope for any type of true recovery.

Letting the banks fail would have been a good place to start, but instead we gave billions to institutions "too big to fail" and now those institutions are even bigger, and not a single thing has been done to change the culture of corruption and greed that allowed them to nearly fail in the first place.

The shit is about to hit the fan, in a big big way...so I hope you are all prepared.
richierich_931 said:
Unless you take a look at the earths history abroad, you'll never seem to have the right story...

Back to Obama -

Promise : He promised not to increase taxes on those who make less than $250,000 a year...
Truth : A mandatory health insurance tax and the cap and trade energy tax are new taxes on those making less than $250,000

Obama Tax Increase
Ahh, I see. What you're referring to is something that Obama was not behind. It's kind of silly, but every time a democrat writes something on a post-it note anywhere near DC, suddenly their words are Obama's new plan to do something terrible.

Fines proposed for going without insurance
MSNBC said:
The latest proposal: a 10-year, $900-billion bipartisan compromise that Sen. Max Baucus, D-Mont., a moderate who heads the influential Finance Committee, was trying to broker. It would guarantee coverage for nearly all Americans, regardless of medical problems.

But the Baucus plan also includes the fines that Obama has rejected. In what appeared to be a sign of tension, White House spokesman Robert Gibbs pointedly noted that the administration had not received a copy of the plan before it leaked to lobbyists and news media Tuesday.

Baucus is a Blue Dog, and the Senate Finance Committee's bill is pretty much not going to have much to do with the final bill. It's more political posturing from the conservative Democrats / Republicans.

MSNBC said:
Just as auto coverage is now mandatory in nearly all states, Baucus would require that all Americans get health insurance once the system is overhauled. Penalties for failing to do so would start at $750 a year for individuals and $1,500 for families. Households making more than three times the federal poverty level — about $66,000 for a family of four — would face the maximum fines. For families, it would be $3,800, and for individuals, $950.

It sickens me that while searching for this article, I saw pages of sites titled something like "Obama will tax your family $3800 for not buying his insurance." It's intellectually lazy at best, and a flat-out lie at worst.
polytrip said:
Many brittish people for instance, realy think that democracy, the western civilization and the industrial revolution are brittish inventions.:lol:
Umm no... they taught us that the Greeks started democracy, while they didn't teach us that anyone in particular started Western civilisation, but yes they did teach us that the industrial revolution started in the UK... because it actually did. Haha, did they teach you it started in Holland?! :lol: 😉
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