So I want to start off by saying I realize there are many who have the idea of "I am God" in the proper perspective. The thing is I have certainly noticed there are also many who put a very Egoistic spin on the Idea that Humans are Gods. I understand it can be a fine line. I don't think there is anything wrong with the Idea of knowing we are God.
I see God like a cake that has been cut into pieces. Although the cake is in however many pieces it is still also a whole cake. The one is the all.
I also don't think there is anything wrong with humans being independent and achieving spiritual progression on their own, take the stance that there is something WRONG with acquiring or wanting assistance from divine entities in order to achieve fuller states of awareness is in my opinion flawed. I believe that human beings are beings that have been designed specifically for symbiotic interaction with "other types" and "other frequencies" of life such as non-organic entities.
To want to go it alone and be your own god without any help from any other wiser entities is sort of a isolationistic perspective and a not very productive one at that.
Corpus collosum wrote:
I have always been under the impression that the use of the term Elohim ,as a plural, is akin to the use by personages of some standing, such as Royals, of "We" when referring to themselves
Thank you for replying to this thread, I believe that this is the common conception and the original reasoning behind the translation of the plural Elohim into a singular word "God".
Further analysis of passages in Genesis reveal more evidence that YHWH Elohim is a not a singular phenomena. To site an example there is this passage from Genesis that if taken in the context of a singular God it would imply that God was just talking to himself. Would an omnipotent-all knowing creator being have a practical need to carry on monologues with itself? I doubt it.
To me the folowing verse from Genesis makes more sense from the standpoint of YHWH elohim being a "group" not a singularity:
And YHWH Elohim (the Lord, God) said, "Now that the man has become like one of us, knowing good and bad, what if he should stretch out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever!"
So YHWH Elohim(the lord God) banished him from the garden of Eden to till the soil from which he was taken. He drove man out, and stationed east of the garden of Eden the cherubim and the fiery ever turning sword to guard the tree of life."
In my personal opinion meaningful and descriptive phrases such as Elohim, Abba, Adoni and YHWH that are all titles that represent different aspects of divinity have been purposely omitted from the bible in order to perpetuate general confusion on the issue.
If you will notice in the above verse from Genesis as well as all through the bible.... the rich descriptive term YHWH Elohim has been omitted and replaced with the vague, abstract and meaningless redundancy "the Lord God".
To shed further light on why I feel the way I do about this issue I will share the experiences that I had which led me to formulate this particular belief system...
I have under the influence of DMT and Ayahuasca had visitations from a particular Entity that has Identified as well as proved to me on a personally undeniable level that it was infact the one true God and sole creator of the infinite multiverse. This being was very human like in many ways, much more so that many of the other entities I have interacted with under the influence of DMT.
This being wears a veil and as I understand it no living man can look upon his full face.
These encounters were so profound there are not words for the description of such an encounter.....
However, the point I am making is that from my DMT experiences I observed that there is a singular being, who is very human-like, that is responsible for the creation of the multiverse and it's inhabitants.
According to my current understanding this being created everything that there is in order to experience the joy of creation. Creation in my opinion was created to receive all that the creator has to offer in terms of giving.
From what I have seen, the Creator being is the ultimate and perfect giver and receiver module. Sentient beings were created in this image in order to be themselves ideal receivers and givers and also to be receptacles of fragmentalized divinity.
I believe the Garden of Eden can be viewed as a allegorical representation of what a proper relationship with the creator can be like. It is my strong belief that by acknowledging the existence of the creator and "giving" him all that we have to offer by existing to our absolute fullest potential as aware beings that it is possible to transcend the illusion of "limitations" and by so doing allow yourself to exist in a perpetual hyper-state of being that has limitless potential for opportunity and sustenance and becomes literally "Eden"..
The popular misconception that exists says that God wants us to "worship" him. This is another example of the original meanings of scripture being lost in abstract language. For example no one could say for sure what it is to worship something. Worship is a term that could mean 100 things to 99 people and is essentially a meaningless confused description.
From my understanding what God wants from us is not for us to "worship" him or to "believe" in him like he is the tooth fairy or Santa Claus. God does not want us to bow down to him 20 times a day in order to prove our reverence nor does he require us to carry on wordy monologues directed at him. I believe from direct experience that God want one thing from us, he wants us to exist to our fullest potential.
God wants inner silence from us, in my opinion "prayer" and "worship" is intended to be nothing more than silence. Why does he want humans to exercise their ability to be inwardly silent???
Because inner silence is the pathway to unadulterated existence.
Once you are able to control your thought you can then allow yourself to simply exist. This action in turn causes a human being to be progressively and increasingly aware of creation.
To summarize I believe the reason god the creator want a relationship with humans is not only because he himself has human qualities and desires interaction with his greatest achievement, humans. The creator also desires interaction with his creation in order to perpetuate the reciprocal symbiosis of giving and receiving. This establishes a connection between Creator and Creation allowing the circuit to then be completed. Once the circuit is completed Eden is allowed to manifest and absolute plentitude becomes reality in every single way. ------
As far as the idea of God being a jealous god. This issue is one that commonly comes up so I would like to briefly address it.
YHWH said "though shalt have no other God's before me". This is true he did indeed say that and he does definitely feel this way but it's not for the reasons many people believe.
Imagine it from the standpoint of a Parental figure. Think of humans as children. If you had a toddler aged child and you noticed one day that your child had a tendency to strike up conversations with random stranger on the street when ever the opportunity presented itself and in fact some of these "strangers" are unsavory looking characters...
Imagine for a moment what would your reaction be? Would you be upset because you are Jealous that the child is giving attention to someone else? Or would you be more upset because your child is unwittingly exposing themselves to potentially dangerous circumstances...?
Out of concern for the child's general safety the child would be FIRMLY and STERNLY told do not ever talk to strangers. The child of course does not understand all the reasoning behind this decree but the parent is clearly aware of the danger involved. By the same token most parents would not want their children looked after by other people who may have belief systems that sharply contrast with your own.
In some cases a parent is put in a position where they have to be direct and firm with the child for the sake of the child's own safety.
So my point is that God is a jealous God not because he is a selfish god. God is jealous because of his great love, with love comes protectiveness.
It is because YHWH is aware of the energetic dangers involved with following other God's.
I want to thank everyone for their thoughtful contributions to this thread thus far and allowing me the opportunity to communicate my belief system to you all for you individual considerations. I greatly appreciate you all for reading my threads