Hyperspace Fool said:
Sinking into that void is a very speedy route towards extremely cosmic oneness feelings IMO. I must say, though, that even in these void darkness states, eventually light of some sort comes in. Often it is an intensive flood of mind light... mine, the universe's... probably mine most of the time, as it is stronger the more I raise my vibration and feed my brain with nootropics and neurotransmitters etc. When it is the universal light, though, it is not all that different to the light you find in the white out.
Light is seen as always conquering the darkness because even the smallest light can completely erase the darkness. No amount of darkness can erase light because darkness is nothing but the relative absence of light.
joedirt said:
Is light that wich comes from sources of photonic illumination?
Or is light that which we see with closed eye's in a dream or on psychedelics?
Is darkness the absence of light or is light the absence of dark? It's not really possible to say which came first, because without the concept of light there can be no concept of dark and without a concept of dark there can be no concept of light.
Perhaps there is no light and no darkness, but only perception?
And perhaps without perception there is nothing.
Yes, now we are getting to the nitty gritty of what we mean spiritually, as humanoid beings, when we speak of
The Light. Most scriptures use the words akin to
"effulgence" to describe the nature of the Sacred. A bright idea at that!
The Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten saw the Divine as existing within a chariot of living light, as the material manifestation of the sun, the brilliant center of our relative solar system. I believe he and his priesthood knew all too well that
"the light of Aten" existed within an alternate dimensional plane but... they saw physical light as the mirrored refraction of the Deity's nature and sought to worship those characteristics akin to the indwelling light, the light of infinity.
whiteout experience... this can instantly shatter our attachment to our habitual mental fixations and dissolve our very boundaries and parameters of self. Much as when Moses fell before the overwhelming intensity of the Burning Bush. Allegorically and practically, the flame of
"truth" burns the illusion of the dreamer into ashes (a truth which transcends duality and trinities).
The same can be said for Parsi/Zoroastrian cosmology and the earliest Indian Rig Vedas. I am certain that they didn't really think that material fire was literally the Supreme God, for they knew from their own transcendental experiences that the
LIGHT is the conscious gateway into the state of Holiness (wholly I am-ness).
These mystical states of mind to no-mind, whereby one sees blinding white light within one's own individual head, are wholly experiential, not conceptual or merely the imagined projection of ideological symbolism. Parabolic and symbolic codification of the concept of effulgence, is surely not all there is to such heightened levels and altered states. Seeing is believing, eh? Seeing the light, as a direct reality, must be lived to be of any validity for us on our journey. Concepts are just symbolic gestures, vainly grasping at labeling such luminescence. Although, they are very groovy symbols, IME.
Obviously, physical light is seen by our external visual receptors and channeled through our optic nerves, as this impression is transferred to the brain. We effectively utilize another visual orb of perception to see the internal effulgence. So too, the illumination is literally seen by the fully activated Ajna, our third eye (our mind's eye). As an optical portal of sorts, we can access into higher realms via this gate. This mirror of the eternal.
So the characteristic of light bridges our rational attention into the expanse of the fully bloomed Sahasrara, the Thousand Petaled Lotus, the Crown of Self,
The Chrysanthemum. Or... perhaps as John Lennon described it,
"Look Into A Glass Onion". The Crested Crown Jewel of Creation. From all of my voyages, and all I can retain to report, is that from this shimmering level, our interconnection to the Grid is fully completed. This is what I am getting from all of your sublime thoughts, guys. Even the light is then lost, for without darkness it looses it's very definition. Another illusion?
And while within the material paradigm, light and darkness exist as polarities to one another, internally they are Uni-Omni-One unified fulcrum and synthesis. For the human process of merging within the manifestation of light, however, the soul surrenders the mental membrane which divides self and other. The ensuing euphoria is, from my own tiny vantage point, the sweetest ecstasy a soul can experience. Egoself abandoning it's subjectivity into the Omniself. Like a droplet of water merging into the expanse of the ocean, as they say in the Eastern allegories. Tat Tvam Asi. 'Tis an incomparable bliss!!! :thumb_up:
The dawning of the Inner light washes-away or fades-out any and all thought division, all lines of distinction. When all is light and darkness is naught... what is then is light? One assimilates the other to become the very same... that which is... what it is. That which exists beyond or within said duality. So, we might conceive that the light is more of a servant of God or a perhaps one of several masks the Sacred wears, to wake us out of spiritual slumber?
Inside of the spiraling depth of this Omniscient effulgence, exists a stillness light years beyond our limited cognitive belief systems (pun most admittedly intended), as mortal perception is relative to what it observes under the laws of polarity. Yahweh is wholly transcendent of form or substance, yet exudes light, even as it speaks the Word, thus it initiates quantum fluctuation. So it's very translucence and essence, is quite rightly called, by Tibetan Buddhists,
"The Clear Light of the Void".
Spiritually, we see this as well, hence the term
"enlightenment". Our direct contact with the Light and Word facilitates our interconnection and integration within the Grid, the energy contact of
The Unified Field, as it integrates self-reflection via the human soul.
In my own experiences with the internal light and sound current (Carrier Wave & Om), it is affirmatively not just a flood of photonic energy, nor the product of imagined visualization and/or expectation. Nor is the sound current just a buzzing in the ear canal. These phenomena are always experienced in conjunction with a profound shift in perception. Likewise a subtle activation of semi-dormant regions within the brain.
I feel that it is not at all, merely a case of the phenomena of material, external light being turned-on inside of the head of the conscious observer. If that were the case, sun bathing would be akin to Divine revelation. Not that it can't be. I always get really high when I am bathed by the sunshine. And true enough, Pharaoh Akhenaten felt it was part and parcel to direct union with Aten. But visit any public beach, lost amidst the oiling and pulsating clamor, and you know what I am getting at. It's not that simple, would that it were. Sigh...
And if the sound of a high oscillating ringing tone or a rumbling drone, where all it took to enter trance-state... listening to the humming reverberations of a simple tuning fork or focusing on a lawn mower's motorized whirring engine noise or even a chain saw, would equally do the trick. I speculate it is the source and internality of these sounds and visions, that give them power and their wholly mystical dimension. That being said, maybe tuning one's guitar and mowing the lawn are actually the 21st century manifestation of the old Zen ideals of chopping wood and carrying water? Whose to say.
It is perceived as a wholly internal illumination, right? It radiates from a wholly Sacred realm
within and beyond this one. It is all-loving and all-knowing awareness, unbound consciousness. It in effect, eats you alive and assimilates your singularity in perception. I feel that it is our own interior self, as raw energy, existent in it's most primary, naked state. It is all knowledge and all awareness fused in mortal experience. A Hyper-intelligence, and one which has an overwhelming Omnipresence about it.
In most classic cases of the
CLOV, this is accompanied by a profound spiritual knowledge being received from said,
"Inner Light". Perceptually, it is not the same as the self-dissolution one experiences within the inky blackness of the Void. For white-out experiences bring the individual attention to a place whereby the witness is burned in the flames of Omniscience and so, becomes reborn anew as the embodiment of the very light itself. Mind of light.
There is a palpable perceptual shift resultant, and the stunned watcher from behind our subjectivity, inter-phases within the core of the Uni-awareness of the central internal witness. This is an oppressive vacuum of sorts. A vortex of Hyper-awareness. A central hub of conscious-awareness which we all interconnect within, as we are surely but One entity dreaming we are many. This is what I mean by my repetitive proclamation about,
"The Awakening of the Omniself".
This supra-intelligent vibration of universal being finds itself incarnated as ourselves. Thus, saying
"I am God" is not even a case of the witness having any identity at all, for the personal drama of Mego the ego... is merely an illusory construct of my mind. When ego death stills the thought-process, Sacred knowledge is instantly remembered. So,
"I am that I am" is found to be oneself, as one's own truest being, as well as the truest self of all being and non-being.
Metaphysically, light itself is still the dichotomy of darkness, for knowledge brings the light into mind, and when the mind becomes one within the internal light, it awakens to
"enlightenment". Perhaps this is why Zarathustra kept preaching about the constant battle between Ahura Mazda and Ahriman. Light vs Darkness in an eternal struggle for dominance. This battle is really more of a dance, from my own limited understanding. Yin and Yang turning endlessly within the whole sphere, the entire perceptual field of existential reality, as is interpreted by the observer to the phenomenon.
As many brilliant points have underlined in this fine thread. That God, by necessity of reason, cannot be divided into light and darkness, for Brahman is wholly indivisible and most immanent in all of creation, light or dark. Likewise, the Divine Zing is fully present in everything, while bound by no limitation of dimension, form or substance.
But for the seeker of the Light, what matters most if the shift in conscious-awareness accompanied by the direct contact within the internal light. It dissolves our subjectivity and if we are willing to surrender our very self, embrace ego death voluntarily, a deeper awareness crosses over... our mind immerses itself into this immense plane of effulgence.
Samadhi-Sambodhi-Satori are words attempting to describe this luminous infusion of the I AM THAT I AM. But the light is not truly God. It is an aspect of the Divine and a subtle mask. I have found that the light is like an angelic presence. It connects us to a greater awareness. Much as the sound of the Carrier Wave lifts our spirits. Or as the universal rumbling tone of the Aum vibration does. The living Word. These
"angels" call us beyond ourselves and awaken our remembrance of all that is Holy and Indivisible.
We are transported, become rapidly morphed and transformed by these aspects and attributes which emanate out of the Insubstantial, Eternal Godhead. I have found that said attributes and subtle characteristics, draw our attention away from ourselves as individual entities. It numbs our isolation by melting our barriers and our solidity as a consciousnesses. And so too, allows for the Grand Eclipsing of Jivatman within Paramatman.
Yet ironically, this smacks of paradox. Since one can not be an Egoself and awaken as The Omniself, at the very same moment. Or can one? I think not. But what if I stop thinking? Would that be the cosmic oxymoron at mischievous abandonment and play?
Neither can light exist with darkness on equal terms. One must fall into phases of nothingness upon contact, if they are constants. Or is it more of a mutual balancing act? Defining all of this we perceive, through counterpoint and shading... but leaving us confounded at the end of the game. It is what it is. We share the same friction of awareness. That's exactly why I refer to the high as the
"Grand Eclipsing". I might as easily said the words,
"spiritual alignment", it's more vague but far less melodramatic.
It is essentially a trance state. It is an illuminating epiphany, a peak experience. We all come down and spend the rest of our lives assimilating and integrating all of this Sacred, Omniversal knowledge. The Egoself is then realized as a transitory mask or a mirage we dream. Blooming realities beyond our known reality await our conscious-awareness to embrace such an inter-fusion into the Void... which is forever creating, sustaining and transcending duality. 8)