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I am psychedelic all the time, do many of you experience this?

Migrated topic.


infant in the infinite
After a period of macro and micro dosing on and off for a few months I found my reality getting more and more psychedelic. My partner (who is also psychedelic all the time) says perhaps its a series of decluttering your mind enough, clearing your psyche, and looking at life with less baggage, psychedelics really helped me load off a lot of baggage.

So basically now i have mild OEV and CEV all the time and if i smoke cannabis or consume mushrooms it amplifies incredibly, even microdoses, are now profound psychedelic experiences.

Do many of you experience this on a daily basis without the aid of psychoactive substances as well?
Sometimes during intense experiences. For me it is some sort of remembrance i think, a linking together of states with similar intensity. Does not bother me, really.
Bruce Damer has talked about his "endotripping" experiences beginning as a child and cultivating the ability to enter into a psychedelic state through concentration.

To me it feels like I can coax out visuals and fast-paced thought streams when I'm mentally excited. And especially just upon waking and before sleeping there is a loss of boundaries that mirrors the psychedelic state of merging with a greater whole.

I have not personally coaxed any states that looked exactly like a wide-awake, high dose of psilocybin, but the afterglow state can resemble places I have arrived at through other influences.
HPPD is just a human term for decluttering your mind i feel, haha, or at least i have got to look at it like that in order to keep me sanity ;)
eel said:
So basically now i have mild OEV and CEV all the time and if i smoke cannabis or consume mushrooms it amplifies incredibly, even microdoses, are now profound psychedelic experiences.

Do many of you experience this on a daily basis without the aid of psychoactive substances as well?

I'd be glad it's only mild and not severe, because that would become a major annoyance and distraction in your ability to function. Read some accounts of those with severe HPPD, it's not fun. I'd also reconsider the notion of decluttering - how does adding another layer to your perceptions amount to decluttering them? It's the other way around in my estimation.
Doesn't feel like a hinderance at all, its actually quite pleasant to have, i feel like it might get more psychedelic the deeper i go, i live in the perfect setting so i can fortunately be psychedelic all the time, i feel it could be unwanted if living in a high paced or stressful lifestyle but otherwise don't see many downsides :)
ive never hallucinated on psychedellics, the handful of times ive tried them. but ive never taken a megadose of anything, so that isnt saying much.

but I have always been prone to slipping into trance-like states at a moments notice, depending on my mood and the circumstances. you just kind of stop what youre doing and surrender to an amplified sense of time and place and melting of self-ness and the goosbumps crawl all over you for a few minutes. and then life goes back to normal. sometimes, sometimes, with a couple of tears rolling down my face.
Might be that the reason you are having these experiences is because you are still ungrounded. When we live in this reality is best that we are grounded, psychedelic experiences have a very ungrounding effect, and not taking on the mundane activities after a trip or journey, can leave you in the air thinking about your experience without integrating it. If your own setting in life allows you to be like this, props on you, I bet many psychonauts would like to at least be financially set and after that just explore their consciousness, inner world, spirituality, insert_cliche_word_here.

Being ungrounded means you are not grounded in your body, your heart, or the earth. You may be highly intellectual and your mind may take precedence over your body. You are most likely the type of person that does not take a balanced approach to life. Your diet is most likely devoid of blood, bone, and muscle building foods, you probably spend too much time worrying, and you may rely too much on an external power like God, Gods, Guides, Angels, or Spirit for answers; without checking back in with your body and heart for the answer that truly resonates with you. Using your eyes too much- looking at a computer screen or cell phone all day, going to bed after 11pm, worrying, analyzing, second guessing yourself. Too much work and not enough play/joy/laughter. Always daydreaming and not taking action. Not enough exercise, specifically weight lifting. Too much cardio can make you ungrounded. Not spending enough time outside amidst the green trees and warm sun. Eating too much pasta, bread, baked goods, white flour. Not eating meat and not eating enough root vegetables, dark leafy greens, and dark colored fruit

Most people that write about these from this POV are those into 'spiritual stuff'. Google grounded vs ungrounded spiritual, and read some signs and advice. Bare feet in the grass is very grounding, but it's just one part of the spectrum.


For the record, there is a known thing that for a period of time, cannabis use seems a bit different if used after a psychedelic experience. It is like psychedelics can open certain doors which you know well how to access when under the influence of cannabis. It does seem like almost tripping sometimes, but you'll get used to it or it will just fade as your weed tolerance raises.
I would say to take a break for a while until this no longer occurs.

HPPD isn't anything to play with and it isn't "Just opening your mind" it is dangerous and can be debilitating. Doesn't sound like you are there, but sounds like this may be a precursor.
Crystals said:
Might be that the reason you are having these experiences is because you are still ungrounded. When we live in this reality is best that we are grounded, psychedelic experiences have a very ungrounding effect, and not taking on the mundane activities after a trip or journey, can leave you in the air thinking about your experience without integrating it. If your own setting in life allows you to be like this, props on you, I bet many psychonauts would like to at least be financially set and after that just explore their consciousness, inner world, spirituality, insert_cliche_word_here.

Being ungrounded means you are not grounded in your body, your heart, or the earth. You may be highly intellectual and your mind may take precedence over your body. You are most likely the type of person that does not take a balanced approach to life. Your diet is most likely devoid of blood, bone, and muscle building foods, you probably spend too much time worrying, and you may rely too much on an external power like God, Gods, Guides, Angels, or Spirit for answers; without checking back in with your body and heart for the answer that truly resonates with you. Using your eyes too much- looking at a computer screen or cell phone all day, going to bed after 11pm, worrying, analyzing, second guessing yourself. Too much work and not enough play/joy/laughter. Always daydreaming and not taking action. Not enough exercise, specifically weight lifting. Too much cardio can make you ungrounded. Not spending enough time outside amidst the green trees and warm sun. Eating too much pasta, bread, baked goods, white flour. Not eating meat and not eating enough root vegetables, dark leafy greens, and dark colored fruit

Most people that write about these from this POV are those into 'spiritual stuff'. Google grounded vs ungrounded spiritual, and read some signs and advice. Bare feet in the grass is very grounding, but it's just one part of the spectrum

Wow great post. I had my first experience with DMT about a week ago and I felt very ungrounded afterward. Slight disillusionment and astonishment like everything was new. After some meditation and crystal work and time I began slowly reconnecting to my environment I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. After the initial breakthrough there was little visuals but the clear humming then crinkling of celephane or paper as I approached a white tunnel I felt myself be thrown back into my body. Anxious shaking and astounded after a couple minutes of just sitting there I felt as though my hard drive was wiped clean. I know I had a breakthrough and believe the white tunnel was the next level. just feels like it was so different from so called typical breakthroughs I’ve read about.
eel said:
...Do many of you experience this on a daily basis without the aid of psychoactive substances as well?


All the time.

When I started out on the meditation+psychedelic path 38 years ago, I would half-jokingly tell myself, "I am in search of the Eternal Buzz". It was kind of my motto and I was dead serious about it (shrugging off the often-raised eyebrows of friends who took my seriousness of these subjects as the behavior of a true lunatic).

However, I have reached my goal. I can die in peace. I am ready any time.

Peace be with us all.
I am curious: how does it feel otherwise than CEV/OEV, are you really in a psychedelic headspace all the time? Isn't it becoming tiring?

Do you think it will end if you stop consuming?

Edit: I will just add that I'd become worried if it was me. Because psychedelics unbalance mind chemistry, but then it gets back to baseline. So if you have your mind chemistry unbalanced and it's kinda permanent, aren't you sure you are on a way to mild insanity?
Exitwound said:
I am curious: how does it feel otherwise than CEV/OEV, are you really in a psychedelic headspace all the time? Isn't it becoming tiring?

Do you think it will end if you stop consuming?

Edit: I will just add that I'd become worried if it was me. Because psychedelics unbalance mind chemistry, but then it gets back to baseline. So if you have your mind chemistry unbalanced and it's kinda permanent, aren't you sure you are on a way to mild insanity?

Hard to explain but its like taking a your baseline and moving it up. Its like after you wake up from an amazing sleep but constantly. Its honestly really relaxing. Insanity is measured by how you act compared to "normal" people I guess I've never quite acted like a normal person so maybe I was always insane. 😁 Not sure what you mean by psychedelic head space. I do know that if I were to think a lot in this state I would get migraines. So I guess I pay for it in that regard.
Sounds fun :)

By headspace I mean when your perception of surroundings and yourself changes from baseline and you view everything at a different angle. However if you are constantly in this state, one probably becomes used to it and it becomes a new normal, yes?
Doc Buxin said:
eel said:
...Do many of you experience this on a daily basis without the aid of psychoactive substances as well?


All the time.

When I started out on the meditation+psychedelic path 38 years ago, I would half-jokingly tell myself, "I am in search of the Eternal Buzz". It was kind of my motto and I was dead serious about it (shrugging off the often-raised eyebrows of friends who took my seriousness of these subjects as the behavior of a true lunatic).

However, I have reached my goal. I can die in peace. I am ready any time.

Peace be with us all.

I am so happy to hear that and happy i got your response! Got a bit of confirmation, I love living in psychedelia and it has been a goal of mine as well, i know there are still plenty of things for me to work through as i am still quite young but feel I'm on the right track :) enjoy this beautiful existence Doc Buxin :)
Exitwound said:
Sounds fun :)

By headspace I mean when your perception of surroundings and yourself changes from baseline and you view everything at a different angle. However if you are constantly in this state, one probably becomes used to it and it becomes a new normal, yes?

Yes :) but i feel with more of a appreciation for life and being human, but i also feel I'm in control and i think "HPPD" is probably "bad" when people aren't in control
xss27 said:
eel said:
So basically now i have mild OEV and CEV all the time and if i smoke cannabis or consume mushrooms it amplifies incredibly, even microdoses, are now profound psychedelic experiences.

Do many of you experience this on a daily basis without the aid of psychoactive substances as well?

I'd be glad it's only mild and not severe, because that would become a major annoyance and distraction in your ability to function. Read some accounts of those with severe HPPD, it's not fun. I'd also reconsider the notion of decluttering - how does adding another layer to your perceptions amount to decluttering them? It's the other way around in my estimation.

I think the notion of decluttering is not far fetched, visuals for me are more noticing the intricate patterns that are already present in everyday reality. the more you declutter, the more you notice what is already intrinsic in this reality.
Exitwound said:
I am curious: how does it feel otherwise than CEV/OEV, are you really in a psychedelic headspace all the time? Isn't it becoming tiring?

Do you think it will end if you stop consuming?

Edit: I will just add that I'd become worried if it was me. Because psychedelics unbalance mind chemistry, but then it gets back to baseline. So if you have your mind chemistry unbalanced and it's kinda permanent, aren't you sure you are on a way to mild insanity?

To be honest it isn't tiring, as i feel like I'm in control, i also don't use psychedelics that often anymore, pretty much "sober" most of the time, it gets really intense if i meditate but just feel connected to what being human is meant to be... Me and my partner both experience this and if we are mildly insane and enjoying and appreciating being human and not causing any harm to anyone i don't see anything wrong with it :)
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