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I guess I should post this....

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hey everyone. I've been here for a while now, and don't really know what to post in this, so I'm just giving it a go.
I've been using entheogens for spiritual use for a couple years now. I really appreciate what it can do for me, but I find it hard to get myself to do what I need to do, to be who I need to be. I am hoping that by being an active part of the community I may find some sort of peace.

I am preparing for a changa experience, as I am being called back to the experience, since last year. What else do I add here?

I am looking to expand my entheogenic garden also. I am growing some acacia confusa right away, so I hope that goes well <3
I may just grow it via hydroponics just to get it to a fair size quickly, to see if the roots yield nicely still, this could be done outside even... What plants grow a fair amount of DMT in the foliage?
Glad to have ya on board. :thumb_up:

Please to keep us posted on your progression with your changa journey. It sounds like you have experience with it already? What are you doing to prepare for it? What intentions are you bringing to it? What are you hoping to gain from it? I find clarifying those aspects really helps me with getting the most benefit out of my own journeys.

Acacia acuminata has a very clean profile of around 1% DMT in the phylodes and is cold hardy even in northern climates. 8)

I haven't much experience with growing dmt containing things but I highly suggest you check out sharetheseeds if you haven't already... Some very cool stuff there on multiple fronts; a lot of it being information etc. you'd be hard pressed to find anywhere else..

If you haven't already started growing cacti , well, they say best to plant a seed today, and better to have planted 10 years ago (or something like that). Cacti are wicked fun to grow regardless of, erm, alkaloid profile and such...

Glad to have ya here; welcome... 😉
I have had maybe 5-6 "candyland" experiences in my lifetime, and they usually present me with messages that are very, positive to say the least to my development, or at least in how I have perceived them.
It's usually 6 months to a year apart every time.

I actually learned from Normans tek my first experience, but only recently realized that I should join the community. I'm not sure why, maybe I am yearning for a place to belong, or maybe I am just more settled in my mind, so I am looking to connect with people of similar mindsets.

I enjoy the community here, and I am finding that I am remembering my experiences more just by being a part of the community and actively thinking about my own development.

To prepare for it, I am trying to clean my house, and start planning on a more broad level to have authority over my family's schedule. ( binder for EVERYTHING!)
I am also trying to focus on my health more, I feel like my house is preventing that though with the mess... It's really too much.. I also find that I have low levels of energy. I am quite tired during writing this and I have been up for long enough to be awake...

I feel like until this is dealt with, I won't be ready. Maybe the binder is the solution, and I should just be patient, work on it, and breathe.
I feel the need to work on controlling my "ADHD hyperfocus" (closest description I can find to NEEDING to work hard on a single task until it is finished, and then focusing on another and neglecting some other important tasks)

My intentions for the next experience are to address the issues above that I can't deal with on a physical level. I find that candyland level experiences are very positive for development, almost a gift from God to prepare you for the higher levels. That's enough contemplation from me though. :)

I'd love to get my hands on some Acuminata, it's gonna take 30-60 days though xD Oh well. I'll have confusa to take care of in the mean time :)
Cacti will have to wait until I can find a gift, or for extra money to manifest itself :) It's about 30$ for a small bulb from what I have found on the market at the moment online..:/

I can legally posess Lophophora Williamsii here, so I am actually waiting to get on STS to see if anyone would be willing to share a gift. I have some Aloe pups starting to show also! :D Maybe gift those once they multiply:)
NN-TNT said:
planning on a more broad level to have authority over my family's schedule. ( binder for EVERYTHING!)
How does your family feel about this? If I tried it, I would probably be overthrown in a revolution by 2 teenage daughters...
Seeing as I am the Father of the family, it's met with a tad bit of resistance from the spouse. It's since been realized that planning would be quite useful instead of just winging it(lack of budgeting destroys families) it's been a bit easier. I wish I could get some help with the planning from the spouse though:/
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