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I may have put my foot in the water

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
(mind)Set: relaxed
(physical condition) Set: calm
Setting (location): on a chair, in a room.
time of day: (12 or 24 hour system, daylight? starlight? overcast?) heavy rain (been a long time since it has rained at all)
recent drug use: (list also any kind of medication) cannabis
last meal: (Time and type) 9pm. fast food

Gender: (m / f) m
body weight: (in kg pls) 136
known sensitivities:
history of use: (experienced, novice, first timer - in general and for this specific substance/form) very much a novice

Substance(s): (list all taken substances) spice
Dose(s): (in the same order as Substances pls, use metric system i.e. g/ mg/ µg) 20mg/25mg/15mg 28mg
Method of administration: (dissolved in water, capsuls, insufflated, vaporized...) vaporized

Administration time: T=0:00 (expand this if you used delayed administration for multiple substances or the same substance with multiple doses. Use indices.) 2:14pm-3:00pm 12:17am
Duration: (x hours) 10-12minutes each trip
First effects:
Peak: (estimate a time range and note as e.g. T=2:00-4:00 for a range of 2 hours beginning 2 hours after administration)
Come down:

Intensity (overall): (use HRS-like scale i.e. 0-4: 0 = "Not at all;" 1 = "Slightly;" 2 = "Moderately;" 3 = "Quite a bit;" 4 = "Extremely."Pleased. earlier in day 2. at night 4
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: (0-4) 4
Unplesantness: (0-4) 0
Visual Intensity: (0-4) earlier in day 2. later at night 3+

Hangover: (0-4 ; what type of impleasantness ; duration) 0, feel great the next day
Afterglow: (0-4 ; what type of positive effects ; duration) 2, between 10-20 minutes per dose

So it hasn't rained here in a very long time and yesterday i found myself alone and figured it was a perfect chance to get in some quality time. As a disclaimer I am very novice with Deems. And not a great writer. But I have been around the block for a while..... and am a bit of an explorer.

Now so far up to this point in my experience with spice, I've only slowly been getting shown one thing at a time. Or at least that's how I'm starting to feel about all this. The dose has to matter, but also there's been some kind of process to getting where I'm at now.

Until now I've primarily had CEV and some trippy OEV at night. It has went back and forth out of my control with what I get to see. Whenever the hallucination starts, I try to look around and gauge how much I'm tripping. And if OEV's start first i'll go with it. Otherwise I close my eyes and vice versa. And during the CEV's so far, the first time everything was hazy and seemed like i could only see out of my peripheral vision. after that it has slowly turned into i can see another world. but it's 2d, in motion, and looks like a painting with a bunch of triangles and in each one was a being gardening (at the time i was getting back into gardening and researching alot). And when it comes to OEVs the farthest I had come was seeing a straight strand come off my wall. And a sphere was sitting near my head. But nothing you can consider in "our world" of 3d.

But yesterday was different. It finally wasn't just 2d.

It began with some deep breathing with my eyes closed and just trying to relax. After a couple minutes, i vaped the 1st dose (20mg) deems and sat back in my computer chair like every other time. 2:14pm-2:23pm. I look down at my hands and it's kicking in. Things are vibrating but it's daytime so i close my eyes. Like always it goes dark, i see some back snake or worm like things that cross-weave into each other, then some kind of weird things part ways and open up to seeing kids running around. was confused as to who the kids were. as a parent, i knew they weren't mine but i kept asking myself whose kids they were. and before I knew it was talking to a woman.

I did not get to hear the words, or what we were talking about, but this was the first time I was looking at someone who was looking at me, and clearly we were talking.

The one thing I need to learn is how to question things, but not open my eyes! It's weird because everything is dark and then turns into some kind of vision. And then i get this view that whatever I'm seeing is near a light source. And I always open my eyes! =( I need to keep them closed. It's so weird to be looking into a world, seeing a light source, and you open your eyes. But you get the feeling that your eyes were already open and you opened them again......

So anyway I was able to see the woman and kids the whole trip. The afterglow felt great. I wanted to speak more to that woman.

It started to rain again.

2:33pm i load 25mg. I was not able to see any CEVs, it was literally like a black wall, not even the imagination was creating any visual. and i felt compelled to stand up and move around. Which is something I dont practice while on spice. So I stand up and it felt weird but good! No balancing issues. So go to my window, and i'm hunched over, and below me is succulent props in a dish, and other plants are within a foot or so of me. And I had a beautiful ride looking outside. The only thing that wasn't "tripping with me" were the cars driving by. Something tells me to smoalk some more. Vaped 15mg and had a rain session.

About half of my backyard was flooded. But not just in 1 spot, all over. And it looked like the grass was moss floating on water. Bouncing around freely. Growing. It was beautiful.

I wanted to go outside so bad! But I knew that wasn't safe. Once the afterglow wore off I grabbed my cannabis pipe and go outside. I stood in inches of rain, feet comfortably settled into the mud. And again had a beautiful ride just relaxing outside. Something felt right.

I have had some cuttings rooting that were telling me they wanted planted. So I did that.

Next was something I never could have guessed. it was 12:17am later that night. Begin to take the deep breaths/eyes closed. And I asked to be shown more about myself, more about the universe. I ask to be shown what makes me agry and to learn more about myself. I loaded 28mg and judging by the wisp of vape coming off the cup of my Quartz quest during heatup, we can call it 28mg + some residue. Which is my biggest dose to date.

Same as always, i restart the song fresh. Hit the button my ecig device. And begin the process. Well I can tell you I didn't vape it call because there is still some residue today. But wow........

This went 3d and fairly fast. It seemed very dark in the room and felt like things were with me. I looked down at my arms several times and wiped my head. I can tell you, I've never seen myself this distorted. Kept telling myself "It will be over soon, enjoy this". I was hearing sounds/voices. I look to my left into the dark, there was a helix type object that was twisted. It wasn't made of light. But rather particles. But not of any color.

I shit you not it felt like something was trying to teach me about darkness. This was not like other times. This was 3d/in our world. and right in front of me. It was very intense. I look at my tapestry to gauge what's happening..... No wavy colors this time, It was dark. I can't remember all of it but it was heavy. I again looked down at my arms, was extremely distorted. In some weird way, when I was looking at the object in the room with me it didn't seem so heavy. But there were moments I'd remember I was hallucinating, if that makes sense. My arms and stuff seemed so far away. But the object was right in front of me...... And the object was not distorted like I was.

After it dawned on me that I had not even tried to close my eyes once.

I was not scared. But I did not dose anymore after that.

It literally felt like the room went with me on the trip...
Enjoyed reading your report! "It literally felt like the room went with me on the trip...", on bigger doses, the rest of reality will follow suit 😁
HolySmoke said:
Enjoyed reading your report! "It literally felt like the room went with me on the trip...", on bigger doses, the rest of reality will follow suit 😁

Thanks. Hahahaha appreciate the heads up! 😁
Thanks for sharing, so interesting how everyone has a different experience.

Hopefully you can find out what that dark figure was trying to teach you about your anger...
Or perhaps the lesson is already learned and only needs remembering :thumb_up:

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