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Iboga disappearing from the wild in Gabon

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I regret to inform everyone that is has come to our attention that Tabernanthe iboga is now endangered in it's natural enviroment. Poachers are mostly to blame. It would seem that western greed has gotten to people and they have been improperly harvesting (or just ripping the whole tree out of the ground) as a way to make a quick buck.

If anyone lives in a tropical enviroment and would like to help there is a group willing to provide seeds to those who can help grow and restore it to the wild.

More info can be found here. Iboga Resurrection Institute Existence (I.R.I.E) - Ayahuasca Forums Which is where I read about this terrible info. Kambogahausca, the original poster, can be personally contacted via pm for more info.

We can not allow this great plant to be snuffed out of the wild by the groups that are poaching them. Let's ban together and save wild iboga.

Any help, support, or donations is greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your time.
This is basically exactly what someone who recently visited there told me. This seems to be a major problem. :(

Thanks for posting this thread, anyone who is interested in growing ethnobotanicals might want to take a stab at this one, it is one incredible and important medicine.

That, and not supporting vendors, is all we can do for now I think. If you want Iboga, go to Gabon, and grow some plants. This is what the world has come to.
I have been planning to grow iboga..just need to wait until I can afford the seeds..guess I wont be working with iboga though until I can grow out some seed..I am not supporting a market of endangered species.

I am surprised people were not all over this years ago like they have been with ayahuasca. Caapi is farmed in many places now and most of the stuff on the market comes from farms not the wild..I would have thought iboga would have been the same. It is sad.
What I find profoundly unfair about this is not only the global endangerment of iboga, but the fact the bwiti will have more trouble to gather their sacred medicine. It's yet another step in plundering Africa.

I just hope its status of "National Treasure" in Gabon will make their government act about this in some way.

The plant will not disappear once enough people around the world are harvesting it and doing their best in order to produce seed (which should be given to people who can be entrusted with it and grow themselves) but gabonese shamans do not have the same variety and richness of resources that peoples in the amazon have.

I guess it was bound to happen.
I really hope people stop buying iboga now and work with other similar plants like the tabernaemontana species and voacanga etc..work with these and grow iboga.
How long would it take to grow some iboga to able to harvest it?

I feel that i would like to do ibogain some day but i´m a long way from being ready for it, maybe if i start growing it soon it would be ready when i am aswell...
SHroomtroll said:
How long would it take to grow some iboga to able to harvest it?

I feel that i would like to do ibogain some day but i´m a long way from being ready for it, maybe if i start growing it soon it would be ready when i am aswell...

Start now.
Iboga is not prohibited here in Canada. I'm wondering what would be the ethical way of obtaining it. I have neither a greenhouse nor a green thumb. Head shops are probably not ideal, nor online shops. Maybe a list of "ethical (greenhouse) growers", would be useful.
Shayku said:
Iboga is not prohibited here in Canada. I'm wondering what would be the ethical way of obtaining it. I have neither a greenhouse nor a green thumb. Head shops are probably not ideal, nor online shops. Maybe a list of "ethical (greenhouse) growers", would be useful.

Iboga is very difficult to grow outside of it's natural enviroment and very difficult to grow in general, it truely is a challenge.

I will be sowing my seeds this week and I am hoping I can at least get 3 healthy plants out of a seed pod. I'll keep everyone updated.

I'm very glad to see everyone here so concerned about this medicine. (I knew you would but reinforcement is nice.)

It's going to take some work but this has to be done.

I've never even sampled iboga before but I know I will be ready when my plants mature. Ideally I'd like to keep one plant myself and whatever else I end up with I will clone the best I can and pass it around.

If anyone has any ideas for possible fund raisers (I know that is kinda out there for a fund raiser) please share.

Take care everyone. 8:)

Update: Here is Kambogahausca's email if you want to contact him directly. -email removed by mods, check post further down- He is willing to send seeds to the right people, in the right cilmate for free, email him.

Edit: I see he has posted below me.
Thank you all so much for your proactive attitudes!!! What we want to do is to spread as many seeds out as possible. I don't have a lot of money but I think that some retailers will be supportive of the cause. It would help if you are located in a tropical environment but of course if you can keep it warm and humid even inside will due. The organization that has spontaneously formed is called IRIE Iboga Resurrection Institute Existence. There are 2 main meanings out of this which are both interconnected. Let it be noted that where ever Iboga grows there is peace, let it also be noted that Irie means all is good and positive.

I am really impressed with the response here. In the long run the goal will be to re plant the Virgin Forests of Gabon which have been so ravaged by poachers. This is more of a long term goal because first we need well established plants to take cuttings off of and if at all possible tissue culture specimens. If we can get tissue culture down we will have a much greater chance of success in the transportation to re plant in Gabon.

I will be trying to get a website together and organizing as many folks as I can into some sort of e-mail group of some sort. It would be good if all the Iboga growers can communicate on the regular and if IRIE can have some sort of a way to keep track of where people are establishing Iboga havens. I would like to keep you all updated as I communicate with the Iboga Sustainability Program Manager of Gabon, Yann Guignon. His needs are quite a bit different what he wants is to establish private farms for the Bwiti.

I will be asking him if people want to donate where to send the money. But the goal of IRIE is a global movement and for global peace as I (we) feel that Iboga keeps peace where it is established in the earth. Will be looking especially for those in the Amazon but I have yet to inquire into the specifics on that on the Ayahuasca forum. Florida would be great in the US. Maybe other parts of the South as well, or the NW in a greenhouse would also be ideal. Humidity and warmth are imperative.

If you want seeds just let me know and I will put you on the reserve list. Jaime I already have you set for 50 seeds.

Thanks again,
I moved your post here, and removed the email. For security, we dont want people giving direct contact through the open forum. I hope you understand, you can always contact each other in private and use other more appropriate forums such as EEE

We rather nexians did not give or trade openly, even legal goods... So a member of the nexus has started that legal botanicals exchange/gift forum, EEE, and we encourage others joining there to use different nicknames than here so their identity is kept safe.

Best of luck with this project. As soon as im back to south america Ill definitely be looking into growing iboga.
Hey Kambogahausca, I'm a little afraid to say this but I live in Florida and should be able to provide these plants a good home. Iboga is illegal here, unfortunately, so I will have to keep my mouth shut locally, or I would go out and try to find more people in the area that would like to help.

If you live in an area where it is legal, I think a good idea would be to join a gardening club or something of that sort and let them know about iboga being destroyed in the wild. The more people we can recruit, the better.

Be well.
endlessness said:
I moved your post here, and removed the email. For security, we dont want people giving direct contact through the open forum. I hope you understand, you can always contact each other in private and use other more appropriate forums such as EEE

We rather nexians did not give or trade openly, even legal goods... So a member of the nexus has started that legal botanicals exchange/gift forum, EEE, and we encourage others joining there to use different nicknames than here so their identity is kept safe.

Best of luck with this project. As soon as im back to south america Ill definitely be looking into growing iboga.

My bad Endlessness, didn't mean any harm and should have known better. Was just trying to help with this.
No worries guys, I dont even think its really written in the attitude or elsewhere clear, maybe its hidden in some announcement post...

Again, best of luck with the project, its really appreciated that you guys care about sustainability of these plants!
Hey Dan,
Well it seems that Iboga is ok to grow as the company River's Source Botanicals sells the seeds and says that it is fine. They sell the seeds out of the US(New Mexico). They have had no problems. Do you have a portion of land to dedicate to Iboga? If so I would like to send you some seeds as soon as I can acquire them.
Kambogahuasca Panacea said:
Hey Dan,
Well it seems that Iboga is ok to grow as the company River's Source Botanicals sells the seeds and says that it is fine. They sell the seeds out of the US(New Mexico). They have had no problems. Do you have a portion of land to dedicate to Iboga? If so I would like to send you some seeds as soon as I can acquire them.

i actually just purchased some land and would be willing to dedicate a good portion to iboga. let's try to keep talk of trades/etc to pms.

Feel free to pm me.
Nice seeing you here Kambo!

Don't bother if you're not going to give them full attention and care.
The lazy man will let these die.

...one of a few.. :twisted:


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Nice to see you too my Tabernaemontana sibling.

If you are able to dedicate some more space or land to Iboga please pm me. Also if you are located somewhere tropical.

Thanks for those pics,
So cute!
Baby Tabernanthe
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