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/ignore in chat

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
OG Pioneer
Could we please have a /ignore option to cause whomever we /ignore to not see our posts and for us to not see theirs in the chat?

I would like to use this when people go on and on about CT. Rather than trying to convince them to stop I would just like to ignore them so I can enjoy a pleasant chat.
I don't know if I like the ignore suggestion as it kinda goes against the vibe of the Nexus.

I think a /warn command would be a bit better.

Something like if a user gets x amount of warnings from x amount of members within x amount of time then it either kicks them or silences them for a period of time to allow them time to reflect on their actions.

It should probably take into account the amount of active users in chat so that if the room isn't very full, it wouldn't take as many votes/warnings to get a user silenced.
Usually we have a mod on hand that takes care of these things. This was just a fluke moment when one wasn't around. They do a good job overall I don't think any new features are really necessary.

Although I'll admit I've wished for an iggy feature moar than a few times myself and I do support implementing one.
this is by far not the first time someone has been going on about ct or just plain trolling and there been no mod around.
Again, 100% agree. AND when the group without a mod finally got it to quiet a bit, the attacks became ugly and personal. I suspect women, even those happy using the word themselves, do not appreciate being addressed as cunt by men, just as African-Americans, even those who use the pejorative terms themselves do not appreciate being addressed as "n-word" by Caucasians.

/ignore does NOT have to be publicly viewable. No one needs to know who is ignoring them. Whomever user /ignore's - those comments just do not appear in the chat screen for that particular user only - not like there's a list - Pandora is Ignoring elru right now!

It got out of control fast today and stayed that way. Left a real sour taste in my mouth.

/ignore would be a very NEAT solution to a somewhat ongoing issue.
..first time i went in chat there was some nutter rambling on about the Tamil cause & ignoring all conversation (respect to tamils, not nutter)..
i don't fancy being called a c**t or a n*gg*r either! seems like the Chat harbours the last vestiges of the old-school Net (which i couldn't handle..)
(..pity, cause there's some lovely nexians i'd love to catch up with there...)
In defense of chat, it's generally a great place. It's just that on occasion one or more person will forget the rules or have a pissey day and it reflects in their interactions with the group. I am far from innocent on this front.

A lot of the time mods are actively present. Today that wasn't the case. For over an hour I also checked the Forum (about once every 20 mins so I could have missed one) and no mods were logged on. It was just bad luck.

Again, /ignore would fix a lot of minor problems. I suspect there are many who would love to use it with me, at times or even permanently.

Which brings me to: If we do progress to having /ignore, I honestly feel it should be time limited, like a "cool-down" period kind of thing. The emotions, topics and waves of hard science and insanity come hard and fast in chat, so a time limitation would allow the ignored person's voice to be heard again - maybe they have chilled and are now apologizing or back to being on topic and civil.

nen888 - please accept my personal invitation to join us more reasonable nutters in the chat. I know dreamoar042 would like to meet you and a bunch of the other regulars too.
please accept my personal invitation to join us more reasonable nutters in the chat.
:) ..why thank you Pandora (& dreamer042), would love to join you! (might have to be day or so, gotta attend to something..)
Actually, i was quite amused by the pro-tamil nutter, just found the whole thing bit bizarre (as is life), (& been called plenty of names!)
hi Sally, & Enoon who i met up with in there that time BTW:)
We don't need to ignore each other we just need to warn those who are stepping out of line, and if they choose not to we can temporarily kick them from the chat. I apologize I wasn't there to handle the situation but I was getting my much needed beauty sleep.
The point being made here and in chat was endorsed by yourself (perhaps unintentionally)

2:38:23 ‹Shakti› ive seen it happen like 100 times

Again, a temporary /ignore feature would solve a lot of very minor problems. I don't want you or any other mod to miss sleep, vacation, etc. time.

I can see the feature getting out of hand as everyone would just ignore those that they do not like instead of learning to be patient and accepting of other peoples' perspectives.

It is a very rare occurrence that there is not a moderator available when something like this happens. Once again, I apologize.
I'm not looking for apology. Not from you.

Again, I stress temporary, like a cool-down period. Distinctly time-limited. And, if you like, to guard against the user being the one who's pissey, etc., maybe put a session limit on number of times you can use /ignore. I imagine this stuff is ridiculously easy to program but that time is ridiculously difficult to come by.
I must say I am very surprised, depending when I sometimes spend a fair amount of time on chat, I have had conversations going on around me, but never so bad that I have wished for an ignore function.

Could this not be solved by using the attitude rules in the chat, enforcing them more rigidly or just logging off for a while if it really is that bad?
another possibility would be to make it easier to start additional chats by letting us use the /invite feature to select multiple people at once. so i could type "/invite Protopax, Mydriasis, GratefulDad, Enoon" and it would invite all of them instead of having to type out /invite for each of them individually.

this really would be useful even aside from when people are trolling in main chat. inviting people singly to chats is pretty tedious right now.
Ignoring is not a solution to the problem. Being accepting, and communicating with one another, and calling people out when they step out of line, however, is a viable solution.
or if the last mod in the chat is leaving, could they temporarily give someone else mod powers?
"Fun & Off Topic" doesn't seem to have much action. Why not, a "Welcome Area" chat - with "Hyperspace Tavern" for promoted members only.

This would conform to the preexisting structure of the forum and the new guys seem to be the ones causing trouble.
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