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In terms of uncomfortable body load

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I've only done psilocybin, dmt, lsd, and cannabis. To me the most uncomfortable and scariest body loads have happened either with cannabis alone or when smoking dmt together with cannabis, oh and with lsd and psilocybin I remember feeling uncomfortable as well, needing to stretch and do yoga to feel better.

In what order would you rank the psychedelics you've tried in terms of scariest (life threatening feel to it) body high?
One time I took 350mg mescaline HCL on the back of a lot of LSD on a hot day.

I was scared. Seriously worried that it might kill me. The vasoconstriction was beyond anything I'd ever experienced before.
really severe vasoconstriction from a combo of mesc and L? wow never heard of that happening before, most people say thats one of the best combinations around. never tried it myself though.

thankfully ive never had a disastrous body high where i thought i would die or anything like that from psychedelics but once on DXM I had a horrible body load that seriously had me freaking out for about 4 hours. felt like my whole body was in pain.
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