ok so swim is in the middle of the lazy man tek. swim just added his basified water....NaOH. my question about the lye is that its a plumbing thing...and they are granules...they are grey not im just curious of the purity the brand name is Insta-Flo odorless drain cleaner....says contains sodium thinking its all it contains cause when added whith water it started steamin quick. so thats what is soaking now is the mimosa bark and hopefully lye 2 hours i will mix the naptha and the fan dry to see if it works.....also im using about 1/4 of the mimosa it calls for in the tek so swim is ROUGHLY cutting everything by a question is that percise enough or does one need to be pretty dead on when doin it? ANY advice is appreciated....oh and another question when....i put out the final solution to dry can i put it on something ceramic or does it have to be glass? thank you