The future's uncertain and The End is always near.
This is my first time posting here in a while for a few reasons :
I've been having many psychedelic experiences, too many to integrate into words to share.
I just write poetry now because that is the closest thing I have to a proper communication medium.
I have a high sensitivity to all psychoactives.
Small doses of Cannabis sends me into full blown visionary states.
I'm naturally half here and half "there".
I often wonder how normal people view the world...
Anyways, one night I decided to nibble on a small amount of dried Psilocybe Cubensis. (0.2 grams)
Actually it was Thursday night. (2 nights ago)
The Full Moon was right outside my window, alligned with my body.
I closed my eyes and saw the "galactic hyper-mind" of Psilocybin.
The infinite Mycelial intelligence that spans across many galaxies and dimensions.
I encountered Terence Mckenna in this space.
I saw him overflowing with technicolor data and energy.
He was explaining to me how he acquired lifetimes of knowledge with the help of Psilocybin.
It was like a super mind/internetwork of souls/consciousnesses/intelligences.
The walls were covered with pulsing geometric fractals, very DMT-like.
My Kundalini/Qi/Spiritual energy rushed to my crown, and then transcended outside of my skull.
It went far beyond my "Crown Chakra" and my "Third Eye".
This picture is the best representation I can find to illustrate my experience.
I then perceived a rift beginning to open. Like two parallel vertical fractal walls of immense beauty opening up.
It was directly in line with all of my chakras.
I felt an incredible urgency to smoke DMT. I knew that if I were to take even a small hit, I would be catapulted into something far more intense than I could imagine.
It felt as though time was of the essence and something in the universe was alligning.
Of course I missed this crucial opportunity.
(Think of Luke Skywalker trying to drop the bomb into that vent in the Death Star.)
As the allignment passed, I saw dark thorns, vines, snakes, serpents, demons consume my vision and I felt tremendous pain throughout my body.
I remained calm and brushed it off.
That's all I can recall for now.
I drink coffee daily with Pure Cacao (a known MAOI), I also smoke Rustica Tobacco daily (contains MAOIs).
I consider myself to be a very spiritual person.
I feel as though my true home is not on this Earth and I will never be satisfied until I return to my infinite home.
I follow the cycles of the moon and I'm planning on trying a DMT-breakthrough tonight after taking some MDMA.
Anybody else have intense experiences on low-doses of psychedelics?
P.S. Psilocybin is my new best friend and I want to microdose it everyday.
I've been having many psychedelic experiences, too many to integrate into words to share.
I just write poetry now because that is the closest thing I have to a proper communication medium.
I have a high sensitivity to all psychoactives.
Small doses of Cannabis sends me into full blown visionary states.
I'm naturally half here and half "there".
I often wonder how normal people view the world...
Anyways, one night I decided to nibble on a small amount of dried Psilocybe Cubensis. (0.2 grams)
Actually it was Thursday night. (2 nights ago)
The Full Moon was right outside my window, alligned with my body.
I closed my eyes and saw the "galactic hyper-mind" of Psilocybin.
The infinite Mycelial intelligence that spans across many galaxies and dimensions.
I encountered Terence Mckenna in this space.
I saw him overflowing with technicolor data and energy.
He was explaining to me how he acquired lifetimes of knowledge with the help of Psilocybin.
It was like a super mind/internetwork of souls/consciousnesses/intelligences.
The walls were covered with pulsing geometric fractals, very DMT-like.
My Kundalini/Qi/Spiritual energy rushed to my crown, and then transcended outside of my skull.
It went far beyond my "Crown Chakra" and my "Third Eye".
This picture is the best representation I can find to illustrate my experience.

I then perceived a rift beginning to open. Like two parallel vertical fractal walls of immense beauty opening up.
It was directly in line with all of my chakras.
I felt an incredible urgency to smoke DMT. I knew that if I were to take even a small hit, I would be catapulted into something far more intense than I could imagine.
It felt as though time was of the essence and something in the universe was alligning.
Of course I missed this crucial opportunity.
(Think of Luke Skywalker trying to drop the bomb into that vent in the Death Star.)
As the allignment passed, I saw dark thorns, vines, snakes, serpents, demons consume my vision and I felt tremendous pain throughout my body.
I remained calm and brushed it off.
That's all I can recall for now.
I drink coffee daily with Pure Cacao (a known MAOI), I also smoke Rustica Tobacco daily (contains MAOIs).
I consider myself to be a very spiritual person.
I feel as though my true home is not on this Earth and I will never be satisfied until I return to my infinite home.
I follow the cycles of the moon and I'm planning on trying a DMT-breakthrough tonight after taking some MDMA.
Anybody else have intense experiences on low-doses of psychedelics?
P.S. Psilocybin is my new best friend and I want to microdose it everyday.