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Interacting with the entities.

Migrated topic.


Better than a thousand useless words is one useful
Hi everyone,

Gonna post here something I've been experiencing since my interactions with DMT.

Sooo a little background I'm by no means an expert in the realm of psychedelics, 28, smoked cannabis since my early 20's. Before my DMT experiments I dabbled with LSD, it was the cleanest you could get around here, so on my latest LSD experiment I took 4 tabs of LSD and tripped really pleasantly, reached some idealizations that might help me become a better person.

The next few days after that I started noticing that when I smoke cannabis and go to bed i could see some CEVs very faint in comparison to the whole experience with LSD, it went away around 2 weeks or so.

Soo fast foward to a few days after i smoked DMT for the last time this month,i smoked 100mg total: one 50 mg load and two 25mg, with the larger of the doses i saw a female entity made of light that danced for well over 12 minutes in my PC monitor screen, the screen was off and she danced in the darkness making light patterns move in the rest of the screen, this was my first open eyed visuals with DMT, it was my most amazing experience on the DMT realm (i will post a trip report about it another time).

Well it happened again, i can trip while on cannabis, its been going for a little over 2 weeks now. nothing as extreme but i can see some patterns emerge when i close my eyes and some humanoid looking entities, almost alien looking. i find it funny to morph them into dancing bears when they're mad dogging me. i see them reform into the original shape thru what looks like some static soo i morph them again (since i can do this to them im thinking it's all being created by my brain)

Soooo now lets jump to last night, I was messing around on my PC and found something about Holotropic breath work, tried it for a bit, got all sorts of dizzy and tingly, but wasnt that intrigued by it so I took a few rips from the bong and went to bed. So as expected since i just smoked weed i started seeing CEVs the usual stuff i had seen in the last 2 weeks, but this time there was something different a light started crossing my upper FOV, to the point it almost felt like a flashlight was being passed near my eyes, so I opened my eyes and this white energy or light or whatever it might be was still there, more faint but i could see it with my physical eyes, it starts moving in a circular fashion and i literally see a female shape form from it and started to dance to the music yet again, now im befuddled cause weed had never cause OEVs to manifest, only CEVs had happened thus far, i had light relaxing music playing and she started to dance to it, after 4 - 5 minutes go by, it all starts to fade and im left with my CEVs again, but now i could still see the female figure, like she was very close to my face and moving around me, I also had the most vivid dreams that night after i managed to go to sleep, i dreamt about someone I was mean to in the past and apologized to her in my dream i could feel as we hugged and had a long talk with her, when she accepted my appology it all faded away or i cant remember past this point, rarely do i get dreams that are so vivid or remember them for that matter.

i dunno what to make of this experience... is it a way for my brain to manifest my inner desires or is it really interaction with unknown entities from higher dimensions. I can honestly say that DMT has shifted my views of what reality might be... As Dennis Mckenna says reality itself is a hallucination created by our brain, for all i know he might be right.

Also its important to note that i only see this effects if i smoke cannabis, since it all started i've been rather attentive to it, and if im at my baseline i cant see anything other than reality
Sounds like fairly normal residual effects...though I'll admit I skimmed through some parts of the post.

I have only encountered an entity once on DMT, and rather than dancing for me it proceeded to remove my organs, tearing my corpse to shreds...

So I'm interested in that area, as it never happens to me...

entheogenic-gnosis said:
Sounds like fairly normal residual effects...though I'll admit I skimmed through some parts of the post.

I have only encountered an entity once on DMT, and rather than dancing for me it proceeded to remove my organs, tearing my corpse to shreds...

So I'm interested in that area, as it never happens to me...


Hello EG

That one sounds really intense, kinda like the shamans in the amazon and the "doctorcitos (little doctors)" I find solace in the fact that it only happens on cannabis and it has never been negative in nature. Dark and threatening looking? sure but not inherently evil.

But yeah for me it has always been like that every time i have managed to experiment with DMT i can see geometrical patterns but when i start looking around i usually manage to see entities, based on what i saw on previous trips its almost like the entities make the visual fields manifest, cause when i seem them I'm usually left in a sea of light or darkness depending on the nature of the entity, whether its light geometrical patterns or the halls of snarling predatory mouths it seems that there's a source for the visual patterns, and when they note that I'm there the visual fields get stronger and i cant see them anymore, only the geo patterns its almost like I'm not supposed to be there. Except with the green one from my other trip report, it felt like he deliberately showed himself to me, he did not look happy at all.

what I've noticed is that with lights on i can interact with different beings cause I've seen 4 beings composed purely of light, the DMT lady i described, she has danced twice for me now and 3 other ones that i cant really find words to describe, these looked almost alieny, one was a big headed gray alien but made of light it was the first one i saw the other 2 looked the same but with much smaller more proportionate head. the lighter beings looked surprised to see me, the images were very fleeting i could see them for a second or so before the visual field returned.

then with the lights off I saw the darker, somber beings, they showed themselves for a longer time 5 secs or so, if i didn't suck at drawing i could provide great detail of what i saw, guess i need to take some art classes or something hahaha.

Only one has resembled an actual human, a purple old man with a head dress kinda looked like an native American shaman, very serious, wise and had a strong presence, then i saw a guy with faces stuck together in a manner that allowed both half's to face opposite directions at the same time, depending on the emotion a half changed, at first it was sad but by the time i was close to losing the visual form of the entity i saw it grin, this half melted in purple tones like a candle that melts, the purple moved in constant motion, the other half looked white-grayish with deep black eyes, he had a cowl with a golden strip down the middle.

The rest were 4 robed figures standing next to each other, i saw them at a long distance, so all i could make out is that they were looking downwards had a robe and a cowl on, saw some patterns in the robes but were to distant to differentiate.

I think its interesting that you mention that entities rarely appear in your travels, when i compare my experiences with my friends its a completely different experience in that aspect, more along the lines of what you described, a friend saw himself standing on the edge of a steel beam of a building under construction, with deep blackness moving downwards all around him,it was trying to suck him down, he could feel a force trying to drag him and then he came back to his body, another friend saw as a dark hand pulled him into darkness, he says he was feeling that his body was disintegrating, then saw himself in a dark hall that started to swallow him whole like quicksand.
jma182 said:
entheogenic-gnosis said:
Sounds like fairly normal residual effects...though I'll admit I skimmed through some parts of the post.

I have only encountered an entity once on DMT, and rather than dancing for me it proceeded to remove my organs, tearing my corpse to shreds...

So I'm interested in that area, as it never happens to me...


Hello EG

That one sounds really intense, kinda like the shamans in the amazon and the "doctorcitos (little doctors)" I find solace in the fact that it only happens on cannabis and it has never been negative in nature. Dark and threatening looking? sure but not inherently evil.

But yeah for me it has always been like that every time i have managed to experiment with DMT i can see geometrical patterns but when i start looking around i usually manage to see entities, based on what i saw on previous trips its almost like the entities make the visual fields manifest, cause when i seem them I'm usually left in a sea of light or darkness depending on the nature of the entity, whether its light geometrical patterns or the halls of snarling predatory mouths it seems that there's a source for the visual patterns, and when they note that I'm there the visual fields get stronger and i cant see them anymore, only the geo patterns its almost like I'm not supposed to be there. Except with the green one from my other trip report, it felt like he deliberately showed himself to me, he did not look happy at all.

what I've noticed is that with lights on i can interact with different beings cause I've seen 4 beings composed purely of light, the DMT lady i described, she has danced twice for me now and 3 other ones that i cant really find words to describe, these looked almost alieny, one was a big headed gray alien but made of light it was the first one i saw the other 2 looked the same but with much smaller more proportionate head. the lighter beings looked surprised to see me, the images were very fleeting i could see them for a second or so before the visual field returned.

then with the lights off I saw the darker, somber beings, they showed themselves for a longer time 5 secs or so, if i didn't suck at drawing i could provide great detail of what i saw, guess i need to take some art classes or something hahaha.

Only one has resembled an actual human, a purple old man with a head dress kinda looked like an native American shaman, very serious, wise and had a strong presence, then i saw a guy with faces stuck together in a manner that allowed both half's to face opposite directions at the same time, depending on the emotion a half changed, at first it was sad but by the time i was close to losing the visual form of the entity i saw it grin, this half melted in purple tones like a candle that melts, the purple moved in constant motion, the other half looked white-grayish with deep black eyes, he had a cowl with a golden strip down the middle.

The rest were 4 robed figures standing next to each other, i saw them at a long distance, so all i could make out is that they were looking downwards had a robe and a cowl on, saw some patterns in the robes but were to distant to differentiate.

I think its interesting that you mention that entities rarely appear in your travels, when i compare my experiences with my friends its a completely different experience in that aspect, more along the lines of what you described, a friend saw himself standing on the edge of a steel beam of a building under construction, with deep blackness moving downwards all around him,it was trying to suck him down, he could feel a force trying to drag him and then he came back to his body, another friend saw as a dark hand pulled him into darkness, he says he was feeling that his body was disintegrating, then saw himself in a dark hall that started to swallow him whole like quicksand.

It's a field Which greatly interests me, and I appreciate all the information you provided. I guess I could consider some interactions as happening with an intelligence, but I feel the term "entity" is vastly overused and causes one to generate a specific image which often does not relate to the concept trying to be conveyed. As far as what most would consider an "entity", I would say my "shamanic initiation" was it.

I often relate my firstDMT encounter to "shamanic initiation"...

This is an old write up, I've posted it many times, and it's still far from complete, but I tried to cram in everything I could...

*note: the dose range in this report is highly inflated, there is no reason to ever dose this high*

the first time I used N,N-dimethyltryptamine I smoked 200mgs of translucent yellow crystals on top of a small amount of high-grade cannabis, I consumed it in a single inhalation. I held the hit in less than 5 seconds when the rush began, "I don't believe it!" I kept repeating in my head, "this is impossible".... my surroundings began to quiver and slither apart, faster than anything I had ever seen everything began moving away from everything else in a mash of brilliant color geometric form, and speed, before fully shattering the "reality" in my visual and mental field, it came on like a freight train, I remember thinking "oh fuck! Get this stuff out of me!" And frantically trying to exhale. It was pure terror, I thought "now you have done it! You killed yourself!" After brief mourning at the life I had just departed from I began to pay attention to the present, I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, the clouds felt like a domed ceiling, everything was wet, misty, cloudy and rainy, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death, just like sand slipping through finger cracks I tried to hold onto this all as my entire identity as a human was dissolved, I remembered my name, the earth, my family, who I was, being a human, and life, but like grabbing at smoke, it was futile, all of this slipped away and nearly faded entirely out of my memory, impossible to cling to all this, I had to let it go...I kept thinking "what the fuck was life?" ...I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, I began taking in panicked deep breaths, thinking that none of the oxygen was entering my system, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest! It proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful fractal-geometric object, morphing and color changing, at times it was metallic at other times it was a beautiful jewel, and all the while to look into it was to view endless geometric fractal patterns, moving, morphing, and changing color. The mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light, and the mantoid filled my body with them, billions of them, becoming small as atoms to construct the new insides of my mangled corpse, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected, my conscious-being (soul) was becoming reunited with the physical world ...then I felt as if I was being pushed head first through a thick gelatinous membrane, violent gesticulations of the membrane surrounding me were forcing me through this thing...I was being born...slowly I began to recognize my surroundings, my face still covered in tears, I looked up and saw the branches of a tree in the yard all slither in sinister fashion in from all directions to take place and solidify as the tree in the distance, the world began to slither back into place, most things moved in an elegant liquid serpentine slithering motion, or like the dancing movements of a flame, as the world constructed itself back into the familiar, so did my conscious state and memory, I was still disoriented, and fairly traumatized, I thought I had been gone for millennia, "how long was I gone I asked?"...."about 20 minutes" was the answer ....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just been through being born, I was still covered in tears...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me, and changed me in many significant ways, all for the better.

I encounter entities on salvia quite often, and on psilocybin at high dose, but "interaction" may be the wrong word, as I am often so disoriented and humbled in that situation that I'm only "along for the ride", and often if I try to react I'm chastised and told to just "go with it"... and "entity" may be the wrong word as well, because they are often not like anyone or anything you have ever met...

entheogenic-gnosis said:
It's a field Which greatly interests me, and I appreciate all the information you provided. I guess I could consider some interactions as happening with an intelligence, but I feel the term "entity" is vastly overused and causes one to generate a specific image which often does not relate to the concept trying to be conveyed. As far as what most would consider an "entity", I would say my "shamanic initiation" was it.

Sure bud no problem i rarely share these experiences online but the nexus has a different vibe to it so im gonna be posting quite a bit i think XD, im really intrested in the DMT realm, LSD is cool as a tool for therapy so i use it mostly for that, while DMT does that too its in a different manner, it doesnt give me the introspective high of lsd but it shows me that there's more to it than i thought, to me its becoming a tool for transcendental experiences that have shaken the foundations of what i considered to be an absolute truth about reality. So I'm thinking its the tool to help me become a better source of consciousness and overall a better person, its most therapeutic to me at least.

Also what are your thoughts on genetic memory?

Cause as far as my bloodline goes I'm a direct descendant of a shaman from the largest tribe that inhabited my country during the conquest by spain. So i dunno if it might have something to do with it, cause my great grand mother told me stories about him being a healer, working with plants as his main tool.

entheogenic-gnosis said:
I often relate my firstDMT encounter to "shamanic initiation"...

This is an old write up, I've posted it many times, and it's still far from complete, but I tried to cram in everything I could...

*note: the dose range in this report is highly inflated, there is no reason to ever dose this high*

the first time I used N,N-dimethyltryptamine I smoked 200mgs of translucent yellow crystals on top of a small amount of high-grade cannabis, I consumed it in a single inhalation. I held the hit in less than 5 seconds when the rush began, "I don't believe it!" I kept repeating in my head, "this is impossible".... my surroundings began to quiver and slither apart, faster than anything I had ever seen everything began moving away from everything else in a mash of brilliant color geometric form, and speed, before fully shattering the "reality" in my visual and mental field, it came on like a freight train, I remember thinking "oh fuck! Get this stuff out of me!" And frantically trying to exhale. It was pure terror, I thought "now you have done it! You killed yourself!" After brief mourning at the life I had just departed from I began to pay attention to the present, I remember feeling like I was at the bottom of a foggy mountain with dirt roads, the clouds felt like a domed ceiling, everything was wet, misty, cloudy and rainy, I was overcome with an intense feeling of panic and deja-vu, I felt like a lost child, everything I knew about who I was or my life or earth seemed like a distant dream, like I dissolved out of existence, I interpreted this as dying, I knew that I was dead, and I was emotionally overwhelmed while confronting the event of my death, just like sand slipping through finger cracks I tried to hold onto this all as my entire identity as a human was dissolved, I remembered my name, the earth, my family, who I was, being a human, and life, but like grabbing at smoke, it was futile, all of this slipped away and nearly faded entirely out of my memory, impossible to cling to all this, I had to let it go...I kept thinking "what the fuck was life?" ...I could not tell if I was breathing or not, I would take air in, but couldn't feel it, I began taking in panicked deep breaths, thinking that none of the oxygen was entering my system, then noticed a pain in my chest, a giant mantis like being had its claws in my chest! It proceeded to tear open my chest and stomach removing all my organs and insides, I was about to go into shock when I saw a bright green light flash over my shoulder, it nearly hit me, it then became a beautiful fractal-geometric object, morphing and color changing, at times it was metallic at other times it was a beautiful jewel, and all the while to look into it was to view endless geometric fractal patterns, moving, morphing, and changing color. The mantis then put this object in my torn up body, he began to make billions of these objects, each one unique and radiating beautiful colored light, and the mantoid filled my body with them, billions of them, becoming small as atoms to construct the new insides of my mangled corpse, then I was sealed up and propelled into an orange light where I was resurrected, my conscious-being (soul) was becoming reunited with the physical world ...then I felt as if I was being pushed head first through a thick gelatinous membrane, violent gesticulations of the membrane surrounding me were forcing me through this thing...I was being born...slowly I began to recognize my surroundings, my face still covered in tears, I looked up and saw the branches of a tree in the yard all slither in sinister fashion in from all directions to take place and solidify as the tree in the distance, the world began to slither back into place, most things moved in an elegant liquid serpentine slithering motion, or like the dancing movements of a flame, as the world constructed itself back into the familiar, so did my conscious state and memory, I was still disoriented, and fairly traumatized, I thought I had been gone for millennia, "how long was I gone I asked?"...."about 20 minutes" was the answer ....those who were there said in reality I curled up into a ball and began to cry for 20 minutes, I was wondering why my face was wet, because it felt like I had actually just been through being born, I was still covered in tears...any way the immense deep spiritual and psychological implications of this experience left me for ever transformed, reborn as a new person entirely, it was the single most meaningful thing that has ever happened to me, and changed me in many significant ways, all for the better.

I encounter entities on salvia quite often, and on psilocybin at high dose, but "interaction" may be the wrong word, as I am often so disoriented and humbled in that situation that I'm only "along for the ride", and often if I try to react I'm chastised and told to just "go with it"... and "entity" may be the wrong word as well, because they are often not like anyone or anything you have ever met...


Wooow this trip was so intense, i think in January I'm gonna smoke a bigger dose, cause I've never experienced anything like you describe, the feeling of being separated from your body must be one of the most intense experiences, also the insectoid nature of the being is really interesting, I've never seen insectoids in my travels.
when I've traveled my soul has never departed my body, i feel my body vibrate in the most pleasant way, but I'm well aware of reality, its like part of my consciousness remains in my body while the rest takes a ride in hyperspace, the only time i was fully in my body and tripping was with the dancing lady, my whole room vibrated just like my body, experiences like yours must take a long time to integrate.

Thank you for sharing your experience with me, it most definitely sounds like what the shamans describe the doctorcitos do to them in the ayahuasca sessions for learining, that's so interesting.

And i agree entities might not be the best description, tough there seems to be an intelligence behind it all, its all too new for me really i wish quantum physics provided more answers but all it does is make me ask more questions about it all, its a marvelous time to experiment psychedelics.

Hopefully by Jan I will be extracting my own xD.

Im glad I heard about DMT although it took me over 10 years since i found out about it to try it, i must say i believed all the fallacies of the propaganda in regards to psychedelics, podcasts were what made me go: "pff these high ass hippies like joe rogan are just talking crap, imma research this and find out the truth" and thus i reached a point were experimenting the substances by myself was the only viable road to take, im glad i started the research into the truth about these substances.

Terence and Dennis Mckenna really ignited the fires that were starting to form and now im getting in deep, have a few projects on the works and will be posting them here when they are executed, truly in 10 years i felt like i had not make much growth as a person, falling for the same old traps, reacting childishly and selfishly towards other, but since i started these experiments i've grown more in 2 months, I now see the triggers and try to be unfazed by them sometimes i wish i started sooner, but then again you gotta start when you feel its the time, learning to accept the truth about ourselves can sometimes be too difficult to bare, but these substances show another POV to handle the same situation or at least they forces me to stop lying to myself about what causes me to be unfulfilled.

Funny that you mention Shrooms cause thats whats im thinking will be my primary source for the exploration of myself and other realms, along with dmt freebase.

Salvia is one of most interesting substances used in shamanic ceremonies, prior to mushrooms it was believed that salvia was the sacrament for the mazatec indians, but i want to go in a more traditional manner, I've seen recordings of salvia ceremonies by shamans in Mexico, it seems to be much more manageable and nicer than a concentrate, hamilton's pharmacopeia shows a lot about it. i want to plant my own but it seems that the seeds are a rarity.
After my first DMT flash I dove into study, and found my experience was on par with traditional shamanic initiation...

*in reference to Siberian shamanic initiation*
Often these initiations by either another shaman or the spirits involved a traumatic visionary death and rebirth experience. Sometimes this included a journey to the underworld, meetings with deities and the would-be shaman’s body being dismembered and then put together again.
The actual initiation can be equally excruciating. Most initiations in most cultures involve a symbolic death and rebirth: the candidate 'dies' to his old identity and is reborn to a new one. Shamanic initiates often experience this resurrection in gruesome ways. When the rai (spirits) make a shaman in western australia, they take him to their home.
'There they cut him up and hang up his insides...his body is dead, but his soul remains there, and on the order of the rai to look steadily at the part hanging up, he recognizes [his organs]. His body is put over a hot earth-oven, with magic cooking stones in it, and covered with paper-bark. The perspiration streams down. The rai replace his insides and close up the flesh. He is told that he can henceforth travel in the air like a bird or under the ground like a goanna...
Stories of disembowelment, dismemberment, and reassembly ( usually with magic stones or crystals inserted into the shamans frame) are best understood in this light.

-Hidden Wisdom: A Guide to the Western Inner Traditions
By Richard Smoley, Jay Kinney; page
The initiation is understood as a process of death and rebirth: “first, torture at the hands of demons or spirits, who play the role of masters of initiation; second, ritual death, experienced by the patient as a descent to hill or an ascent to heaven; third, resurrection to a new mode of being – the mode of ‘consecrated man,’ that is, a man who can personally communicate with gods, demons and spirits. For initiatory death is always followed by a resurrection; that is, in terms of psychopathological experience, the crisis is resolved and the sickness cured. The shaman’s integration of a new personality is in large part dependent on his being cured

-Written by Mircea Eliade, the entry for Shamanism in vol. 19 of Man, Myth and Magic

As far as "shamanic lines" go, I think it may be genetic, the number of your 5HT2a/2c receptors is determined by genetics.

Shamans would also traditionally pick the most receptive to these types of experiences, and make them apprentices...so family lines are meaningless, though you may retain "shamanic genetics" regarding serotonin receptors by having shamans in your family.

Also, genetics are half the battle, an initiation is required, the shaman must face a life or death crisis in which he has the choice to either emerge reborn, or be destroyed.
This crisis is crucial, as McKenna states:
Terence McKenna — 'The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; he is a sick man who has healed himself
Back to the "shamanic crisis"
shamanic abilities are generally brought on by a personal crisis, such as illness or sudden shock. Where this is not naturally forthcoming, initiations designed to produce the effects of such a state are used to bring about re-birth as a shaman. The shaman sees through everything, dies and is reborn, suffers the pangs of the world, and sees into its darkest corners. The near-death of initiation is common to shamans the world over and a metaphor for their experiences. Afterwards, they are never the same; everything has changed for them. They have known total knowledge and, to a degree according to their skills and strengths, have permanent access to it from that moment on.
( -shamanism bible; Mathews )

However, ultimately "shaman" is a "personality type"

Part of the thing I found with hanging with shamans in various places and times is that once you get past the language barrier, what shamans are are simply curious people. Intellectuals of a certain type. In Australian aboriginal slang, a shaman is called a “clever fellow”. If someone says “I’m a clever fellow”, they mean, you know, I’m a shaman. Well, that’s all it is – it’s somebody who pays attention to how things actually work, and sort of transcends the culture by that means. It’s a weird paradox. It’s that the shamans, who are the keepers of the cultural values, are also necessarily the keepers of the secrets of the theatrics of the cultural values, and so they live their lives in the light of the knowledge that it all rests on showbiz. You know, everybody else is a true believer, but these are the image-makers, the people who actually pull the strings and control the evolution of the mythologies. And in a way, it’s a situation of alienation. -terence McKenna

shamans are are simply curious people. Intellectuals of a certain type. -TM

Shamanism is the only true religion, because it's not based on books, or dogma, or hierarchies, it's based on first hand experience of the divine.

Because it is not a religion as such, but rather a spiritual practice, shamanism cuts across all faiths and creeds, reaching the bedrock of ancestral memory. As a primal belief system that precedes religion, it has its own universal symbolism and cosmology, inhabited by beings, gods and spiritual allies that show manifestly similar characteristics though they appear in localized forms depending on their place of origin. -shamanism bible;Mathews

Shamanism is a school full of curious doubters who have had extreme experiance to guide their view...

Take the McKenna rap below:

Real mysteries, you don't have to believe. You don't have to have been initiated. You don't have to have your aura cleared, or your mantras in order. Real mysteries operate and you get to touch.

My favorite story in the Gospel is the story of Thomas the Doubter because, remember, he wasn't present when Christ came to the upper room the first time, after the Crucifixion. And so Thomas came a couple days later and the apostles said to him, "the master was here, he was here," and he said, 'you guys have been smoking too many of these little brown cigarettes from Lebanon, we saw him crucified!" Well, so then Christ came a second time and Thomas was present and he said, "unless I put my hand into the wound, I will not believe it." So Christ said to Thomas, "come forward, put your hand into my wound," and he did.

Now my interpretation for that Gospel story is that ALONE, of all the apostles, it was Thomas the Doubter who touched the resurrection body because he was the only one who had his shit together enough to DOUBT! And so if you doubt, they will actually let you put your hand in the wound; if you don't doubt, they will give you any kind of crap and send you happily on your way.

Doubting doesn't get rid of the real stuff, becuase the real stuff is REAL. You need a crap detector to get you past all the phony baloney because you know people have been working miracles in the marketplace for millennia - that's just part of what does on in the marketplace - shell games, levitation, rope tricks, regurgitation of objects, it's just ho-hum.

I would never believe it if I hadn’t seen it. There’s a wonderful story and I have no love for Christianity but I’ll tell a Christian story, this is what I got out of the Gospels. Christ appeared several times in the upper room after the crucifixion to the apostles. The first time he appeared, the apostle Thomas was not there. So then Thomas came after the visitation and they said, ‘the master was here, he was with us.’ And Thomas said – ‘pfft, bullshit!’ They said, ‘no, no – he was here.’ He said, ‘unless I put my hand into the wound, I will not believe it.’ So time passed and Christ came again to the upper room and Thomas was there among the other apostles. Christ said, ‘Thomas, come forward, put your hand into the wound.’ And he did. Now, the conclusion that I draw from this story is: alone of all human beings in human history, Thomas the doubter touched the incorporeal resurrected body of Christ. Only the doubter was allowed that privilege. For everybody else, the show…

I just take that absolutely seriously. I think that God, he/she/it, loves the doubter and prepares treasures in paradise for the doubter that eclipses anything. The method has worked for me and I have seen absolutely astonishing things. I’m sure many of you have too. I have seen things where I had perfect confidence that no human being had ever laid eyes on these places before and I’m sure you have too because that’s how big it is in there. The further in you go, the bigger it gets.

-terence McKenna

Like McKenna says:
So extreme experience is the necessary key...This is true in all forms of endeavour. If you want to understand the atom...you have to smash it. Sitting around looking at it, it will never yield its secrets. You have to smash that sucker to bits and then collect the pieces and then examine exactly how it all came apart in the same way and without you know going to far afield for the pun we must smash ordinary consciousness get smashed and then look at the pieces flying in all directions and say gee I didn't know minds could do that. -terence mckenna
it's about extreme experiance, keen intellect, healthy skepticism, and a way of understanding "how things work"

"My method, my style, has always been to be open-minded, to be critical, to be rational, but to seek the weird. And to seek it seriously. Now, if you seek the weird without a critical intelligence, it will find you faster than you can lock your apartment behind you! The number of squirrelly ideas on the market these days is truly alarming. I coined a phrase (I hope), "the balkanization of epistemology". This is what we're dealing with now. You understand what I mean? It means people can't tell shit from Shinola, but they wanna talk about it, a lot! This is a place where you have to bring to bear what are called razors, logical razors. One is: hypotheses should not be multiplied without necessity. Another is: equations should not be multiplied without necessity. Razors always seek what is called the principle of parsimony. In other words, keep it simple, stupid. The simplest explanation is always to be preferred first."
- Terence McKenna
and this is basically a shamanic means of proceeding....

The shaman is part of the age-old tradition of the Perennial Philosophy – the mystical teaching of unity of all things and all being. In the realm of magic everything is interrelated; nothing exists in isolation.… This level of consciousness, like a gigantic telephone exchange, affords access to all other realms of awareness. All mystical paths are agreed that such a way of experiencing requires a suspension of normal awareness and of rational thought by means of special techniques of mind training.


In the sphere of shamanism in the strict sense, the mystical experience is expressed in a … trance…. The shaman is pre-eminently an ecstatic. Now on the plane of primitive religions ecstasy signifies the soul’s flight to heaven, or its wanderings about the earth, or, finally, its descent to the subterranean world.


Shamans continually travel between the otherworld of dream and vision and the everyday world of waking consciousness. These two worlds are seen as comprising a single reality. This unified vision of one world with two dimensions stands in stark contrast to the increasingly prevalent view that the everyday world and the life we live is the only reality. Shamans keep open the ways between the worlds in order to maintain this unified vision, because it is the bedrock of all healing and connection with the infinite. No one and nothing is left out of this unity. -shamanism bible ; Mathews

In this thread I go into more organized detail.

However, like most in this area, it was my experience which drove me to my conclusions, and like most, it's hard for me to tolerate this type of thing from others
I have nothing but scorn for all weird ideas other than my own and the reason I tolerate my own weird ideas is basically because I’ve gone through -TM

This is so interesting i must say the shamans are indeed unique individuals, man what an intense feeling it must be, i can only wonder. shamans always seem to be respected and feared by their communities, it a long fascinating path you're walking, your input is so cool and appreciated, first person i've talked to that knows about shamans and the realms they can access. i will review your post as well, T Mack was really an unique character, thanks to him a lot of us got interested in this path.

Heres hoping that i got the stuff, i understand there are people that disregard this experiences as BS, me personally i think its really interesting, and wether the experiences can be explained or not in my short little account they feel very real, the repercussions are not ephemeral to me at least. your wariness is well founded in my experience most people i've met rarely care about the spiritual realm past what they were programmed to believe. they usually look at me weird when i engage in this subjects so i only do so with a select few nowdays.

also do you find it possible to show some skills without any training or initiation? cause when i was a kid i had some really weird dreams, some people i've told them to claim i lfet my body, for instance i was able to see myself lying in bed and i climbed some stairs like in one of those kid slides, so i was at the top looking down at my body in the bed and then i descended on the slide, and i could feel a void form in my stomach as i reached my body, then i went up the stairs again, and kept these going for a while, i was around 8-9. it was also around these times i got the most scary nightmares i've ever experienced, I saw myself at my grandparents house with all my family, i was playing tag with my cousins so for some reason i alaways ran towards the garage and stood there looking out, this was the point where a huge hole would appear beneath me and as i was falling i remember screaming in terror, and landing in darkness i could see the dirt around me but not past a few feet it felt like a tunnel, cant remember how it appeared but i was being chased by this huge monster, i remember running and crying in terror. usually my mother had to wake me up crying kicking and screaming, and it wasnt that easy to pull me out. i got so scared that i stopped doing what i used to trigger the slide dream, cause i didnt always got the slide,

i remember that when i could go down the slide i always repeated the idea about doing it within my head when i was going to sleep over and over, but on some occations the nightmares kicked in or nothing happened just regular dreams.

since i stopped dreaming like i did when i was a kid, i can rarely recall what i dream, and never have nightmares or weird dreams like i did in my younger years. usually its a very peaceful night of sleep.

nowdays after experimenting with dmt and specially after seeing the lady for the second time but this time on cannabis, i must admit that i left out a bit which im unsure what to make of it, at some point she stops dancing and i dunno if my brain is playing games on me but as i wondered what was going on, i asked her to help me become a better man and i see her move towards me and touch me and then i felt warm energy irradiate from my back and all my body when her hand moved i felt it too, makes me wonder what is happening why does weed allow me to see and now feel all of this.

now i've been having really vivid dreams, so much so that I can feel the people in them, i can read, have loquacious conversation, objects have substance in my dreams, it has happened twice this week, the one i posted earlier and yesterday i dreamt about my moms and grandma and felt so much love and hugs and stuff it was really nice.

my mother also has dreams where shes not in her body, she wakes up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and when she tries to open the door she see's her hand go straight thru it, then she looks back and boom there she is in her bed laying down, so she walks back to her body lay on top of herself and then open her eyes again, and now its back to this reality, she also dreams about flying over mountains and oceans quite frequently. and has had several dream in which she see's someone she cares about dying and it has happened that on several occasions that she was right, happened with my great grandmother most recently, last we had heard of her was a week before and she was doing fine then she dreamt about her dying, we receive the call that she's being moved to the hospital, my aunts fly back home to be with her and stuff, 1 week later she was gone. she was old sure, but had a lot of vitality in her it was surprising to see her go. my grandma has weird skills like that too, but doesn't like to talk about it, she's very religious.
jma182 said:
This is so interesting i must say the shamans are indeed unique individuals, man what an intense feeling it must be, i can only wonder. shamans always seem to be respected and feared by their communities, it a long fascinating path you're walking, your input is so cool and appreciated, first person i've talked to that knows about shamans and the realms they can access. i will review your post as well, T Mack was really an unique character, thanks to him a lot of us got interested in this path.

Heres hoping that i got the stuff, i understand there are people that disregard this experiences as BS, me personally i think its really interesting, and wether the experiences can be explained or not in my short little account they feel very real, the repercussions are not ephemeral to me at least. your wariness is well founded in my experience most people i've met rarely care about the spiritual realm past what they were programmed to believe. they usually look at me weird when i engage in this subjects so i only do so with a select few nowdays.

also do you find it possible to show some skills without any training or initiation? cause when i was a kid i had some really weird dreams, some people i've told them to claim i lfet my body, for instance i was able to see myself lying in bed and i climbed some stairs like in one of those kid slides, so i was at the top looking down at my body in the bed and then i descended on the slide, and i could feel a void form in my stomach as i reached my body, then i went up the stairs again, and kept these going for a while, i was around 8-9. it was also around these times i got the most scary nightmares i've ever experienced, I saw myself at my grandparents house with all my family, i was playing tag with my cousins so for some reason i alaways ran towards the garage and stood there looking out, this was the point where a huge hole would appear beneath me and as i was falling i remember screaming in terror, and landing in darkness i could see the dirt around me but not past a few feet it felt like a tunnel, cant remember how it appeared but i was being chased by this huge monster, i remember running and crying in terror. usually my mother had to wake me up crying kicking and screaming, and it wasnt that easy to pull me out. i got so scared that i stopped doing what i used to trigger the slide dream, cause i didnt always got the slide,

i remember that when i could go down the slide i always repeated the idea about doing it within my head when i was going to sleep over and over, but on some occations the nightmares kicked in or nothing happened just regular dreams.

since i stopped dreaming like i did when i was a kid, i can rarely recall what i dream, and never have nightmares or weird dreams like i did in my younger years. usually its a very peaceful night of sleep.

nowdays after experimenting with dmt and specially after seeing the lady for the second time but this time on cannabis, i must admit that i left out a bit which im unsure what to make of it, at some point she stops dancing and i dunno if my brain is playing games on me but as i wondered what was going on, i asked her to help me become a better man and i see her move towards me and touch me and then i felt warm energy irradiate from my back and all my body when her hand moved i felt it too, makes me wonder what is happening why does weed allow me to see and now feel all of this.

now i've been having really vivid dreams, so much so that I can feel the people in them, i can read, have loquacious conversation, objects have substance in my dreams, it has happened twice this week, the one i posted earlier and yesterday i dreamt about my moms and grandma and felt so much love and hugs and stuff it was really nice.

my mother also has dreams where shes not in her body, she wakes up in the middle of the night to use the restroom and when she tries to open the door she see's her hand go straight thru it, then she looks back and boom there she is in her bed laying down, so she walks back to her body lay on top of herself and then open her eyes again, and now its back to this reality, she also dreams about flying over mountains and oceans quite frequently. and has had several dream in which she see's someone she cares about dying and it has happened that on several occasions that she was right, happened with my great grandmother most recently, last we had heard of her was a week before and she was doing fine then she dreamt about her dying, we receive the call that she's being moved to the hospital, my aunts fly back home to be with her and stuff, 1 week later she was gone. she was old sure, but had a lot of vitality in her it was surprising to see her go. my grandma has weird skills like that too, but doesn't like to talk about it, she's very religious.

It's impossible to respond to these posts in any traditional sense, so I'll just start typing, and hopefully something useful results, I'll try to stay on topic, but again, I'm not sure it's possible to respond in any traditional manner...

Anybody can be a shaman, all you have to do is express your spirituality through shamanic techniques...people who get struck by lightening, or even people who have conquered deadly illness, make great shamans...

In my case, I was unable to believe in anything without empirical evidence, I thought spirituality was a delusion, I was not an atheist, as there's nit much proof the other way either, but that's the side I was leaning towards, then, out of pure curiosity, I smoked an overdose of DMT, and was thrown into a life or death crisis, and like "Thomas the doubter"* I ended up with "my finger in the wound of Christ"

My favorite story in the Gospel is the story of Thomas the Doubter because, remember, he wasn't present when Christ came to the upper room the first time, after the Crucifixion. And so Thomas came a couple days later and the apostles said to him, "the master was here, he was here," and he said, 'you guys have been smoking too many of these little brown cigarettes from Lebanon, we saw him crucified!" Well, so then Christ came a second time and Thomas was present and he said, "unless I put my hand into the wound, I will not believe it." So Christ said to Thomas, "come forward, put your hand into my wound," and he did.

Now my interpretation for that Gospel story is that ALONE, of all the apostles, it was Thomas the Doubter who touched the resurrection body because he was the only one who had his shit together enough to DOUBT! And so if you doubt, they will actually let you put your hand in the wound; if you don't doubt, they will give you any kind of crap and send you happily on your way. -terence McKenna

I was, and still am, a skeptic, a doubter, I will question everything 1 billion times over and I will demand proof, I demand empirical evidence, but I seek the unbelievable, again I'll quote McKenna, who was not the only person to say these things, most psychedelic explorers will say something similar, I just think McKenna said it best:

"My method, my style, has always been to be open-minded, to be critical, to be rational, but to seek the weird. And to seek it seriously. Now, if you seek the weird without a critical intelligence, it will find you faster than you can lock your apartment behind you! The number of squirrelly ideas on the market these days is truly alarming. I coined a phrase (I hope), "the balkanization of epistemology". This is what we're dealing with now. You understand what I mean? It means people can't tell shit from Shinola, but they wanna talk about it, a lot! This is a place where you have to bring to bear what are called razors, logical razors. One is: hypotheses should not be multiplied without necessity. Another is: equations should not be multiplied without necessity. Razors always seek what is called the principle of parsimony. In other words, keep it simple, stupid. The simplest explanation is always to be preferred first."
- Terence McKenna

About McKenna "saying it best" here's an example:

..I have taken DMT thousands of times. I never had two trips
that were the same. Mostly I had good trips—only a few were
unpleasant. But I figured out why; it was always a mistake in
preparation, set, or setting...


The world of DMT is incredibly vast. What DMT opens in us is so profound that it is impossible to truly express. I have been making, using, and initiating people into DMT use, for around 40 years. I was the one who first discovered that the free-base could be smoked. It has never ceased to amaze me, nor have I ever felt that one could fairly arrive at any hard and fast conclusions about what was happening during a DMT trip -Nick sand

Now we use some Terence McKenna quotes to say the exact same thing:

Any attempts to begin to describe the DMT experience is fraught with the immediate dangers of either over-simplification or a swift flight into metaphor since it is almost impossible to describe with words alone the fantastic swirling multi-faceted gateway visions that are only the beginning of the DMT experience. Intrepid travelers report that past these jeweled-gates can be found mechanical-Elves, Aliens, Egyptian Gods, temples, pyramids, and palaces of pulsating light, and some would say, the entire possible population of the Collective Unconsciousness. A magical place where the totality of phenomenal existence can be experienced in an often terrifying transpersonal flash.

* No two DMT experiences are alike, and no two people should expect any similarity in their individual experiences. (Unless, in one of the many mysteries of the DMT zone, two experiences are indeed shared as One!) It is commonly said that DMT causes far many more questions than it does answers; for it is a flowerbed for all the mystery in the Universe. Mystery is an increasingly difficult thing to find in our Fact-or-Fiction society but the on-going mapping of this tryptamine accessed Inter-Zone may ultimately lead to the birth of powerful new spiritual metaphors for Mankind, and a new Mythology great enough to both resonate within us and encompass the incredible Universe we all occupy. So in this section, you will find collated here a number of DMT accounts as recounted by different psychonauts over the last 40 years, each one mapping out a small piece of this mysterious 8th continent of the Mind.

Metaphorically, DMT is like an intellectual black hole in that once one knows about it, it is very hard for others to understand what one is talking about. One cannot be heard. The more one is able to articulate what it is, the less others are able to understand. This is why I think people who attain enlightenment, if we may for a moment comap these two, are silent. They are silent because we cannot understand them. Why the phenomenon of tryptamine ecstasy has not been looked at by scientists, thrill seekers, or anyone else, I am not sure, but I recommend it to your attention.

~ Terence McKenna
And while I have nothing but respect for Mr. Sand, I prefer McKenna when it comes to eloquent articulation of abstract concepts.

I think like McKenna, it's more appropriate to call myself a "shamanologist" rather than an actual shaman.

Though I do play a shamanic role, I'm central to groups of individuals Which I want nothing to do with, and who equally want nothing to do with me...here's an example, when you see through ego and culture, those who have not imitate your choices, I will wear a style of clothing, and within a week everybody who saw me is wearing this same style, all the while I really have little interest one way or the other, because I know it's meaningless, yet I'm guiding culture in this sense...just like the shaman, this is a very small example, and there are many more. By pure coincidence I play a shamanic role...

he is loathed and respected, and feared and loved, because it is understood that he represents a dimension that nevertheless must be tolerated -TM

Even in traditional societies, the shaman is central to the social functioning, and the health, and so forth – but is never allowed to be physically central. There is a leader, a head man or something; the shaman lives off at the edge of the village, sometimes off in the woods; he is approached with fear and trembling; he is loathed and respected, and feared and loved, because it is understood that he represents a dimension that nevertheless must be tolerated, because it is the channel through which knowledge, and healing, and higher values, come. -terence mckenna

the shaman is socially marginal, politically marginal, lives at the edge of the village, and so forth and so on, and is feared by the people, because dealings with the shaman are always dealings about life and death. But then the shaman comes forward in this critical role, as go-between, as mediator, between the cultural mind and the real world, which is this potent set of forces and planetary cycles and meteorological events and diseases and, you know, fate; and the shaman mediates. In many languages, the word for shaman means “go-between”. So the cost of this, or the price of this, for the shaman himself, or herself, is a kind of alienation from the cultural values, and a kind of understanding that it’s a game that’s kept in play. -terence mckenna

ok, back to your post:
Heres hoping that i got the stuff, i understand there are people that disregard this experiences as BS, me personally i think its really interesting, and wether the experiences can be explained or not in my short little account they feel very real, the repercussions are not ephemeral to me at least. your wariness is well founded in my experience most people i've met rarely care about the spiritual realm past what they were programmed to believe. they usually look at me weird when i engage in this subjects so i only do so with a select few nowdays.

I always thought spirituality was delusional "BS", which may be why such extreme means were needed to change my mind, I still think most of it is pure nonsense, I only accept that which I can not deny due to my experience, again, I'll quote McKenna:

There are two impulses in the human psyche, at least two in this case. I just don’t resonate with believers in anything. I get insulting to Buddhists for God’s sake. It’s just something about their smugness and their whole bit, I just want to squash it. So you can imagine how I behave in the presence of scientologists and the rest of it. Belief is again, it’s a form of infantilism. There are no grounds for believing anything. -TM

And again, McKenna articulates an attitude towards these things in a manner which is fairly close to my own:
It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure it is telling the truth, because the demons are of many kinds: "Some are made of ions, some of mind; the ones of ketamine, you'll find, stutter often and are blind." The reaction to these voices is not to kneel in genuflection before a god, because then one will be like Dorothy in her first encounter with Oz. There is no dignity in the universe unless we meet these things on our feet, and that means having an I/Thou relationship. One say to the Other: "You say you are omniscient, omnipresent, or you say you are from Zeta Reticuli. You're long on talk, but what can you show me?" Magicians, people who invoke these things, have always understood that one must go into such encounters with one's wits about oneself.

you can't just believe or buy into the majority of what exists in the field of spirituality and religion, 95% of it is nonsense, but there is real mystery out there.

"My method, my style, has always been to be open-minded, to be critical, to be rational, but to seek the weird. And to seek it seriously. Now, if you seek the weird without a critical intelligence, it will find you faster than you can lock your apartment behind you! The number of squirrelly ideas on the market these days is truly alarming. I coined a phrase (I hope), "the balkanization of epistemology". This is what we're dealing with now. You understand what I mean? It means people can't tell shit from Shinola, but they wanna talk about it, a lot! This is a place where you have to bring to bear what are called razors, logical razors. One is: hypotheses should not be multiplied without necessity. Another is: equations should not be multiplied without necessity. Razors always seek what is called the principle of parsimony. In other words, keep it simple, stupid. The simplest explanation is always to be preferred first."
- Terence McKenna

jma182 said: also do you find it possible to show some skills without any training or initiation
Absolutely! I even see individuals like Albert Hoffman as being a shaman, even though he probably would have known little about, or cared little about, shamanism. Hoffman had mystical experiences since childhood, and inadvertently released entheogens back into the mind of western culture. Hoffman would not say "I'm a shaman" though it's clear that he was in every way.

jma182 said:nowdays after experimenting with dmt and specially after seeing the lady for the second time but this time on cannabis, i must admit that i left out a bit which im unsure what to make of it, at some point she stops dancing and i dunno if my brain is playing games on me but as i wondered what was going on, i asked her to help me become a better man and i see her move towards me and touch me and then i felt warm energy irradiate from my back and all my body when her hand moved i felt it too, makes me wonder what is happening why does weed allow me to see and now feel all of this.

I always distinguish seeing forms or beings, from actually having an "entity" experience. An entity experience will be similar to shamanic initiation, genuine mystical experience, certain types of abduction phenomena/contact phenomena, and so on....

Any way, I lost my thread on this topic and will return later...

Just because you have a nut theory, it doesn’t mean that you agree with other nut theories. In fact, it often makes you very hostile to them. After all there’s a limited pool there that we’re all… -terence McKenna

McKenna rap, essential mckenna
The terence McKenna rap which is accessible through the link under the quotation is essential McKenna in my opinion...

Just thought I would leave a link to it...

thats a great way to approach these experiences i agree, its a lot to ponder upon, while i do not subscribe to any of the religions of the world, i have had experiences in the past that made me think it was another realm past this one, i dont approach the experience as interaction with gods or the divine, they might be other travelers or beigns that dwell in other dimension, or constructs made by my mind, but thats what i've been thinking about lately, also the visuals are fading quickly after that experience, the alieny entities have gotten friendlier but i can barely visualize them, but as far as the lady goes she's always nice, when i asked for her help it was more like asking a close friend it felt rather intimate, i dont believe in worship of anything really, we all carve our own path, i can be thought a path or instructed in one, but in the end its every single persons call to decide what to do next. Theres more than one way to get to Rome. religions i see them as detrimental more than anything else, tools for mass control trough manipulation and fear mongering.

It is commonly said that DMT causes far many more questions than it does answers; for it is a flowerbed for all the mystery in the Universe. Mystery is an increasingly difficult thing to find in our Fact-or-Fiction society but the on-going mapping of this tryptamine accessed Inter-Zone may ultimately lead to the birth of powerful new spiritual metaphors for Mankind
boy is he right, LSD did not shake my bases much, but DMT dropped a nuke hahaha.

I always distinguish seeing forms or beings, from actually having an "entity" experience. An entity experience will be similar to shamanic initiation, genuine mystical experience, certain types of abduction phenomena/contact phenomena, and so on....

I will have to go deeper down the rabbit hole cause i haven't had an experience like yours, its what i've been wanting since i started with psychedelics i wanted total shock and awe, but hey this way im being shown its really cool too, cause its really pleasant, and i will get there eventually, but the fact that i felt so much that night is puzzling for me, out of all the beings i've encountered, only once have i felt a touch, and it wasnt even while on dmt:surprised , only one tried to do so before but a white light prevented it from reaching me.

Though I do play a shamanic role, I'm central to groups of individuals Which I want nothing to do with, and who equally want nothing to do with me...here's an example, when you see through ego and culture, those who have not imitate your choices, I will wear a style of clothing, and within a week everybody who saw me is wearing this same style, all the while I really have little interest one way or the other, because I know it's meaningless, yet I'm guiding culture in this sense...just like the shaman, this is a very small example, and there are many more. By pure coincidence I play a shamanic role...

As far as creating a following it seem to always happen fear or the unknown is a great motivator for these behaviors, i dunno if this part i like to be honest, but hey it all comes with the experience.

I really think that people need to think for themselves instead of finding someone to do it for them, which in my eyes is inherently what religions does to remain in power.

i make my research ask around for opinions and reach a conclusion, and if its wrong i will correct it when presented with new valid evidence, in these realms of the psychedelics i've barely started to pierce the veil, but i thank the fact that i found this community that has a lot of pros in these matters.
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