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My first experience with DMT entities


Lucid dreamer, clusterhead, and librarian
Tonight I met my first DMT entities by legitimate accident. I was having a cluster headache attack and decided to abort it by micro dosing. My machine was packed with an unknown amount of oxidized DMT. The goo had gone solid and was difficult to pull from the silicone vessel it had been in for almost a year. Almost a molten rubber consistency. Neither liquid nor solid but an almost non Newtonian fluid that refused to behave by common physics' rules.

I went outside and took a small hit. I had used this machine a few times since loading it and didn't expect much more than I had already been receiving from it the last few micro doses. But I was wrong. This time that small hit had me at the very edge before I could even exhale. Apparently I had gotten a LARGE dose. So I went inside and laid down. I chose to close my eyes because I was actively taking off and felt disoriented and this was when I met the insectoids.

When I closed my eyes a vibrant green circle appeared. I looked at it in confusion. A solitary BRIGHT and vibrant green ring in a sea of black seemed odd to me.. but as I observed it a little more a darker green line appeared to have grown from it. And then almost immediately I realized that it was a beautiful mantis . Green,yellow, and orange it sat still almost observing me observing it. A mutual confusion was obvious. But neither of us reacted. I was confused why it was there and it was clearly confused why I was there. After a few moments it looked away and I saw what appeared to be several other similair entities appear which also appeared to be watching me. At this point I realized that I could also look around which is when I looked up and saw this absolutely incomprehensibly large geometric fractal mantis face staring down at me. This one wasnt vibrant though, it was grayscale and the contours and colors of its face seemed ever changing. But this one didn't seem confused at all. On the contrary, it seemed almost to admire my presence. As if it were looking at a small ant in its path and choosing not to stomp on me.

This was when I heard "you look funny laying like that!". Someone had found me laying with my arms over my head with my face to the sky. And that was when I opened my eyes and lost sight. They were gone.

I've had one other entity meeting in the past on salvia which was a much deeper spiritual interaction but this one has left me feeling curious and intrigued. I've dabbled with DMT for about a year off and on and I've only seen landscapes or light fractals because I have a hard time tolerating deeper doses but tonight. By accident. I sent myself to hyperspace and I have this hunger to know... Who did I meet. Why were they so patient and accepting of me accidentally invading what felt like an intimate moment between parent and spawn.

Was the larger one royalty? Was it an elder? Was it a mother and offspring? I dont know. None of it makes sense. Mantis are solitary, usually hatching and soending their whole lives alone until they mate when the female eats the male . It just doesnt make sense. These guys were socializing. The first one looked at the others as if to say " I'm not the only one seeing this thing right?"

But it's got me questioning my ethics.

Every fall and winter we have an absolute plague of ants on our property. They get into every single room. Not even the showers are safe. They're everywhere. Usually I flood the colonies out and douce them in boiling water or make them frenzy and hit them with a large torch blast to euthanize them as quickly and humanely as I can. They become a health hazard at some point getting into legitimately everyting from the kettle to the petri dishes. But this experience has me wondering if there's a better alternative out there... What if that large insectoid decided to show me what it is I do to these ants. What if it decided I looked like a tasty treat. Maybe I'm overthinking this.. or maybe I haven't thought about it enough....

What I can say for sure is that I never expected to meet an insectoid, let alone and entire group of them. I know I probably shouldn't out too much thought into this. I'll probably never see that exact same group of entities again and I didn't feel some sense of spiritual gain or communication per se. But I'm glad to have met them by accident.

Thanks for reading this far.

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