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Intersecting Parallel Realities

Migrated topic.

Avatar Of Infinity

Bit by bit it's becoming easier to remember that I
I've had tumbling around in my mind for a while the idea that if there are in fact more than three spacial dimensions and we are just unable to perceive them due to the limits of our bodies that it is entirely possible to hit an intersection point where the same present moment is actually the intersection of two (or more) different pasts...

And this has led me to wonder if the often reported difficulties with eyewitness testimony may, at times, be the result of people from "parallel" realities intersecting in a given time stream and then people doing their damndest to figure our which reality they're in. =)

I also wonder if the delusional experiences that people have on psychedelics (Datura in particular comes to mind based on my reading) may in fact be that their consciousness is operating more or less normally in multiple parallel dimensions simultaneously... Or maybe somehow bouncing between parallel realities. If, as some have hypothesized, every choice creates a different branching parallel reality then it stands to reason that, for a while at least, those realities are "closer" together in whatever higher dimension the movement through different time streams exists; and, if psychedelics do in fact grant access to higher dimensional perception, than it's plausible.

To rephrase, perhaps it's possible to experience a party where a friend decided to show up and didn't decide to show up at the same time and to the people who are only conscious of the reality where the friend didn't show up it would appear that the one "hallucinating" was talking to thin air or a wall. If, hypothetically, that were the true nature of that experience and it's not just a hallucination, is there any way that anyone can think of to test that?
Avatar Of Infinity said:
is there any way that anyone can think of to test that?

Scientists are currently testing the concept of more than 4 dimensions (the 4th dimension being space-time) at CERN. Many scientists who I have spoken to who work on the gravitational project believe that one reason why gravity appears to be such a weak force (even though we feel it as a very strong one), might be because gravity is exerting its force on many, many dimensions... that is possibly why gravity is so difficult to detect here.

You might enjoy this article from CERN -- Extra dimensions, gravitons, and tiny black holes

Because gravity is so weak to our perception, it was only just discovered recently by LIGO. Until this year, gravity was only a theory. Gravitational Waves Detected 100 Years After Einstein's Prediction

If we better our understanding of gravity and if many more dimensions do exist... the theory is that it could be possible to send things to other dimensions using gravity!
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