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Intro; first break through.

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello, took and broke through for the first time with my partner not that long ago. The experience has changed us both in positive life changing ways. I am in my 20's and have come on here because I have so many questions, I feel so much more aware and sure of myself since then but as a result am left wanting. This is something Swim wrote the day after breaking through for the first time and I would like to share. :)
SWIM took DMT for the first time yesterday, hearing about it and doing a lot of research before hand, wanted to break through. Went to a really quiet beach and put the whole point in a bong, at first didn’t have enough to break through, but after going can understand the visuals that SWIM was seeing. It was as if 3d objects were becoming 2d and it was the physical world starting to break down. After the visuals stopped, probably 5 minutes, realised there was still more so tried again. Another hit and small visuals but wasn't enough but immediately tried again this time roaching really slowly, as soon as started to exhale the visuals came on so strong that SWIM just had enough time to realise he was going to break through before it happened. There SWIM was without any attachment to his physical self feeling completely timeless. This feeling can be best described as how Christians believe God feels or is. And without experiencing it it is impossible to comprehend because it is beyond anything we could ever feel. In this state I could see the universe, its written in a language unfamiliar to anything SWIM has ever seen yet it is so complex and intelligent. Its mathematical in nature and is like seeing the entire universe as a blueprint, at that state, unhindered by physical restrictions SWIM could understand the code and the sensation of that knowledge was overwhelming, it was there that SWIM realised what he was, he was a thought. Using the code SWIM could break himself down to nothing more than a thought yet so very much more than a thought in the universe. SWIM saw that he could then stop becoming a thought and would disappear as a physical and spiritual being all together. This got SWIM stuck in a strange hole where he wasn’t sure of his physical existence anymore or what reality really was this part is very very hard to explain so will be left at that. SWIM realised he was real and on a DMT trip but wasn’t able to reconnect, so swim tried to talk and said, ‘stop, I want to stop.’ His friends heard him saying this and touched him that was enough for SWIM to reconnect to his physical being. Reconnecting was very strange after going so far, all of your senses are rebooting language too. That feeling is super cool coming from where you went and adjusting to your physical self. residual visuals lasted maybe 5 minutes then everything was fine just in a state of zen, also disbelief, as your mind is trying to process an infinite amount of experience that is normally beyond your understanding. SWIM has some background in philosophy and theology and as a result found the whole experience very enlightening. Even though SWIM understands his physical being as being real to him SWIM questions if it is the thought that is really real and our body’s just a personification of that made up of code. Which biologically that is what a body is yet being able to see and comprehend it is, wow!
Interesting, this sounded very reminiscent of becoming the coded information and morphing in to the matrix. Maybe you did it... 'morphiously'? eh? eh?

So you became a thought, then you tried to become nothing but you freaked out and then became a thought feedback loop questioning your own existence. Nice that your friends touched you to bring you back though.

This all sounded very dissociative, like salvia. You did not meet any entities or see any 4d machine like objects? Have you gone again since?

So your back ground in phil and theo makes you believe that your body is real but now DMT has made you feel like your thoughts might not be real? What happened to cogito ergo sum bro? Oh wait, I read it wrong... You think the body is not real but the thoughts are real, so it is a 'consciousness precedes essence' thang, ok, ok, cool bro... but is the thought itself also not constructed by the matrix code or is it doing the constructing of the code?

I have calculated the data you have provided me and I suggest a great belief system 4 u, k bro? It's called:


Congrats on your first journey, sounds like it was quite an experience. No need to swim here though, mate. 8)
So you became a thought, then you tried to become nothing but you freaked out and then became a thought feedback loop questioning your own existence.
Yes, that is what I believe happened, trying to comprehend it all though is difficult to say the least...

This all sounded very dissociative, like salvia. You did not meet any entities or see any 4d machine like objects? Have you gone again since?
I have never tried salvia before. No, I did not see any entities or machines and haven't gone since. I am waiting for a nice time to return because the whole experience was way more than I was expecting and took me completely by surprise. Hopefully I will be able to navigate hyperspace a little better next time :d

but is the thought itself also not constructed by the matrix code or is it doing the constructing of the code?
Coming out of the experience, my best understanding of it all is that our conscious was projecting our bodies and interpreting the code as we perceive the physical world. P.S thanks on the panpsychism reference:)
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