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Intro Post - Namaste Nexus Travelers!

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hi Nexus travelers!

I am an experienced OBE traveler who is very interested in endogenous production of spice. I spend a lot of my time these days researching the interplay of various neurotransmitters and hormones and such, have read all of Strassman's books, papers by Steven Barker, works by Joel Bakst, darkroom manuals by Mantak Chia and Ananda Bosman, Kriya manuals by famous yogis, etc.

Also spend a lot of time doing practices like Pranayama and Kechari Mudra and such which have given me decent visionary experiences while awake, and often lead to profound OBE adventures at night if done before sleep, in addition to taking various supplements prior to sleep.

SWIM has also potentially hypothetically had more direct though rare experiences... yet the primary interest is simply how all this stuff is created naturally in the human body.

In any case, this site comes up a lot in my searches and I see great wisdom contained here, so looking forward to sharing what I know and learning from the digital sages here.

Namaste! 😁
Welcome to the Nexus!

You are not alone in your quest to find out where/how/why our bodies produce DMT...it is one of the biggest question that floats around this forum (and others). But it sounds like you have some great experience exploring realms not easily accessible...


But anyway, there is no need to swim here as the water is pretty shallow but besides that I think you will find this lovely place to your liking! Welcome aboard!


-The Grateful One-
Thanks The Grateful One and spacexplorer! Nice to get such a warm welcome and so soon!

I have already found a great paper about endogenous production in this thread:

This is the kind of stuff I geek out on, and this was news to me.

Also have spent a few hours researching due to the quiz, learning a lot as a result!

This place is quite special, honored to be here, thanks again! :thumb_up:
Intezam said:
Hmmmm, why SWIM when talking pranayama and perfectly legal endogenous DMT?

SWIM was referring to possible past experiences of more direct/modern means to experience the spice, as well as other powerful plant teachers.
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