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Introducing new member practical

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Hello all,

First off glad to have gotten myself an account here over the weekend.
Thanks for having me!
I've been doing research on the nexus off and on for several years, but more so over the last few weeks and wanted to join so I could post as well.

A little bit about me:
I have an ethnobotanical greenhouse attached to my bedroom 😁
I'm growing B. caapi, various trichocereus spp, aloe vera, lemon, bananas, ... more to come.
Ayahuasca changed my life a few times.
I've suffered from depression for as long as I can remember.
It's pretty messed up, but I have childhood memories that you wouldn't believe related to depression.
Somehow or another I heard about Terrance McKenna and listened to a lecture where he started talking about Ayahuasca.
He described how people will see sounds, and smell colors and that's when my research into Aya began.
My first trip on Aya was the most signifigant trip of my life!
It was absolutely beatiful and amazing and everything I hoped for and then some.
I lucid dreamed from the second I fell asleep until I woke up.
Afterglow lasted for two weeks!
I thought my depression was cured but would learn later that's not how chemical imbalances work.
Lately, I've been drinking caapi tea before bed to treat depression with good results.
Well, anyway, that's enough about me.

Glad to finally be a part of this community.
Welcome to the Nexus!

Aya is a beautiful thing and a powerful medicine and will teach you/me/us many things. It is good to see that Aya has been a blessing in your life. Depression is no joke, I've been there myself moderately and have known many people with more severe cases. It can really suck the joy out of everything, as you know. I'm glad to hear that caapi is helping, I myself prefer rue. Different strokes for different folks! :d

Anyway, here are a few threads you may find useful or interesting/relative:

Need advice... Considering ayahuasca for depression.
DMT for Depression - One time dose?

What has DMT/Ayahuasca done for you?

aya for depression

There are many more of course. Well, I hope you are able to find what you are seeking here at the Nexus. It truly is a great place to be. Have a stellar day!


-The Grateful One-
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