Proud Capricorn
Hello nexians! Firstly, I wanted to thank this forum. You guys are informative and I personally believe you play a large role in the paradigm shift of humanity that as been exponentially increased by the internet. I place you guys up there with spirit science,, ekhart tolle, infinite waters etc. (I'd list shroomery but they tend be less respectful of entheogenic use than I like, but that's all opinion nothing against them).
I turn 21 years old on Friday (December 25th). Rewind to age 16.... I was living in a gang infested neighborhood, got involved and influenced by said neighborhoods gang members, broke in a house with two other teens trying to impress them and went to juvenile detention for 4 months. I believed in loyalty and told on no one, while the other 2 teens wished they had more than 10 fingers to point. It was then that I decided negativity wasn't my purpose on earth. A few weeks prior to leaving the center, my older sister wrote me a letter stating that she had a spontaneous first shroom trip/psychedelic experience and it showed her alot. Little did I know....
Age 18 comes along, and I meet my current fiance. She actually lived behind me, for our entire lives but we never met. There was my house, alot of woods, and her house/neighborhood directly behind mine. We'd see each other all the time since childhood and at age 18 finally had the :how the fuck do I know you?!" Introduction in a store and have been together ever since. A few months later a friend who isn't the best of people invited us to buy some lucy he got and trip with him. My girlfriend had work and I was eager so I drove to his house to trip, and got in a wreck and totalled my car before turning into his neighborhood. Thank you universe!
A week later I got to trip with my girlfriend and a few friends/acquaintences and I realized everything happens for a reason. It was the strongest trip I've ever had on lucy, and I've atleast 100. We were told they were ridiculously strong tabs, about 300+ ug which we underestimated for our first trip but I can testify it was accurate. our old group of friends in our home town left to get food during the come up of our first psychedelic experience. They were inconsiderate when we asked if we'd be fine since it seemed to be getting strong, even for us experienced marijuana smokers and occasional mdma users and insisted we were overreacting. We didn't have a charger and called them and their car battery died, and our phone died minutes after hanging up the phone and beginning our peak. For the next 3 hours we had it forcefully embedded into our conscience that THOUGHT IS EVERYTHING. We were in an creepy trailer our friends just bought, they left and we had no phone and new it was too dark and we were tripping far too hard to even attempt leaving. Instead of going into panic, we led each other through it. If one person started thinking negative the other one could instantly tell telepathically and the other one of us one instantly say "don't even think about the circumstances, we're getting through this". And boy we did... we turned on a tv, our only source of communication with the outside world to the fear inducing news, which we turned off within 30 Seconds lol. I forget the story, but I remember having an overwhelming annoyance with how they condense all the fear and manipulation in the world into one media filled box...
Anyway, after encouraging each other this was meant for us to get through and not swirl into a deep horrific trip, we started having fun. Enjoyed mediation, yoga, took a warm shower tripping balls that metaphysically cleaned my chakras, got out and attempted sex and got lost in a sea of CEV'S and love. After a few hours our acquaintences return. We were tripping far too hard to make our utter disappointment in their judgement and sensitivity to such an experience verbal. We were in complete shock something could be so powerful, and even more in shock that they've tripped before and were fine leaving someone alone for the first time. I have NO DOUBT that with a trip that powerful for my first one, lasting 16 hours, that I would have had a horrible and overwhelming experience if it was anyone else but me and her as strange as that sounds... wouldn't have had it any other way. As soon as the trip was over I was forever grateful I didn't experience it without her like I planned... thank you car crash; farrrrrr less devastating than tripping on 300ug as my first psychedelic experience with anyone but my bestfriend/fiance. I couldn't have even shared that peak with family or my current group (s) of friends.
Welp that's the end. I wanted to make it clear I talk down on anyone. I don't resonate with the old people we hung but they were vital for growth and their growing as well, so it's all love; just from a distance haha! Hundreds of trips later (dmt, shrooms, lsd, lsa etc.) we moved to our dream state california, in a small commune with good friends.from age 18 to 21 in 2 days I went from being a wanna be thug to a vegan, yoga loving, altruistic, book loving, organic eating, constantly meditating person who is more proud of who he is becoming everyday. People see me in my harem pants and tye dye ranting on spirituality and refuse to believe me when I tell them where I was 3 years ago. I'm VERY against the common belief of those who think entheogens are cure all medicines that are required for enlightenment, BUT I do give my undying gratitude that when used for the right reasons and trips are analyzed they are amazing in assisting our path.
With this very brief introduction, I welcome myself to the nexus. And once again, I thank you in your role on earth, overzealous or not.
I turn 21 years old on Friday (December 25th). Rewind to age 16.... I was living in a gang infested neighborhood, got involved and influenced by said neighborhoods gang members, broke in a house with two other teens trying to impress them and went to juvenile detention for 4 months. I believed in loyalty and told on no one, while the other 2 teens wished they had more than 10 fingers to point. It was then that I decided negativity wasn't my purpose on earth. A few weeks prior to leaving the center, my older sister wrote me a letter stating that she had a spontaneous first shroom trip/psychedelic experience and it showed her alot. Little did I know....
Age 18 comes along, and I meet my current fiance. She actually lived behind me, for our entire lives but we never met. There was my house, alot of woods, and her house/neighborhood directly behind mine. We'd see each other all the time since childhood and at age 18 finally had the :how the fuck do I know you?!" Introduction in a store and have been together ever since. A few months later a friend who isn't the best of people invited us to buy some lucy he got and trip with him. My girlfriend had work and I was eager so I drove to his house to trip, and got in a wreck and totalled my car before turning into his neighborhood. Thank you universe!
A week later I got to trip with my girlfriend and a few friends/acquaintences and I realized everything happens for a reason. It was the strongest trip I've ever had on lucy, and I've atleast 100. We were told they were ridiculously strong tabs, about 300+ ug which we underestimated for our first trip but I can testify it was accurate. our old group of friends in our home town left to get food during the come up of our first psychedelic experience. They were inconsiderate when we asked if we'd be fine since it seemed to be getting strong, even for us experienced marijuana smokers and occasional mdma users and insisted we were overreacting. We didn't have a charger and called them and their car battery died, and our phone died minutes after hanging up the phone and beginning our peak. For the next 3 hours we had it forcefully embedded into our conscience that THOUGHT IS EVERYTHING. We were in an creepy trailer our friends just bought, they left and we had no phone and new it was too dark and we were tripping far too hard to even attempt leaving. Instead of going into panic, we led each other through it. If one person started thinking negative the other one could instantly tell telepathically and the other one of us one instantly say "don't even think about the circumstances, we're getting through this". And boy we did... we turned on a tv, our only source of communication with the outside world to the fear inducing news, which we turned off within 30 Seconds lol. I forget the story, but I remember having an overwhelming annoyance with how they condense all the fear and manipulation in the world into one media filled box...
Anyway, after encouraging each other this was meant for us to get through and not swirl into a deep horrific trip, we started having fun. Enjoyed mediation, yoga, took a warm shower tripping balls that metaphysically cleaned my chakras, got out and attempted sex and got lost in a sea of CEV'S and love. After a few hours our acquaintences return. We were tripping far too hard to make our utter disappointment in their judgement and sensitivity to such an experience verbal. We were in complete shock something could be so powerful, and even more in shock that they've tripped before and were fine leaving someone alone for the first time. I have NO DOUBT that with a trip that powerful for my first one, lasting 16 hours, that I would have had a horrible and overwhelming experience if it was anyone else but me and her as strange as that sounds... wouldn't have had it any other way. As soon as the trip was over I was forever grateful I didn't experience it without her like I planned... thank you car crash; farrrrrr less devastating than tripping on 300ug as my first psychedelic experience with anyone but my bestfriend/fiance. I couldn't have even shared that peak with family or my current group (s) of friends.
Welp that's the end. I wanted to make it clear I talk down on anyone. I don't resonate with the old people we hung but they were vital for growth and their growing as well, so it's all love; just from a distance haha! Hundreds of trips later (dmt, shrooms, lsd, lsa etc.) we moved to our dream state california, in a small commune with good friends.from age 18 to 21 in 2 days I went from being a wanna be thug to a vegan, yoga loving, altruistic, book loving, organic eating, constantly meditating person who is more proud of who he is becoming everyday. People see me in my harem pants and tye dye ranting on spirituality and refuse to believe me when I tell them where I was 3 years ago. I'm VERY against the common belief of those who think entheogens are cure all medicines that are required for enlightenment, BUT I do give my undying gratitude that when used for the right reasons and trips are analyzed they are amazing in assisting our path.
With this very brief introduction, I welcome myself to the nexus. And once again, I thank you in your role on earth, overzealous or not.