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Migrated topic.
A recent study showed that too much sex and masturbation between 20 and 30 is linked with and increased risk of prostate cancers...

DMT seems much less dangerous than masturbation :roll:

Ah well, what does NOT increase risk of cancers ?
Everyone needs to die at some point. I accept that. I'll keep my body as healthy as I can for as long as I can.

But sometimes if its really that worth it (like DMT), sometimes you just need to say fuck it, and do it. Because the mental benefit far succeeds anything that would be considered positive or negative to the human body.

Frankly, if DMT gave me cancer I'd probably keep using it.

As long as I die happy.
The only thing here that scares me, is you two going on about evil spirits and to be very careful with something which has shown me some strange & alien, yes, but beautiful and enlightening things.

The hyperspace which one is transported to (or "envoloped by" i feel is more accurate) is populated by highly evolved beings, because it exists at a level of consiousness much higher in frequency than our own. If you experience negative things happening there, it is probably because of your own actions.

No one is raping your soul; no one is trying to hurt you intentionally misleading you or otherwise. We are all god, and god is love.

The only thing you have to remember here is that the universe IS a mirror of yourself: if you are convinced DMT is evil, then it probably IS - for you. but not for me, and not for others.

so, please keep all of this fearmongering off (probably) my favourite forum.
I personally think it's important to hear from people with negative experiences with DMT. Then others can weigh up the pros and cons in order to make an informed decision. I especially like to hear what 'old hands' have to say, so I can make a judgement on whether or not smoking too much of this stuff sends SWIY doo-lally!

Without debate coming from the whole spectrum of individuals' experiences, Nexus would be merely a cult of brainwash. It is the spirit of sceptical, scientific enquiry and relatively open exchange (I say relatively because a thread I started on police brutality did get deleted once! ;) ) of ideas here that sets it apart from, say, the aya forums.

I am currently wondering whether people with mental problems are attracted to DMT, or on the other hand whether DMT causes mental problems. Because I would judge a lot of people on here to have 'mental problems'. Of course I'm being judgemental here, and I apologise if anyone is offended by this. Let me explain. Firstly, I am not disdainful of 'mental problems', we all have them, and SWIM himself used to suffer from depression, and still has things to improve about himself. I personally consider blind faith to be a mental problem (in the absence of healthy scepticism and open-mindedness), sometimes benign but potentially also a dangerous delusion. So when people here are adamant that the entities are real, I see that as potentially unhealthy. I would think the same about a fundamentalist Christian (or Muslim, Bhuddist etc) blindly following what their god 'tells' them to do, without question, to the detriment of the rest of society. Of course, blind faith can be benign, even beneficial, but still it is obviously unscientific and not a trait of my personal definition of 'self-actualisation'.
My friend is clearly feeling better with smoking once/twice a week than every days as he used to do a while ago.
There is something in the DMT experience that drain energy to a state where it's hard to fight against possible mental problems because of some lacking of that energy.
Maybe just a lack of serotonin... really don't know. But every days or every 2 days is not 'good', it's just a habit.
litrium said:
I doubt it is. I'm starting to see that this substance is not as safe as people make it out to be. People harp on that it is physically safe and for the most part it is but the from the spiritual side it is a much more complicated affair. I read recently that Terrence Mckenna tried to give DMT to the shamans in the amazon and they refused and Mckenna himself got brain cancer and not only that, alot of these Shamans have blindness and missing limbs and shit, it's pretty weird really. The shamans know their shit and they knew not to dabble in the astral THAT far especially without training. Alot of people idolize this Mckenna guy but I feel like he wasn't fully aware of what he was doing. Also theres a place that the shamans call the 'outer darkness', in a sense it's the dark side where the warlocks, twisted witches, dark aliens and other very bad juju resides and I NOW beleive that DMT can take you there and it's NOT FUCKING safe. I'm sick of everyone here saying this stuff is safe, it's NOT safe, why do you think Shamans stayed away from Mckenna's stash, they knew that it wasn't to be fucking trifled with! It's power and complete access to the depths of wherever and yeah do you really know what your barganing with? Did Mckenna? Hell no! Also all this insectoid, reptillian, alien vibe you sometimes get with this stuff just feels wrong, evil and fucked, even the occasional carnival atmosphere just feels damn wrong, like some kind of fucking satanic circus or some shit. It seems like DMT has an agenda and they flavour it with this sugar coated. cartoon niceness but undearneath theres some weirdass creepy magic going on, it's definetely a creepy scence, you know kinda like merry go round music but somethings off key. I'm not saying don't do this but be on your toes with this stuff, it's got fangs and it's not to be TRUSTED! What this shit really does to you on the astral level is anyones guess but all I have to say is your dicing with the devil with this stuff. Just be careful.

just goes to show that the old saying... " people fear what they dont understand" is sooooo true...
ohayoco said:
I am currently wondering whether people with mental problems are attracted to DMT, or on the other hand whether DMT causes mental problems. Because I would judge a lot of people on here to have 'mental problems'. Of course I'm being judgemental here, and I apologise if anyone is offended by this. Let me explain. Firstly, I am not disdainful of 'mental problems', we all have them, and SWIM himself used to suffer from depression, and still has things to improve about himself. I personally consider blind faith to be a mental problem (in the absence of healthy scepticism and open-mindedness), sometimes benign but potentially also a dangerous delusion. So when people here are adamant that the entities are real, I see that as potentially unhealthy. I would think the same about a fundamentalist Christian (or Muslim, Bhuddist etc) blindly following what their god 'tells' them to do, without question, to the detriment of the rest of society. Of course, blind faith can be benign, even beneficial, but still it is obviously unscientific and not a trait of my personal definition of 'self-actualisation'.

You probably are onto something here, however "mental problem" needs to be quite broad for me to agree with that hypothesis.

People who are attracted to "drugs" generally have some issues...be it small or large. I personally would never have found DMT if I had no interest in "drugs". I believe that most people on this site have a similar story (I could be very wrong here). DMT removed my interest in hard "drugs" such as opiates, cocaine, and the like. It's really my anti-drug!

I don't believe that DMT will cause a person to have mental problems. Although some psycadelics such as salvia has been linked to mental distrubances lasting upwards of months, this has not been reported with dmt.

I find that a dose of spice every now and then kind of resets my system. It uplifts me out of a funk, puts focus on what is important to me, and give me motivation to better myself...
many people that swim has met had very blessed lives and not many issues and where attracted to psychedelics in general because they had a desire to explore and learn not because they had issues... now im not sure the same applies to the folks ive met who had an interest in say meth or coke or heroin... in those cases you have a valid point...
Ayahuasca is certainly safe. It's been used for 1000s of years and has been PROVEN to be safe... smoking DMT is probably safe too, but we KNOW Ayahuasca IS safe!
safe is a fairly relative term...
drinking water is safe by most peoples standards... but its killed people... i cant really say any thing is safe... why would i want to?
BoyPony said:
Fuego: Any duality....good/evil....light/dark.....male/female....etc.....is part of the illusion...part of the matrix. There is only ONE...and good/evil has no place in it. All science and religion are only stories to tie us to this illusion.

This should be like duh at this point people.
Who let the fear mongers in?
Maybe the insects are psychic terrorists, or maybe its Osama bin spirit tripping?
A good cliche is get your dogma the fu*k away from my Karma.

And this whole "but shamans wouldn't do it" thing. EVEN if that was true...so what? I have not met these people to possible be able to judge their ability or intent. I honestly believe 90% of all the "true" old world knowledge is lost in these parts of the word (South America, rain forest areas etc...). Any place that faces the encroachment of modern humanity and its tendencies is subject to the same monitization and eventual dilution of knowledge that happened to western and European magical knowledge a long time ago. Let there be no mistake the majority of these places are very much apart of the modern world now, backwater and remote sure but just as influenced by greed, jealousy, fear and lies as any place else. I would put no more faith in a shaman in Brazil then I would in a shaman from New York City until I had met and observed them and I don't think their local would even factor into it.

From what Ive read of all our favorite authors and then some there really does seem to be an almost complete breakdown in the classic shamanistic traditions in most the world. In many senses they seem to have taken the role of a carnival game operator in that any passer by is welcomed to stop in and get suckered, doubly so since in this case the suckers are tourists and pose no threat of reveling the ruse to others. Because of frequent reports of stolen items, weak effects, and inner bickering among the so called "shamans" Id be willing to say only between 1 in 10 to 1 in 100 are actually interested in helping you find anything other then smoke and mirrors. Personally if I found myself in the amazon and bumped into "shamans" trying to sell me an ayahusca experience I would quite simple pass and consider it a waste of my time. However if I was walking along and took refuge in a cave to get out of the rain and there so happened to be an old man/woman sitting quietly who offered me a strange smelling off colored tea just because I was there Id down it without hesitation. Quite frankly I KNOW I am personally far more aware and able to effectively wield inner personal power then these charlatans. The experience thing is almost meaningless, Ive worked with people doing what I do (programmer) for 10 years or more longer then me and in many cases I can say I am better at it then they were, this can be true of anything.

Most of you reading this are quite powerful shamans of your own right and I hope you understand that.
acolon_5 said:
I find that a dose of spice every now and then kind of resets my system. It uplifts me out of a funk, puts focus on what is important to me, and give me motivation to better myself...
That's IT! Exactly how it is for SWIM... when the negativity returns, or the cultural conditioning is creeping in, REBOOT.
The way I see it. DMT will only fuck with u if u allow it too.In order to not allow IT to fuck with you is by taking proper doses and not consuming a Gluttoness amount Fear is the only thing stoping you nothing else Know ur body Know ur self U only live once
Perception bears all
Fear is the only thing stoping you nothing else
litrium said:
That's right jenkins. It's seductive and lala nice but right underneath something is telling you "fuck, this is SO WRONG". It's like your a white dude and you walked into the WRONG ghetto and know your gonna get fucked with big TIME. This wrong vibe is so prevelant like you are now WAYY out of your depth and these things fuck with you because they can. Read that Pablo Amiringo picture book where the Shaman paints his Aya visions and then talks about em. Theres heaps of accounts of evil Shamans loading up on Aya and then hanging out with strange demonic creatures which give them the power to inflicit evil spells on their enemies. OK implants, false conjecture huh? Yeah let's see one of these nice happy experiances some one posted on here shall we?: " had an experience recently.. I had consumed a fairly mild but effective dose of aya and decided a few hours in to smoke some acacia spice. It was beautiful! so very beautiful., I made love to a plant i think, with every esence of my being i swirled in ecstatic alignment with it. As i returned i was compelled to smoke more. I took a big hit and held it in and str8 away the sky darkened rather ominecly and the buzz began!! I/it vibrated so furiously that it threatened to burst my ear drums. As the buzzing deepened I went further and further into layers and layers of visuals. They were moving far too rapidly to make any sence of. Soon I was travelling so deep that i became curious as to the where abouts of my body (big mistake). Basically as soon as i thought it i was back in my body but it wasnt my own! I had this wierd feeling in my throat that felt like something being pushed down it. I poked out my tongue to make sure that i wasnt chocking on it and was horrified to see that it was extremely long and reptilian like! I tried to ignore this so again closed my eyes. The feeling in my throat didnt leave me and i 'realised' that there was indeed something being pushed into me. I suddenly had the feeling that something very alien was implanting something in me. I had the destinct feeling that they had seduced me to come deeper so that they could implant a communications device into me! " Wow implants, that sounds so healthy and empowering and nice huh? Getting an alien to push an implant down your astral throat while your possesed by some kind of Reptillian bitch ass mofo. Wow that's always been MY dream. Or then there was that Strassman patient that got butt raped by Alligator men, yep that would have been a joyous and spiritualy uplifitng experiance huh? And theres SO many of these kind of experiances and my own experiances, even though their different they ALSO have exactly this same vibe, aliens fucking and disecting your soul or eating parts of you. It's like in those spaces your nothing and these things treat you like shit just like we treat cows and sheep like shit. Your just a commodity that they exploit for their benifit but they buy and sell and eat your spiritual, not physical self, fucking astral butchers or some shit. Just think about it for a minute, does THAT sound safe to you?? This shit isn't just in your mind. You have a soul thats normaly protected and DMT drops all those defenses and now you better pray some ancient demon king isn't hungry or interested in you... Heh, also H.P lovecraft is a good way to describe alot of these realms, like Cthulu esc, weirder than weird but definetly bad and not your friend!! I feel like Lovecraft was naturally channeling some of this shit from the DMT realms, it's pretty similiar. The worst bit is who knows what the spiritual reprecussions are? Sure you don't look any and feel any different after a DMT session but maybe astrally your body has all sorts of fucked up implants and other bad crap in it. Man DMT is a gamble, it's like Ok I'll go in to take a look at the otherside but the otherside aint always nice, this DMT has strings attached and fucking evil cosmic contracts in fineprint.

sounds like the whole experience could of been misinterpereted because of the reaction with fear. that happens on any psychedelic, as soon as you react with fear, everything spins out of control, and the people around you, even your best friends, can start to seem evil and demonic
LLB said:
safe is a fairly relative term...
drinking water is safe by most peoples standards... but its killed people... i cant really say any thing is safe... why would i want to?

Weed is safe lol.

Anyway, I doubt that smoked DMT is as bad as tobacco, but I'm sure it's not as safe as oxygen. Chronic use, from what I have heard, is almost impossible after a certain period, and if you are using any drug that much I'm fairly sure your health isn't on the top of your list.
I read the first post and did a /facepalm. The world if flat, jesus died for your sins, drugs are bad, and government knows whats best for you! American gladiators anyone?

Life is full of risks. Nothing is safe, unless you live in a bubble in your mommy's basement.
oh and by the way mckennas brain tumor was not caused by smoking DMT...
TM had only smoked DMT a few times he admitted. he said it was one of his favorite drugs but he had only done it a few times because of the immensity of it.
but hey dont listen to me ive got bad spelling and grammar...
hehe I forgot about litrium, he was funny.

40oztofreedom said:
Everyone needs to die at some point. I accept that. I'll keep my body as healthy as I can for as long as I can.

But sometimes if its really that worth it (like DMT), sometimes you just need to say fuck it, and do it. Because the mental benefit far succeeds anything that would be considered positive or negative to the human body.

Frankly, if DMT gave me cancer I'd probably keep using it.

As long as I die happy.
That's the spirit!
acolon_5 said:
You probably are onto something here, however "mental problem" needs to be quite broad for me to agree with that hypothesis.

People who are attracted to "drugs" generally have some issues...be it small or large. I personally would never have found DMT if I had no interest in "drugs". I believe that most people on this site have a similar story (I could be very wrong here). DMT removed my interest in hard "drugs" such as opiates, cocaine, and the like. It's really my anti-drug!

I don't believe that DMT will cause a person to have mental problems. Although some psycadelics such as salvia has been linked to mental distrubances lasting upwards of months, this has not been reported with dmt.

I find that a dose of spice every now and then kind of resets my system. It uplifts me out of a funk, puts focus on what is important to me, and give me motivation to better myself...
I agree, good post.
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