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Is it safe to use DMT alone?

Migrated topic.
It's not a bad idea to have someone there that's clued into what's going on. Then, if you start to freak you have someone to grab onto, more-so for the longer lasting substances. But with DMT, the blast is so brief and intense you probably won't even be aware of their prescence. The only time I did it with others present, the next thing I remember was looking up from the floor and they were standing around me saying, "are you O.K. dude? you hit that pipe pretty hard" and I stretched out my arms and said, "SSSSHHHHHIIIIITTTTTT!!!!!!! WHOA, WHOA, etc..."
Alone is the best way to do it. Just be sitting when you breakthrough. You wont be getting up. I feel alone is best because when there are people around I feel anxieties taking a hold of me. Does my head in!
magic clown said:
Asking is it safe to do alone? Is like asking is it safe to leave me alone? Can I be trusted to be left on my own for a bit?

When i ride the train i always feel the urge to pull the emergency-brake, just for fun. Can i be trusted to be left on my own? Ooooh, i don't know:roll: :d
Depends on SWIM's mood. Usually he would like someone there to tell his experience to when he gets back. A few times he's glad he was alone. But most of the time he wishes someone else were there.
Nanaki said:
Depends on SWIM's mood. Usually he would like someone there to tell his experience to when he gets back. A few times he's glad he was alone. But most of the time he wishes someone else were there.

get a cat or a salvia plant
You people make me laugh.

I think a sitter is good for when you are beyond function. Only for large doses.

But sometimes its nice to just have a tripper just to sit there with you. Just to have another one of your kind on the couch. But no female trip sitters. Sorry ladies, no hard feelings. Some girls are just crazy.
cli_hlt said:
Good thing about DMT is if SWIY does it right, than he is not alone. ;)

Quite true.

Keep all those distractions to a minimum so I can focus on the entities that are already in front of me. I don't want to hear somebody coughing, or bumping into things. I want to hear the ringing in my ears and feel the mental telepathy of the winged tree demon that is talking with me.
SWIM can't stand to have a sitter. The worst experiences he's ever has were caused by the sitter being present.

When you're tripping really hard and especially if you’re freaked out, your sitter could look like a demon posed creature to you and freak you out even more because they are actually really there with you. It’s never happened to SWIM but he saw it happen to others using a sitter. He’s seen a guy attack his sitter with a butter knife once. No one was hurt, but it was scary to see.

A bad trip is a bad trip and someone telling you to “calm down it’s just your imagination” isn’t really going to help much most of the time. Once you’re in a bad trip, they could sound sarcastic and demonic to you as if they are taunting you by telling you to calm down. I’ve seen people freak out even more after being told to calm down.

As I’ve said above, I’ve seen people get violent during a bad trip. If you’re one of those kinds of people, having a sitter is not a good idea. You might seriously hurt your beloved sitter while freaked out.

My personal opinion is that people who need sitters should not be using DMT. If you need someone to hold your hand like you are a little boy and tell you “it’s ok, calm down”, you’re not mentally strong enough to partake in the journey. Leave the stuff alone.

The only sitter you should have with you is GOD.
The Guide should represent a greater power , like a spiritual master , or a shaman/healer , i think.
Someone to project the infinite spiritual master onto. A lot of people can take great use of him (; .

something that doesnt work with the average buddy ...

I dont know if it was mentioned before in this thread , but a great danger with psychedelic trips i observed , is fire , from lighters , matches , candles and so on . Iv seen people playing with fire ... thinking everything will rebuild itself after burning.
Giggling Doing things like throwing burning matches through the room ...
They were happy i was there , afterwards.

Also concentrating on fire while smoking dmt in candle lit closed room is not the best idea :evil: :lol:
SWiM fairly recently had a trip where he physically met elves, and explored the issue of his lazieness. While still heavilly Under the influence, he decided, consiously to go for a walk.
"Ill need a jacket, because its cold outside. *puts it on*"
Outside was magical, Time was warping up and down.there were christmas lights everywhere. People in his street ran about, in and out of their cars and homes. He whispered, with that clear crisp sound of truth -
"everything just happened."

And procedeed to click his heels together in the air, like they do in movies.
uuuh so to make my point: if your able to get up and walk about, you're consious (enough) to know how to look after yourself.
moracca said:
for me, a fairly dark room, by myself, possibly some faint music playing in the background, laying in my bed, under the covers, propped up on comfy pillows is the perfect place to be. I also liked someone else's idea of a bath, but I don't have a bathtub :p but no, I don't feel having someone else there is completely necessary. You don't really have the urge to walk around, just experience outer space in your mind.

well, I guess I kind of feel the need to revise my original post on this matter, as I have had an interesting experience in the meantime which sort of changes things a bit.

The other night, I was laying in bed under the covers, ready to sleep, shirt, boxers, socks, thats it. i hit a water bong spice sandwich, and proceed to drift into spice land. however, it didnt stay this way. After approximately 1 minute (i'm guessing), I for some reason threw the covers off, got out of bed, walked around my apartment for a couple minutes looking for my pants and shoes before i decided to turn the light on to look for them. I finally found them, grabbed my keys, and headed out my front door. Now mind you, this is all in the midst of a heavy dmt trip. So anyway, I'm walking outside, and decided i might as well head to the gas station to get cigarettes. As I'm walking, I'm thinking to myself "what the hell am I doing, I should not be outside right now WTF!!" however I'm realizing that I physically can NOT turn around and go back. not that I really really wanted to, but I had the intense feeling that I just could not do it if I wanted to.

I make it about half way to the gas station before I start coming down. As I am, I can actually see this "force" (cigarettes) pulling me to walk to the gas station. Now, I really have no problems with any substances, but I hate the idea of something getting to the point of it controlling you and no longer being a choice. I was beginning to get to this point with cigarettes. I was smoking a lot more than I should, and in the back of my mind I knew it. But I think it took this experience to actually show that to me in plain sight.
So although that hasn't been very long ago now, I haven't smoked since then, and I'll see if this lasts :)

But anyway sorry for the long trip report here, my point is this... I originally thought DMT was something that is always a sedentary experience, ie, you're not walking all over the place like salvia for example. I now know that's not exactly the case. I would like to add tho that while I was walking, things were definitely morphing and distorted and geometric, but I still felt fairly comfortable in my physical motor skills (except for not being able to turn around :p). Overall I'm thankful for the experience, but equally thankful that nothing bad came of it when it definitely could have. I'm sure I will continue to use DMT without a sitter, however I just wanted to throw this experience out here as a word of caution :)
SWIM gets up and walks around sometimes too..but as you said..he never feels like hes out of control of his body..and can easily navigate reality..but also..its strange coming out of the experience..being like..why the hell did i decide i needed to move around
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