After having about 30 freebase trips, with roughly half of them what can be classified as breakthrough of various intensity, I am a bit sceptic about whole entity classification thing.
Lets say there are two possibilities:
1) We see other dimensions while tripping and there are sentient beings
2) It's all in your head, dude!
So far, based on what I've experienced and read and watched, I can't say for sure whether it is 1 or 2. It's basically "is there a god" type of question. Nobody can prove if god exists or not for sure. I think it doesn't even matter which possibility is true, because I am pretty sure we all perceive things slightly differently in hyperspace, through a filter of perception, just like in real life. We describe them differently, because to be able to describe you have to first realize what you have seen, integrate it, turn images and emotions into words and familiar concepts.
We all come from different cultures, surroundings, upbringing. Some might describe some locale like Aztec pyramid or some entitiy like Anubis. But, I have yet to see anything remotely resembling something from human history or society. What our poor brains are good (and bad) at, is finding a pattern in a picture. So we see snake, where something is long and thin and moves snakelike. We see buddas and christs in naked fat dudes with or dudes with nimbus and beard. What I am trying to say that when trying to classify hyperspace one must remember that experience report he reads, come from people who perceive things very differently.
I've had trips, which left me going "holy shit" and "I can't believe where I've just been" for quite a while. I vividly remember start of my 2nd last trip, after flying through the usual introductory loading animation, first thing I encountering was an alive being, which was multicolored, had a lot of eyes all over its body and this being was rising up to have a look at me. It was as real as this moment of time, when I am typing this. Ever more real. I remember the shock which "hyperspace me" experienced when realizing that he is seing different sentient form of life. We hung out with that hyperspace dude and he shown me some things and everything was fine. And I can't really classify that dude as a jester or elf or god, nothing of his behavior stood out. I have yet to meet entity which could be classified as god, maybe because I'm not really looking for them.
Still, I can't tell for sure whether DMT is really attuning us to another dimension, or we just talk with our other brain, which we can't communicate in human speech with.
I also noticed some oddities about DMT:
- Sometimes it like to dance, to a good music. Just like whole space is dancing and pulsing to te music sometimes and rooms are switched when music goes from one part to another. Entities are also frequently dancing or marching to the music. You can feel when molecule likes the music.
For example I've tripped twice to this track:
And both times it was kind of mellow loving kind of trip where I was shown very beautiful spaces, about some of which I could say I was here before. I recommend this music, though it's a bit short for a full trip so you might want to queue something else.
- Recently I have started to have experiences, that when I am with hyperspace aliens, first it's a bit of shock but then I forget about our reality and just live alien life for a while, joining them in their activities.
- Frequently I appear at what can be only described as hyperspace flat, where usually two hyperspace dudes live. Sometimes I am in their kitchen, sometimes in living room. You could also describe it as a hyperspace laboratory I guess, it place looks clean and white-ish, but I get strong feeling that I am in their living space.