The effects of nutmeg are clearly associated with its terpene fraction. Nutmeg with volatile fraction removed is inactive.
There is a decent amount of evidence that safrole and myrsticin are active on their own or their metabolites (although there is no invivo evidence for their conversion to amines).
However that doesn't say anything about potential activity of other components in sassafras roots.
The reason sassafras teas are probably inactive is that these compounds are volatilized away. Although these compounds are fatty so their solubility in water isn't that great but still they should be in a cold tea. Someone needs to test that.
I think in order to figure out what is going on
1- someone needs to prove that essential oil components are not in tea or other preparations washed with acetone or prepared cold. Smell is a good indicator as the nose is VERY sensitive. Although further confirmation is needed.
2- someone needs to isolate the alkaloids confirm their structure and confirm biological activity.
This is the only way to arrive at a firm conclusion.
Safrole is again seems safe in food consumed at normal concentrations occasionally. I believe root beer is made from sassafras roots but safrole needs to be removed. But ingesting it in pure form is very risky. 5ml of sassafras oil can cause vomiting tremors (in adults) and even death (in children). Drinking about 10 cups of sassafras tea a day can cause excessive sweating.
There is a decent amount of evidence that safrole and myrsticin are active on their own or their metabolites (although there is no invivo evidence for their conversion to amines).
However that doesn't say anything about potential activity of other components in sassafras roots.
The reason sassafras teas are probably inactive is that these compounds are volatilized away. Although these compounds are fatty so their solubility in water isn't that great but still they should be in a cold tea. Someone needs to test that.
I think in order to figure out what is going on
1- someone needs to prove that essential oil components are not in tea or other preparations washed with acetone or prepared cold. Smell is a good indicator as the nose is VERY sensitive. Although further confirmation is needed.
2- someone needs to isolate the alkaloids confirm their structure and confirm biological activity.
This is the only way to arrive at a firm conclusion.
Safrole is again seems safe in food consumed at normal concentrations occasionally. I believe root beer is made from sassafras roots but safrole needs to be removed. But ingesting it in pure form is very risky. 5ml of sassafras oil can cause vomiting tremors (in adults) and even death (in children). Drinking about 10 cups of sassafras tea a day can cause excessive sweating.
Food Flavors: Formation, Analysis and Packaging Influences
The 9th International Flavor Conference: George Charalambous Memorial Symposium was held July 1-4, 1997 at the Porto Myrina Palace on the Island of Limnos, Greece. This conference was organized as a tribute to Dr. George Charalambous organizer of the previous eight conferences, who passed away...