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Is safrole psychedelic?

Migrated topic.
SyZyGyPSy said:
So a few nights ago swim was having a conversation over dinner with some friends about sassafras, which made him decide that he wanted to get some sass and see what was up with it. The very next morning, he checked his email and found that he had "co-incidentally" received correspondence from another friend giving a fairly in-depth account of his recent experiences with said plant (further adding to the synchronicity of all this is the fact that earlier today, whilst in the middle of doing some research on sassafras, he received a phone call from yet another friend who told him he had just recently harvested some sassafras, and that during the same night that swim was having his dinner conversation with his friends, this other friend actually had some sort of spirit apparition manifest in his living room which was somehow associated with his harvesting of the sass!).

Anyway here's an excerpt from said email:

"I've found a friend out here, I might have already told you about before, but it seems like not. Sassafras Albidium. Mostly, people know about the plant for its safrole content (which if you smell the roots, I mean....root beer...yum). However, at the rainbow gathering I was given what was called a "shamanic extract of sassafras" which I figured was a solid crystalline form of safrole at the time, but since doing some research about chemistry, pharmacology, and the compounds present in sassafras roots....well, first, I made some sassafras root tea, which [my girl] and I confirmed had identical effects as the extract from the gathering. Then, I collected lots of root and made a strong tincture. The tincture had effects more similar to cactus than before. AND THEN, when I had performed sufficient research, I delved into it. Removed the safrole (which I heard has a sedating effect), then did an acid-base-nonpolar alkaloid extraction and voila! Crystals formed, I sampled them, and that's what it is! And what is it? Well, there are two isoquinolines in sassafras: Reticuline, which has a pain-killing/stimulant effect, also occurs in opium poppies as well as the roots of several varieties of apple tree; and Cinnamolaurine, which has a stimulant/psychedelic effect, and occurs only in sassafras and in camphor. They both have high pH's. reticuline has an interesting structure in that it is almost symmetrical in an L-shape. Cinnamolaurine, it has a methylenedioxy bridge on the primary phenyl ring and an n-methyl group, suggesting that the mechanism of its action is similar to the mechanism of MDMA's action. So this is an interesting development."

Definitely some useful information there, for instance this seems to be a firsthand confirmation that the alkaloids themselves are active, and that the safrole is indeed the sedating property in the plant... though it also raises plenty of new questions, such as what base and solvent was used, what the yield and dose was, etc. Also, this is thus far the only reference swim has found to the presence of cinnamolaurine in sass, though as mentioned above there are reports of other alkaloids not mentioned by swim's friend in this email...

Anyway swim has emailed this friend back, asking for more detailed information, and is waiting to hear back from him. Meanwhile he's ordering a couple pounds of organic root bark powder from a reliable source of high quality herbs, and is considering doing an STB with CaOH and pulling into some d-limonene, then salting out into some gar and evapping to get some acetate salts of whatever these alkaloids are... seems like a good starting point anyway, unless anyone has any better ideas.

CaOH doesn't generate too much heat, does it? Should swim instead be considering cold-basification of a CWE or something?

Swim may even decide to get ballsy and bioassay on top of some harmaloids, to test the hypothesis that MAO inhibition potentiates whatever alkaloids are in the sass. Of course swim is hoping to achieve satisfactory results with the sass alkaloids alone, and based on his friend's report, it sounds like he will... but for some reason the thought of "sassahuasca" sounds appealing, albeit not without some hypothetical risks (best to start small with that one probably).

Also, the ridiculous string of synchronicities that have manifested surrounding this plant during the past few daze seem to indicate to swim that there is a powerful plant spirit reaching out to him here... of course this is probably meaningless to you phundamentalist science-headz, but I'm sure some of the people on this forum know enough to recognize the significance of this 😉

swim will do his best to post results from his own experiments, as well as any further correspondences he may receive from his other friends regarding this intriguing topic.

WOW! I got chills reading this. This is exactly the type of information I’ve been hoping to read in this thread. Thanks for posting it!

If an A/B can be created that can get the cinnamolaurine out and purify it and it is indeed THE psychedelic of sassafras (which it looks like to me) then that would be fantastic!

When using CaOH, there’s no concern about heat.
SyZyGyPSy said:
Ah ok, just now got dun reading the sass thread. Guess the cinnamolaurine thing's been addressed already :oops:

Still waiting to find out about the results of an alkaloid extraction... also wondering about the use of zinc oxide to perhaps un-oxidize some alkaloids, if in fact that's happening & is responsible for it getting weaker over time?

Guess there's only one way to find out...

Any thoughts on the best way to do a good food grade alk extraction are welcome...

It’s cool that cinnamolaurine is being looked at by more than just me! I think this is the magic of sassafras.

I think cinnamolaurine is probably oxidizing. Old sassafras doesn’t seem to have much effects after a MEK wash, but fresh sassafras does.

SWIM has sort of gotten side tracked from his sassafras tests and is currently testing Elemi oil. The main active oil in Elemi oil is elemicin which is almost identical in chemical structure to mescaline. It turns out that low oral doses of Elemi oil (3-7 drops) produce effects very similar to mescaline. It’s a beautiful experience, and easily had since you can buy Elemi oil at your local essential oil shop. No extraction needed. The effect is similar to the effect had from fresh MEK washed sassafras, but more like mescaline.

I can't seem to find any information about this cinnamolaurine anywhere. Am I spelling it wrong?
This is the compound in question right?

Where did your friend get that information from?

Any other plants that contain cinnamolaurine?
g13juggalo said:
That elemi oil sounds interesting.
Think they'd have it at a health food store?
and what exactly should I get? Just elemi essential oil?

Yes they will probably have it. I can buy it locally. Any herb store that has a good selection of standard therapeutic grade essential oils should have it. Make sure its 100% pure THERAPEUTIC grade oil. Only therapeutic grade Elemi oil is approved by the FDA as a food flavoring. Elemi oil that is not therapeutic grade should not be ingested.

From the search I did on-line, all of the Elemi essential oil was the same. All of them were extracted from Canarium luzonicum grown in the Philippines, which is what you want.

ms_manic_minxx said:
Hi Ron, would you kindly share more about your experiments with Elemi? I love the smell! <3

Yes, the smell is very nice. Here’s more info. If there’s something else you’d like me to give more details on just ask.

SWIM prefers to use the oil orally in a size 0 gelatin capsule. He opens the capsule and drops in 3-7 drops of the oil and then closes the capsule and takes it orally with a glass of water or coffee.

He tried it dropped in milk before. The taste is not bad, sort of like rose water, not at all spicy like nutmeg. It seems that the gelatin capsule method works better though. I think when dropped into a drink, a lot doesn’t get ingested, and stays stuck in your mouth and throat and it doesn’t easily absorb that way. The taste definitely lingers in the mouth for a long time if you take it in milk or some other liquid. The oil tends to float on top of the liquid, it doesn’t mix well, even if milk is used. It’s just not a good method of ingestion.

I’ve read that others use 1 teaspoon of honey and mix the oil into it and take it in the mouth directly. SWIM has not tried that though. The capsule method works great and is convenient.

As far as dosage goes, SWIM is usually more sensitive to psychedelics than other people are. SWIM has taken 3, 5, and 7 drop doses so far with 7 his favorite dose. I know of others who have used 10 drops and have had visual effects at that dose.

As of yet, he’s had no visuals, only increased color perception.

The trip is very consistent. There are no phases to the trip as there are with nutmeg. There are no side effects felt at all.

About 15 minutes after taking the capsule you feel something, but it’s very light, even at 7 drops. You feel pleasant, happy, a slight tingling sensation, but it’s very mild and you might just think its placebo, but it’s not. It stays this way for a few hours.

After about 3 hours the effects become obvious. It’s as if it suddenly jumps to a higher level of potency. I think at this point the elemicin in the oil is being digested and altered by your body into another molecule that’s more potent. At this point it feels almost like a low dose mescaline trip has just started. You feel mescaline-style euphoria and its pretty strong at 5-7 drops. Your body feels relaxed, warm and tingly. You feel mentally stimulated and clear headed. It’s fantastic. Drinking coffee will increase the pleasant effects.

After about 4 hours it seems to peak. At 7 drops orally, at this point in the trip SWIM gets mild LSD-style mental insight effects that are unlike mescaline, but the body feel and euphoria are still nearly identical to mescaline. These mental effects include noticing things you never noticed before, thinking about things in altered ways, increased creativity, mild abstract thinking, etc., all the typical LSD-style effects, but they are MILD at 7 drops for SWIM.

All throughout the trip, there’s time dilation noticed. It’s not intense. You’ll notice the day seems to last very long. Also there are empathogenic effects as there are with low dose mescaline trips. You feel extra social and interaction with people is very pleasurable.

One interesting thing to note is that SWIM will not sleep much the night he uses it, but will still feel like he got just enough sleep the following day. This is strange. SWIM being one who normally really needs his sleep, can have 4 hours of sleep that night and wake up feeling like he slept for a full 8 hours. It’s the oddest thing. It’s almost as if it removes the need for deep sleep or speeds up the sleep cycle. It’s not like you can’t sleep, it’s not like you’re over stimulated or something. You can easily sleep, but you wake up way before you normally would. At least that’s how it’s been with SWIM. It does something very strange to your perception of time. Time seems to last much longer. Maybe that also affects your need for sleep? 4 hours of sleep feels like 8. I don’t know if everyone is affected like that or not, but it is just odd and something I thought I should mention.

Tolerance to the effects builds if you use it again the following day. You need to wait about 2 days between usage to avoid tolerance issues.

The duration of action seems dose related. At 3 drops its about 6 hours (9 if you count the 3 hours before the trip begins). At 7 drops its about 8 hours (11 if you count the 3 hours before the trip begins).

Elemi oil has been used as a flavoring for hundreds of years, but little is known about it’s use as a psychedelic. I can find no documents anywhere that talk about the psychedelic effects of Elemi oil. Even elemicin, it’s active principle, is hard to find good data on. According to the FDA, 100% pure therapeutic grade Elemi essential oil is approved as a Food Additive, but not classified as GRAS, which means the FDA has not found any problems with Elemi oil use in food, but does not have enough data on it to classify it as GRAS.

I know of no Elemi oil trip reports that go beyond 10 drops, but the oral LD50 for Elemi oil in rats is very high, being 3370 mg/kg. For a 75 kilogram adult human, that rat based LD50 comes to 252 grams of Elemi oil. Because it has a specific gravity of 0.914, 252 grams of Elemi oil comes to about 275 ml or roughly 1 cup of oil!

To put this into perspective though, nutmeg oil has an oral rat LD50 of 2620 mg/kg, which comes to 196 grams for a 75 kilogram adult human, which is about 214 ml, nearly 1 cup. So while nutmeg oil is slightly more toxic, neither seems particularly toxic in the doses used. For nutmeg, the therapeutic oral dosage is 3-5 drops per day, and is considered safe at that dose. The FDA classifies nutmeg essential oil as GRAS. For a mild psychedelic dose, 30 drops of nutmeg oil seems to be the recommended low dose on-line. I’ve seen several people say 1-3 ml of nutmeg oil is a good dose to use. Usually about 10-15 drops of liquid are 1 ml (it varies depending on the type of liquid and type of dropper). SWIM has no experience with nutmeg. This is just here for comparison.
Thanks for that guide. =]
Think sublingual would work well? Maybe just drop it in your lip and leave it there for as long as possible, then swallow.
It tastes like perfume, sort of like roses or something. I like the smell of Elemi oil, but the flavor is just too much like a flower for me to relish. But some people do enjoy eating rose pedals. The flavor stays in your mouth a long time. If you like the flavor, that's not a bad thing I guess.

If it works sublingually, that would be interesting to know. My guess is that it doesn’t. I’m basing that off of the widespread belief that elemicin is not very active, but that during digestion it’s transformed into a more active molecule (TMA being often theorized as the true active metabolite of elemicin). If that’s true, it should not work sublingually because it should bypass the digestive system.
Are the TMA class of psychedelics illegal? If not, would it be difficult to go from elemicin to TMA without the use of the human body> in a lab? Looking at the chemicals structure, TMA is very similar to Elemicin. I'm just curious about this, i probably wouldn't want to attempt it if my body can already do the work for me :)

Edit: According to Erowid - It is Schedule 1 - so I'll just stop that synth discussion right there.
The conversion from elemicin to mescaline would be of more interest I think. TMA doesn’t sound that great to me.

Its simply not possible for elemicin to form TMA in the human body and have that be the active principle, but it’s possible that it forms something much more potent. The effects of elemicin don't match what I've read of TMA's effects. Elemicin seems much more pleasant than the trip reports of TMA that I’ve read. Also the dosage needed for TMA is 100 - 250 mg. That’s a lot weaker than elemicin.

Elemi oil is about 4% elemicin, and an active 5 drop dose weighs only 125 mg. Do the math…that means that elemicin is quite active at 5 mg. It’s many times more potent than TMA or mescaline. A 10 drop dose, said to be enough for visual effects, is just 250 mg. At 4%, that’s only 10 mg. It’s roughly 10 times more potent than TMA. So the TMA theory is obviously wrong, unless the TMA is somehow magically more potent when created in the body from elemicin, which just doesn’t sound possible to me.
That auction on the bay sells Elemi oil. Ten drops of it is similar to a mescaline trip and it is legal? Anything else I need to know before ordering?
You can get Elemi oil at most health food stores that sell essential oils. There's no need to order it on-line, at least not where I live.

You need to make sure it's 100% pure Elemi essential oil that is therapeutic grade. If it's not therapeutic grade, it will not say it is on the bottle, and cannot be used. It must say on the bottle that it’s therapeutic grade.

I wouldn’t start with 10 drops. You might be very sensitive. I’d start with 3 and work up to 10. And remember it takes about 3 hours before the effects really kick in.
Thanks. I just placed an order for an ounce of therapeutic grade elemi oil and I'll write up a report in about a week or so depending on when I receive it.
I was just reading PIHKAL the other night and on the section on TMA shulgin starts talking about the essential oils that only require an addition of ammonia to turn into an entheogen... any one have any thoughts on that. I am sure yall got a copy on hand.

You know an Elmemi sort of absinthe would be a great. Basically you would be making a sort of anisette. You would do this by taking a brandy or vodka and adding your preferred dose of this oil to the alcohol in a per shot basis. be sure to measure out the shots to figure out how many you have in a bottle. It should if the ratio of oil and alcohol is just right not separate btu dissolve into the alcohol like when making a perfume. Now the trick is that when you pour it into a glass add a little but of water to it... you will get a louche reaction when the water is added. Like with anisette or absinthe the louche will make it look sort of milky.
This may also quicken the absorption into the system...
We may have a new form of absinthe folks! one that wont make ya cut yer ear off!
This is fun SWIM cant wait to try this.
Dorge said:
I was just reading PIHKAL the other night and on the section on TMA shulgin starts talking about the esential oils that only require an addition of ammonia to turn into an entheogen... any one have any thoughts on that. I am sure yall got a copy on hand.

Yep, it's online. #157 TMA
Right there it is thanks clouds...
So I assume it is a lot more complicated then just shakin some essential oils up with some ammonia right?
The following post was taken from Shroomery and was made by Wiccan Seeker.

This is not an installment of "Drugs are just BAD m'kay?" but NUTMEG CONSTITUTES A GRAVE HEALTH HAZARD if used to get high.
30gr of nutmeg can be LIFE THREATENING!

Let me now write

In this post I will do the search, supply the info, scientifically kick Shulgin's ass on his nutmeg hypothesis and show you why Nutmeg is BAD m'kay? 😉

First of all let us consider Nutmeg itself:


Title: Myristica
Additional Names: Nutmeg; nux moschata; nuces (semen) nucistae
Constituents: 25-35% fixed oil and 5-15% volatile oils.
CAUTION: Ingestion of large quantities causes drowsiness, stupor, death.

"The Stuff" that condenses to the glass wall if the nutmeg concoction cools is Nutmeg Butter


Title: Oil of Nutmeg, Expressed
Additional Names: Nutmeg butter; oil of mace
Literature References: Oil expressed from nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt., Myristicaceae). Constit. Chiefly trimyristin; some volatile oil.
Properties: Orange-red to reddish-brown, soft solid. mp 45-51?. Odor and taste of nutmeg. d 0.990-0.995.
Melting point: mp 45-51?
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 3640 mg/kg, P. M. Jenner et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. 2, 327 (1964)
CAUTION: Symptoms similar to Oil of Nutmeg, Volatile.

Now nutmeg butter is the combination of both the fatty and volatile oils of nutmeg, so there will be a LOT of it, 30-50% of the used nutmeg, to be precise.
The Nutmeg Butter holds the psychoactive components. Since the fat is just a vegetable oil this leaves the volatile oil to our scrutiny:


Title: Oil of Nutmeg, Volatile
Additional Names: Oil of myristica
Literature References: Steam-distilled oil from dried kernels of ripe seeds of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans Houtt., Myristicaceae). Constit. 60-80% d-Camphene, ~8% d-pinene; dipentene, d-borneol, l-terpineol, ~6% geraniol, safrol, ~4% myristicin. The myristicin fraction together with its more than 25% content of elemicin is supposed to be responsible for the purported hallucinogenic properties of nutmeg seed: Shulgin, Nature 197, 4865 (1963); Weil, Econ. Botany 19, 194-217 (1965).
Properties: Colorless or pale yellow liquid; odor and taste of nutmeg.
Toxicity data: LD50 orally in rats: 2620 mg/kg (Jenner)
CAUTION: Ingestion of large quantities produces narcosis, delirium, death.

This, for once, is where the good dr. Shulgin and I part.

Safrole (3,4-methylenedioxyallylbenzene)
Myristicin (5-MeO-Safrole)
Elemicin (3,4,5-trimethoxy-allylbenzene)

Now these are excellent starting materials to make MDA, MMDA and TMA respectively, but they are not known to be desirably psychoactive. They are known to cause CANCER though. And they are very hard on the liver.

Speaking of hard on the liver, how about Camphene, the major constituent of the oil? It is a camphorlike substance that is smuggled into your body and gives your liver a TON of work to metabolize it into camphorlike substances.
Now let's look at camphor, shall we?


Additional Names: (1S)-(-)-Camphor

CAUTION: Potential symptoms of overexposure to synthetic camphor are irritation of eyes, skin, mucous membranes; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache, dizziness, confusion, vertigo, excitement, restlessness, delerium, hallucinations; epileptic convulsions; CNS depression, coma.

Hold da phone.. what was that again?


NUTMEG: Ingestion of large quantities causes drowsiness, stupor, death.

NUTMEG VOLATILE OIL: Ingestion of large quantities produces narcosis, delirium, death.

CAMPHOR: irritation of eyes, skin, mucous membranes; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea; headache, dizziness, confusion, vertigo, excitement, restlessness, delerium, hallucinations; epileptic convulsions; CNS depression, coma.

Sooo.. Camphor is a Central Nervous System Depressant ("sedative") that causes Delirium which features hallucinations, confusion, excitement & restlessness which are pretty standard as toxic deliria go. (Looks alot like DT, Delirium Tremens)

All of this is reflected in the Nutmeg data, and Camphor is the well-studied analog of the more obscure Camphene thats up to 80% of volatile nutmeg oil.

Now let's look at the NATURAL HIGHS FAQ at Erowid:

Possible nausea during first hour; may cause vomiting or diarrhea in isolated cases. Takes anywhere from one to five hours for effects to set in. Then expect severe cottonmouth, flushing of skin, severely bloodshot eyes, dilated pupils. Personally I compare it to a very, very heavy hash buzz. "Intense sedation". Impaired speech and motor functions. Hallucinations uncommon in average (5-10 gm) doses. Generally followed by long, deep, almost coma-like sleep (expect 16 hours of sleep afterward) and feelings of lethargy after sleep. May cause constipation, water retention. Safrole is carcinogenic and toxic to the liver.

HELLO! There we got the missing link! Here you got the Nausea, the Vomiting and Diarroea that we missed from the Camphor poisoning description. And Camphor externally irritates skin while Nutmeg causes flushed (irritated) skin when taken internally.
And prominent CNS Depressant effects on top of that too!


So there you have it then: d-Camphene constitutes 60-80% of Nutmeg Volatile Oil, it is a close relative to Camphor and the toxicology data shows considerable similarity.

Since both descriptions speak of profound CNS DEPRESSANT "sedative" and DELIRIANT "poisoning hallucinations" effects we may conclude that there's a strong link between Camphor toxicity and the Camphene in Nutmeg Volatile Oil.


Now let's look at what those 30 grams of nutmeg contain:

9-15gr Nutmeg Butter which contains

1.5-4.5gr Nutmeg Volatile Oil which contains

0.9-3.6gr Camphene (narcotic liver poison, the lethal range for Camphor)

~100-500mg Safrole/Myristicin/Elemicin (carcinogen liver poisons)


Just like salt isn't meant to be eaten by the spoonful some things are just suitable for use as a high. Their poisoning symptoms may seem desirable, but the bottom line is that they are POISONING SYMPTOMS and not resultant of specific drug action.

Nutmeg Eating might not seem it at first glance, but upon toxicological scrutiny it is comparable in dangerousness and fucked-up desperation to glue sniffing, where I want to add the distinction that I'd rather poison myself with some very specific brands of huffed glue rather then with Nutmeg. Let's compare it to paint thinner & gasoline huffing.

At C10H16 Camphene is quite comparable to a gasoline fraction anyway, except it has a specific structure. It's more like DRINKING gasoline, even MORE dangerous.

Nutmeg Oil's Camphene is a classic alkyl anaesthetic, supplied in sedative-hypnotic doses, except it is molecularly too BIG to be one and as such it causes epilepsy-like convulsions. Orally it cannot be dosed properly so that means that an ineffective dose now may kill you next time around.

Generally followed by long, deep, almost coma-like sleep
Think for a minute: Do you want to yield yourself to unrousable unconsciousness which might proceed into epileptic convulsions and death? Do you want your girlfriend to find you ridin' the bed like you were in the Exorcist?
Or just silently stop breathing, or awakening after severe apnoea with oxygen deprivation braindamage?
How about liver damage?
Cancer, anyone?

The bottom line: Nutmeg is VERY dangerous to abuse, because it's high is a poisoning. Want to hallucinate? Grow mushrooms from the free spores of the 1/8oz shrooms-baggie you bought.
Want to get Low? Do it properly and use BEER!

Because that's the bottom line: You can compare Nutmeg to a highly dangerous and very poisonous substitute for liquor.
Now how desperate is that?


Ok, cancer - poisoning - lasting organ damage, got nutmeg?

That said isopropanol would be a poor solvent, acetone would be much better. But you don't actually need an organic solvent. If you heat a mixture of water and ground nutmeg then the crud will sink to the bottom and nutmeg butter will float on top. Nutmeg butter, like said, constitutes of unhealthy fatty acids (myristic acid is super bad for the heart) and the volatile oils, which are the active principle.

cancer - poisoning - lasting organ damage
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