WOW Associativum, This is amazing!!associativum said:hehe
And so, very similar to a super powerful being I experienced once that was not at all negative or anything, but it was quite intimidating, because of how it was kind of, "showing off" how utterly powerful it was!!!
It would do this type of charging, or "powering-up" and after it had built up an amount of power, seemingly way past overload, it would "bloom out" (for lack of a better word) this power in a way that was like,
"Cheeecccckkkkk Meeee Ooooouuuut...", "Waaaaatcccch Thiiiisssssssss...", "Noooowwww Thiiiisssssssss...".
It would come shooting up to me, displaying something similar to this pic, different every time, but there was always this entity, or intelligence inside there, doing this on purpose.
Then it would back off a bit to regroup & start building up the power to "show off" again.
It was a bit like a body builder, doing posing for the judges.?.?
And the power it was displaying was unexplainable, just pulsating & swelling with it & shooting off of it like fireworks!!
I'd love to get this pic tattooed on my body somewhere, but it would have to be with very high detail!! (translation = $$$)
The others are nice too, but this one struck me!!