Hate to jump in late on this one here...but this picture really struck a chord with me, posted on page one by Uncle Knucles (love the seinfeld reference, hah)
Also in regards to the "art" or patterns, i simply see it as fancy smancy wallpaper. Like they want you to concentrate, and focus, and not be distracted by all this noise and nonsense going on around you. If you get easily distracted, and don't pay attention, then what was the point of even doing the dmt to begin with? Just to come out confused? You mustn't sit in awe every trip with your jaw to the floor thinking "WTF?!" Sit up, pay attention, and listen to the message you're being given. (usually, some of those are just too darn bizarre for even me be like "seriously, what drugs was the person on that made THIS cartoon" lmao Even if it doesn't make sense, it will eventually come to light later on in your journey.