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Is there 5-MeO-DMT in Diplopterys Cabrerana / Chaliponga ?

Migrated topic.
jamie said:
so I checked and the leaf I used for this extraction was maya #4..def not impotant at all and must be at least 1%+ alk content. I have 100g of the #4 still left and 25g of the #8..so I will do another extraction with the #8 to compare the 2.
How about getting some to endless for lab analysis?
jamie said:
I extracted 20g and I used a very different tek. I used no np solvent at all and did no defat step.

I took 20g of leaf and powdered it, and brewed it with vinegar and water as you would for ayahuasca. This tea was then left to decant a day or so later when it was clear and then filtered well through cotton. It was then reduced and then evaporated completely to a resin in a food dehydrator.

It was still a bit wet at this point, so I added in sodium carb and mixed it around(I did not need to add extra water, but you might if you dry it more). Once this was dry I powdered it up and did 3 pulls with very hot 99% iso..left each pull for a day shaking here and there and then combined all pulls. This was left to settle until clear, then decanted and thoroughly filtered. Then it was evaporated on low in the dehydrator.

What I ended up with was long tranluscent yellow crytals..they look almost like selenite..I have done this tek on mimosa before years back and it worked well but never gave me crystals. It yielded a red jimjam like stuff similar to the acetate converted spice..and was potent. Endless has done a sort of similar tek with mimosa though and gotten crystals. I was not expecting any kind of crystal from the chaliponga due to fats in the leaf..but I def have some oily yellow long crystals here..I dont have a mg scale but I would say w/e I pulled it was around 2%.

The real interesting part will be testing these crystal sublinugal at some point..I quidded some leaf a couple years back and I def felt something..so if I can take 10mg's sublingual of this stuff and still get some effects than that should def be some evidence that there is something in chaliponga that is active other than just the DMT. I think corpus posted early back in this thread of him doing this with crystal he extracted and it was active.

I had some chaliponga extract that I tried this on...it gave me black goo but I think that was because I basified a IPA extract instead of just straight leaves.

Anyways so I smoked a little bit and did not feel much so then I concocted some changa(w/syrian rue extract and caapi) out of the tar stuff and loaded it in the bong. I smoked a fairly large amount and there was hardly any visuals, just a weird body high and the taste of DMT except with a bit of a minty hint to it instead of the usual floral notes.

So the body high was somewhat enjoyable there fore I figured I would try again with a higher dose.

So I then smoked a very large amount of the goo on top of some caapi branches.....

This time it the body high became very intense yet there was still no visuals(CEV or OEV)...I felt a strange slight naseau that was unfamiliar feeling to me,

So about 8-10 minutes into the weird body high trip I decided to smoke some straight DMT.

I loaded about 15mg in the bong and smoked that, then laid back down again.

So I then experienced one of the more bizzare DMT trips of my life. The visuals were very unlike anything I had ever seen before, extremely intricate yet they did seem to lack the usual pronounced neon colors I am used to seeing. The body high became extremely overpowering at this point and I had to seriously fight the urge to assume a fetal postion.

It was dark but not really what I would call unfriendly or anything, just extremely and intricately bizzare. About 7 minutes of this detailed complex strangeness and then the visuals sort of fizzled out leaving this weird intense body high, like continual rushing.

at the 10-15 minute mark there was nothing but the weird psychedelic body high. At times it felt like I was dissolving and going into a hyperspace of sorts but a purely psychological one if that makes sense at all. It was like an emotional/existensial hyperspace with no visuals. The body high then faded but persistd to the 20 minute mark.

I also noticed that throughout the experience there was a considerable elevation of my heartbeat and circulatory activity that seemed much more forced and pronounced than when I am accustomed to with regular DMT. Although I was somewhat nervous it still seemed overly pronounced, even for being afriad.

The main thing that I did not like about it was that it definitely seemed to actively block the visual experience in some way. This may be because the body high is sort of over stimulating.

Sorry to add another subjective experience filled with speculation to this thread but until someone figures out what all is in this stuff all we really have to go on is reported experiences IMO.
Hmm what did you do for each step? I def ended up with clear yellowish amber oily crystals, not a black goo..

It def feels like a tryptamine but has a stimulant edge that is unlike DMT and lacks the complex geometric visions, at this dose anyway..what I got what colors that are already there were enhanced etc..and it felt extremely mind expanding..music sounded much wider and more intense. Lots of euphoria but also it put me on edge due to the mental expansion aspect and stimulation.

It is not something I would use for visions..I could see it being more useful for exploring ESP or synesthesia or something like that.

I took maybe 5 or 6 mg's sublingual 2 days ago as well and it definatly worked. It was very similar to smoking it only more mild. The same stimulation and mental expansion with a hint of anxiety present throughout the peak. There was also a feeling of epicness to it, if that makes any sense..
Hmm what did you do for each step? I def ended up with clear yellowish amber oily crystals, not a black goo..

Your tek is fine and I'm sure that it was purely operator error on my part as to why I got black goo. My flaw was basifying an IPA extract of chaliponga instead of just straight basifying the leaves.

The goo part definitely inhibited the vaporizing process so I will try again.

I definitely agree that it might have other ESP style uses besides visuals...

after playing some guitar on it and then walking around the neighborhood a bit I could see how it might be comparable to molly in certain ways except for the panic aspect..

Although it does feel like the panic aspect could be tamed with some continual work.
Sorry to bump such an old thread.

But does anybody know any further knowledge about this topic?
E.g. has there ever been made a blind test?
Have other substances been found/identified?
Would the DMT-N-Oxide have shown in the GC/MS?
Otherwise one could speculate this being the culprit.
Aum_Shanti said:
Sorry to bump such an old thread.
Same here ;)

Aum_Shanti said:
E.g. has there ever been made a blind test?
I don't know if this counts as a blind test, but just an anecdotal story from me:

For me Chaliponga is very distinct from Chacruna. The first stage is much like Chacruna - visual etc., but then comes the 2nd stage, which is very different. It's not visual, but more psychological, existential, often solipsist (makes me feel I'm the only person in the Universe and everything else is a product of my mind) and instils the feeling of dealing with something very sacred. It's more likely to produce intense fear. It's also very euphoric and can be stimulating. I like to take it at daytime on day-long nature hikes, as opposed to Chacruna, which I like to drink at night in the dark. In the 2nd stage I can be surrounded by people and pass as normal, while tripping my brains out without anyone noticing. Even in the midst of an intense experience I'm able to switch my mind to focus on the surrounding reality to deal with an immediate issue if needed. Chaliponga also lasts much longer, comes in waves and responds to food (e.g. it may not come on fully until I eat something). The strongest wave may not come on until 3 hours in.

Earlier this year I made a batch of Ayahuasca with old leaves (purchased some 3 years prior) that were labeled as Chaliponga. After testing the tea I realized it was fairly weak and I needed unusually high an amount to feel the effects - in the area of 25-30g, in contrast to the 3g that had worked well for me with a famous strain known as #8. Also the color and taste were unlike the strain of Chali I had worked with just before this one. This led me to suspect it was in fact Chacruna, labeled as Chaliponga by mistake. However, when I did drink enough, the effects were very profound and unlike Chacruna. Which again brought me to suspect it might be a weak strain of Chali... or a weird, long acting and wavey strain of Chacruna.

One time I shared this tea with a friend. As I wasn't even sure myself what plant it was (and was leaning towards Chacruna) I didn't tell him anything about its labeling and my uncertainty around it. He wasn't very experienced and it probably wouldn't have made a difference to him anyway. He had drunk Ayahuasca 3 times before, none in the previous 9 months, and in all 3 instances it was tea made with Chacruna.

After the experience he remarked on how long it lasted and that it came in waves. He also said his experience was very emotional, but not in the least bit visual.
I don't think he'd have recognized the taste as different from Chacruna, given his relative lack of experience, and the fact Chaliponga's taste doesn't differ from Chacruna's as much as it does from Mimosa's. And even then he'd have had no expectations that it would / should have been different, let alone different in these specific ways that many other drinkers have also observed.

I took this unintentional 'blind test' as a confirmation it was Chaliponga indeed. And a week strain at that... He drank 60 grams of it that day! when I drank 40 or so.
The leafs tell what you have, chali is a much stronger leaf.

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Yes, IME chaliponga has unique characteristics some of which are in line with the effects of 5 MeO DMT.

Chaliponga is darker in visions and energy, taking longer to come, coming in more pronounced waves, and lasting longer. More mentally challenging. More wild in all aspects, including giving more visions of wild animals. Eyes open, one experiences hyper depth/3D perception (jaguar vision!) More somatic/bodily. Also more of a trickster and more confusing. And more cold and alien. Very deep, could be considered the deepest of the well known light plants. Sometimes it feels like it is just digging into your subconscious, through all the messy karma and wounds that you pushed deep down.

I have probably around 200 experiences with rue and chali.

A lot of people are reporting the same characteristics.

Finally, we have to admit there are aspects of tryptamine bearing plants which contribute to the overall psychoactivity which we don't understand yet. This is very exciting.
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