Cactus Man
Rising Star
Just found this video and figured yall would enjoy it.
ShamensStamen said:Personally, i wanted to like Jordan Peterson, because almost everyone seems to (from what i've seen online lol), but i just don't understand the hype, dude hasn't really said much that i agree with, and when it comes to Psychedelics he's far from experienced, same with his thoughts on Autism. People even think this guy is the next Terence McKenna or something lol, i mean i'm sure he's an alright guy and all, but i've watched several of his videos and podcasts and i just don't understand the hype, people think this guy is so bad ass or something, but from what i've seen he's certainly nothing special.
I'd sooner listen to the words of those who spoke them, as they spoke them. Or watch actual video footage or read exactly what they wrote, where it was written.
when it comes to Psychedelics he's far from experienced
Fair enough, the fascist label was a misnomer and it was incorrect of me to use it. I'm a bit sleep deprived with everything going with MAPS and should have been more deliberate in my word choices. It was sloppy and uncalled for and I'm sorry for that.Orion said:Oh Snozz... I love you dude, you're a class act and I generally agree with you on most things. However I think labeling Peterson as a fascist hack is just adding more angry hornets to a nest that was built in the wrong place.
Especially the race-and-IQ debate is toxic to the core. I think he and others (like sam harris for instance) have realy made a huge mistake in how they choose to enter this debate.dragonrider said:I think one day he is gonna wake up and realise that most of his followers are just as bad, if not worse, than his worst enemies.
Well, i agree with that. The PC "language police" people are crazy as shit.Legarto Rey said:Likely Peterson's most cogent observation is that language is a bio-cultural birthright. As such, it is not and will not be codified, through force of the state. He argues that the academy grows increasingly prescriptive in its demand that particular language be used or forbidden, noting that not only is this coercive, but, organically impossible.
JP reminds us that language is not available for policing and that the often delusional harridans proscribing such at university will fail in this endeavor. Their inability to do so stems from the weakness of their arguments AND the collective "ownership" of language by the species and not the state or a particular "marginalized" subset of dysfunctionals.
dragonrider said:and that the correlation between low IQ's and conservatism is much stronger because the relationship here, likely IS a causal one instead of a secundary one.