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Journeyed with my wife.

Migrated topic.


still working out the why
(mind)Set: Very relaxed, yoga with the wife, shower then meditation.
(physical condition) Set: Average, but that's normal since I got off the tools.
Setting (location): Main Bedroom, low light by candles.
time of day: 8:00PM
recent drug use: Some alcoholic drink 2 days earlier. Nothing else in my system at the time.
last meal: (Time and type) 12:00PM Vietnamese Vermicelli Salad with Pork

Gender: (m / f) Male
body weight: 100kg
known sensitivities: Some bad uninformed psychedelic experiences in my adolescent years that put the brakes on my exploration for many years.
history of use: Definitely novice (3rd DMT journey)


Substance(s): 1:1 Goo and Xtal Enhanced Leaf
Dose(s): 1 densely packed cone. New glass rig slightly larger than a metal cone.
Method of administration: Mini Me 180cm water bong, half filled with room temp water.

Administration time: 8 seconds hit, all in one.
Duration: 20minutes
First effects: Total seperation from body. Through the portal within a few seconds.
Peak: 8:00PM - 8:11PM
Come down:8:11PM - 8:22PM
Baseline: 8:23PM Afterglow began

Intensity (overall): 3 for intensity, I was truly terrified at one point, but with this substance I'm certain I haven't hit the potential or theoretical "too intense" peak.
Evaluation / notes:

Pleasantness: (0-4) 4 - The pleasant parts were insanely euphoric. Absolute bliss and tears.
Unplesantness: (0-4) 3 - There was an extremely stressful time, a hard ego death where I felt overwhelmed and frightened.
Visual Intensity: (0-4) 1 -With a higher dose that before I remember far less visuals, it felt far more emotionally demanding than visual this time around.


Hangover: 0 - Although I was getting worried when I was still tripping quite hard at the 18 minute mark, a fear of getting stuck here occurred to me, just because the first time was completely done and dusted in 10 minutes and this one lasted 22 minutes total.
Afterglow: 4 - Grounded, wholeness and a feeling of well being. I didn't eat that night despite 8hrs fasting. I felt a complete, content feeling and a deeper connection with my wife who trip sitted me.


Good day Nexians,

Last night my wife and I decided to take turns journeying. Given I had only had 2 experiences myself, I was a little uneasy at first, I know I probably shouldn't be, but I love my wife, she has had 0 experience with psychedelics and the sheer power of spice makes you wonder how others will react.

I find it very difficult to explain the experience, every explanation either seems too terrifying or too far the other way like you are understating the profundity of the spice. After a lot of discussions and a good afternoon had by all, we decided the time was now.

I went first and packed a dense level cone, this baby was fully loaded this time, I had the new mini bong rig too (180mm), I knew I was in for an immersive experience. I hit the whole thing in one and holy Moses I went deep. I experienced immediate separated consciousness from body and this time I was through the portal for a full 11 minutes. Again, I don't remember anything during this time and it was much much longer than my first experience. I wonder if there is a way to tune into this part of the trip, I just literally tap out with no memory whatsoever, all I return with is a feeling that I'd traveled a great distance and no sense of how long I was gone. I then experienced another 7 minutes of hard tripping. Had a really really hard ego death at one point. I felt really stressed for a time but my wife tells me I was raising my hands above my head and bringing them down the front of my body and then out repeatedly, as though trying to expel the bad energy through hand motions while saying "let go, relax and go with it" over and over.

I remember a turning point very clearly. I don't know if the DMT had broken down to a certain "nicer" level or if my thoughts and attempts to let go actually worked, but all of a sudden I was filled with the purest joy I've ever experienced. I could not stop laughing and tears were rolling down my face. This journey was far less visual, and FAR more emotional than my first time.

The waves of effects were relentless, I would think I was back and then trip hard again for a couple of minutes. This experience was noticeably longer, and it really felt much more profound. I can only imagine what the full Ayahuasca experience must be like.

My wife went next and unfortunately coughed at the halfway mark, she had a low dose experience but remembers a totem jungle mask coming toward her laughing when she closed here eyes, apparently very boxy and with big square teeth (perhaps geometric? I offered) Yes, very geometric. I am really intrigued now as to what a higher dose experience would be like for her, if she is having entity contact with that smaller dose.

Does anyone have any tips outside of Yoga and Meditation for these extended periods I fail to remember? I feel as though I am well and truly breaking through, I just don't ever recall it.

Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, or concerning, just curious as to what I see during the peak.

Measure your doses accurately with a 0.000 scale, this way you can find out just how much you need and this may help you remember because you will not have taken more than necessary.
A break through often has the negative aspect of not being remembered. This happens to me too. Apart from the last moments in the come down there is only this black hole. But sometimes later on, can be weeks later, details of a break through pop up in my mind. If so, it makes me feel excited. But it sticks to fragments, not the whole experience.

I am surprised that some folks can write down their break through trips with such a high accuracy. As if they relive their journey second by second while writing it down. Those are the lucky ones.
Fidelsbeard said:
Measure your doses accurately with a 0.000 scale, this way you can find out just how much you need and this may help you remember because you will not have taken more than necessary.

Thanks Fidelsbeard, I thought I could get away with my wifes 0.0 scale but your comment has made my mind up, I'll get a more accurate gem scale. Good advice. :thumb_up:
strtman said:
A break through often has the negative aspect of not being remembered. This happens to me too. Apart from the last moments in the come down there is only this black hole. But sometimes later on, can be weeks later, details of a break through pop up in my mind. If so, it makes me feel excited. But it sticks to fragments, not the whole experience.

I am surprised that some folks can write down their break through trips with such a high accuracy. As if they relive their journey second by second while writing it down. Those are the lucky ones.

Yes strtman I hear what you are saying.. for a moment I feel a bit jealous reading others experiences but then I remember not to compare and dash the thought from my mind. 😁

I'm hoping finding a balanced dose might hold some promise of remembering though.
dimensionalD said:
Does anyone have any tips outside of Yoga and Meditation for these extended periods I fail to remember? I feel as though I am well and truly breaking through, I just don't ever recall it.

Keep a DMT journal. Start writing down as much as you can right after a DMT journey. You may be surprised what you remember right afterward. It can begin to slip away rather quickly.

Avoid marijuana before the journey.

Set an intention to remember more. Focus on that intention. I think with some practice you can bring more out of it.

Maybe consider a combo, LSD and DMT, or as previously mentioned, combine with a MAOI.

I think if there is a certain ego death, you are no longer around to remember anything and something else is having the experience at that point. Perhaps there is information and experiences that would not serve you in this reality.

Another thought is that your mind is blacking it out because it perceives the event as traumatic, trying to protect you against something. I have often heard of people that experience trauma in their life and remember nothing of it until years later.

The last few times I have done some DMT, I did it several times in a row. I found I would remember more of the latter journeys. I enjoy going back a few times in a row, not for everyone I am sure, but I like it. I will wait about 30 mins to an hour between journeys.

Just some ideas...
DmnStr8 said:
dimensionalD said:
Does anyone have any tips outside of Yoga and Meditation for these extended periods I fail to remember? I feel as though I am well and truly breaking through, I just don't ever recall it.

Keep a DMT journal. Start writing down as much as you can right after a DMT journey. You may be surprised what you remember right afterward. It can begin to slip away rather quickly.

Avoid marijuana before the journey.

Set an intention to remember more. Focus on that intention. I think with some practice you can bring more out of it.

Maybe consider a combo, LSD and DMT, or as previously mentioned, combine with a MAOI.

I think if there is a certain ego death, you are no longer around to remember anything and something else is having the experience at that point. Perhaps there is information and experiences that would not serve you in this reality.

Another thought is that your mind is blacking it out because it perceives the event as traumatic, trying to protect you against something. I have often heard of people that experience trauma in their life and remember nothing of it until years later.

The last few times I have done some DMT, I did it several times in a row. I found I would remember more of the latter journeys. I enjoy going back a few times in a row, not for everyone I am sure, but I like it. I will wait about 30 mins to an hour between journeys.

Just some ideas...

Interesting DmnStr8!

A journal is a good idea, I'll give that a try for sure.
I think I am definitely keen to try consecutive journeys also!
I feel I may need to research quite a bit more before I start playing with MAOI's but I'll start down that road very soon too, at least do the proper assessment.
I think I might soil myself at the very thought of LSD and DMT at the same time, haha but man I'd imagine that would be an experience to behold.

Thanks for the advice m8!
Loveall said:
Changa can give longer/smoother trips where one can remember moar sometimes.

This absolutely but also try priming in a few rounds at lower doses. 15mg to start 25mg and then 40+-mg and journal on each one taking 20 to 30 min between. For me by the end it is usually les stressful and I feel more ready for the breakthrough. Changa can be great for a slower build too without the need to break. I find mid size changa doses to be much more suited to "work" than freebase. I wouldnt get caught up in worrying about breaking through. Def keep the Yoga part of it!!
+1 for the changa vote, I find this works best for me.

Also when I want to remember as much as possible I smoke with my partner and describe as much as possible while it's happening, this sounds difficult but gets easier with practice, she remembers as much as possible/writes it down to jog my memory once it's over because it's surprising just how much you forget almost instantly, sometimes things go by too quickly or I end up laughing at the impossibility of what I am seeing, almost like a "go ahead buddy, try describing this!" but that is what I do for best recollection.
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