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Journey's filled with scary dreadful feelings and images...

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I have been having kinda scary experiences lately. I took several journeys about 3 days ago. And then today, I tried again once. But most of my trips have been scary and difficult to integrate. I made the mistake of smoking with Terence McKenna's documentary "True Hallucinations" playing on the tv. It was the part where he describes his alien encounter. I think it may have tainted my future experiences. Before the other night, I haven't partaken in spice for several months. But since then SWIM got tired of searching for it and did an extraction of his own. now SWIM has several grams of spice to journey with. The first time the other day, I got the high pitch tone with a break through. I then met alien beings who said they had been experimenting with us for years now. Each following trip (3) was equally scary. I couldn't fully break through because its hard to grab a pipe when your hands have digitized and particulated and go straight through the table when one reaches for the pipe.My experience today was very dark. I saw images of murder and cannibalism among other stuff. Not at all plesant. I am trying to learn from any experience. i have too much spice to quit but not sure how to proceed. Any advice?
Take a break. Throw it down the toilet if you wish. Or face your fears and try and watch it all unfold like a scary movie. Be aware of your feelings about what you are seeing and do your best to allow it all to come as it wants to without judgement. Can you turn it into something else? Transform it by altering your perception a bit. All it takes is a thought. If you are going to continue to partake then I advice that you make it a private ceremony for yourself. Prepare and then go in with intention and respect.
After several more Adventures, I have gotten rid of the fearful aspect of it. Now it's just a repetition of an alien Encounter telling me the world I live in is a matrix type simulation.. I'm trying my best to get passed this conclusion and venture further into the available experience. I'll update you guys occasionally as I have more to share...
BrandonG2 said:
After several more Adventures, I have gotten rid of the fearful aspect of it. Now it's just a repetition of an alien Encounter telling me the world I live in is a matrix type simulation.. I'm trying my best to get passed this conclusion and venture further into the available experience. I'll update you guys occasionally as I have more to share...

That rabbit hole goes deep. Be mindful of whom you meet in there, and take note, there could be validity there -- we are in a simulation, whether it be one of our own design, or another's. I have been getting this message through other plant spirits...It just happened to be when I drank Ayahuasca, that someone was there to take me on a stroll through the programming. Don't try to work past. Always work with. You are being shown what you need to see, and you will progress naturally. This is true with many things; those who are eager to progress, will often get stuck. Just ride it, and when you it is time to go beyond, you will.
I have definitely been trying to learn from these experiences and integrate them into my understanding as smoothly as possible. It is just very difficult sometimes because the experience is so strange and alien compared to any frame of understanding I previously possessed. I have a little more than 25 years of experience with other journey man materials but this is a completely different entity I have encountered in the spice world. I don't want this to be the only type of experience I am strong but I'm finding it hard to move past this and go deeper into the experience. But, I am hoping that persistence will pay off nicely. I no longer see death and cannibalism in my Visions but still encounter the same beings. And when I return it is very hard to know what is the true reality. That is the part that is the hardest to understand, the contrast between regular everyday reality and the spice reality I am being shown
CouchLove said:
BrandonG2 said:
After several more Adventures, I have gotten rid of the fearful aspect of it. Now it's just a repetition of an alien Encounter telling me the world I live in is a matrix type simulation.. I'm trying my best to get passed this conclusion and venture further into the available experience. I'll update you guys occasionally as I have more to share...

That rabbit hole goes deep. Be mindful of whom you meet in there, and take note, there could be validity there -- we are in a simulation, whether it be one of our own design, or another's. I have been getting this message through other plant spirits...It just happened to be when I drank Ayahuasca, that someone was there to take me on a stroll through the programming. Don't try to work past. Always work with. You are being shown what you need to see, and you will progress naturally. This is true with many things; those who are eager to progress, will often get stuck. Just ride it, and when you it is time to go beyond, you will.

What I find weird is that The Matrix was made in 1999. JUST BEFORE the beginning of this millennium. Not 1982 or 1995 or 2003. I wonder if this millennium will uncover anything with regards to this as well as AI as it's promise within the Y2K meme.
CouchLove said:
BrandonG2 said:
After several more Adventures, I have gotten rid of the fearful aspect of it. Now it's just a repetition of an alien Encounter telling me the world I live in is a matrix type simulation.. I'm trying my best to get passed this conclusion and venture further into the available experience. I'll update you guys occasionally as I have more to share...

That rabbit hole goes deep. Be mindful of whom you meet in there, and take note, there could be validity there -- we are in a simulation, whether it be one of our own design, or another's. I have been getting this message through other plant spirits...It just happened to be when I drank Ayahuasca, that someone was there to take me on a stroll through the programming. Don't try to work past. Always work with. You are being shown what you need to see, and you will progress naturally. This is true with many things; those who are eager to progress, will often get stuck. Just ride it, and when you it is time to go beyond, you will.

Your response also reminded of a terence mckenna quote, posted below...

It is no great accomplishment to hear a voice in the head. The accomplishment is to make sure it is telling the truth, because the demons are of many kinds: "Some are made of ions, some of mind; the ones of ketamine, you'll find, stutter often and are blind." The reaction to these voices is not to kneel in genuflection before a god, because then one will be like Dorothy in her first encounter with Oz. There is no dignity in the universe unless we meet these things on our feet, and that means having an I/Thou relationship. One say to the Other: "You say you are omniscient, omnipresent, or you say you are from Zeta Reticuli. You're long on talk, but what can you show me?" Magicians, people who invoke these things, have always understood that one must go into such encounters with one's wits about oneself. -terence mckenna

fathomlessness said:
What I find weird is that The Matrix was made in 1999. JUST BEFORE the beginning of this millennium. Not 1982 or 1995 or 2003. I wonder if this millennium will uncover anything with regards to this as well as AI as it's promise within the Y2K meme.

Huh? It's just 1438 A.H. here, following the latest abracadabic upgrade. Are you (sure you are not) a follower of matrixism? Sophia Stewart claims the matrix was plagiarized from her book 'the third eye' many years earlier.
All of this sounds more like a set and setting issue .
Journeying with the TV running in the back sounds careless to me plain and simple . Try going out in nature or changing something up. Alien matrix themes can happen but you have
to take action to shift that into different waters.

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