Rising Star
I have been having kinda scary experiences lately. I took several journeys about 3 days ago. And then today, I tried again once. But most of my trips have been scary and difficult to integrate. I made the mistake of smoking with Terence McKenna's documentary "True Hallucinations" playing on the tv. It was the part where he describes his alien encounter. I think it may have tainted my future experiences. Before the other night, I haven't partaken in spice for several months. But since then SWIM got tired of searching for it and did an extraction of his own. now SWIM has several grams of spice to journey with. The first time the other day, I got the high pitch tone with a break through. I then met alien beings who said they had been experimenting with us for years now. Each following trip (3) was equally scary. I couldn't fully break through because its hard to grab a pipe when your hands have digitized and particulated and go straight through the table when one reaches for the pipe.My experience today was very dark. I saw images of murder and cannibalism among other stuff. Not at all plesant. I am trying to learn from any experience. i have too much spice to quit but not sure how to proceed. Any advice?