Rising Star
Ok, so SWIM is really interested in the use of the "Spirit Molecule" he found a extraction method on called "DMT for the Masses". SWIM just wanted to make sure he is getting all the right material. SWIM wants to order the NaOH (Lye beads) from Will this substitute for Red Devil? SWIM was planning on extracting an Oz. of Mimosa hostilis Bark how much will that yield and will 4lbs worth of Lye and 1 Quart of VM&P Naptha Lighter Fluid be enough for the extraction. SWIM is a beginner to DMT extaction so he just wanted to make sure he has everything he needs. SWIM has the ammonia and vinegar already at his house. Thanks
Here is a link to the extraction method: Erowid Mimosa (Jurema) Vault : DMT for the Masses
Here is a link to the extraction method: Erowid Mimosa (Jurema) Vault : DMT for the Masses