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Kash's A/B Mescaline Extraction

Migrated topic.
HumbleTraveler said:
I have a few noobish questions here so dont mind me.

1. I have food grade phosphoric acid, could I use that instead of HCl for the HCl part?
I have never heard of anyone using phosphoric acid to salt mescaline. In theory, it is possible. But there is also a chance that mescaline phosphate will not crystallize, that it isn't water-soluble, etc. Another benefit to using HCl is that any excess acid will evaporate, whereas when using citric or sulfuric acid one must use careful titration in order to avoid excess acid contamination in the final product. Your best bet would probably be to use HCl.

HumbleTraveler said:
2. How many pots would really be required for this, is 2 ok? How many glass jars total? What size, all at least 1L?
2x large pots. I like to use huge (>8L) pots, but it could probably be done with something a little smaller.

You will need at least one large (1L) glass vessel, one smaller glass vesel (>200mL) for mixing NaOH solution, and one more large (1L or so) glass vessel in which you will salt mescaline out of your nonpolar solvent.

HumbleTraveler said:
3. "6. Add 200ml toluene (or xylene) and mix for 10-15 minutes. Let the mixture settle and use a hot water bath to seperate the layers from the emulsion if necessary. The layers should seperate quickly. Seperate the layers with a pipet, separatory funnel, or syringe. Save the toluene in another glass container and put basic aqueous cacti solution back in original container.
7. Repeat previous step atleast 4 times total. Discard basic aqueous layer after, saving the toluene extract which contains the alkaloids.

In this step, are you adding the 200ml of toulene to the glass pickle jar with the 500ml of aqueous cacti extract?

3a. Once the toluene is added, does it need to be rolled lightly like during a spice extraction and then allowed to separate, or just add it and let it separate without agitating??

3b. Is the toulene the top layer or the bottom layer?
Yes, you are adding your nonpolar solvent to the basic aqeous "cactus tea".

Yes, the nonpolar solvent should be mixed with the aqeuous solution thoroughly, exactly like one would do when extracting DMT.

HumbleTraveler said:
4. " 9. Seperate layers, hot water bath may be necessary to seperate emulsion quickly. Filter and save acidic H2O layer and discard/recycle toluene.. "

Again, is the H20 layer the top layer or bottom layer?
Toluene will float on top of the aqueous solution, just like naphtha or xylene would.

HumbleTraveler said:
Again, these are noob questions, but I really appreciate 100% clarification in stuff like this just because it's time consuming, Id much know before going all in that I have everything sorted out fully! 😁
That is a good approach to have! One must do their homework before they can pass a test! Feel free to PM me if you have any more questions about extracting mescaline. Much love and respect. :)
Thank you so much! Very appreciative that you were able to answer all of my questions. Im currently under way, Ill be sure to PM you if there's any random Q's I have along the way 😁

One thing I will add here if any one else would like to chime in has me raising an eye brow...

I used fresh cacti, not powdered. I just cut up 2 SP cuttings and removed the skin and avoided the core. Its primarily dark green flesh which I cubed up.

Im about 25 minutes into my first boil with 200ml white vinegar and 2L of water...Im getting no gooeyness or snot to my water. Its just...watery and my cacti chunks are cycling around the pot from the water lightly boiling.

Why do I have no snot? Should I hit the mixture with an electric hand blender to thicken the water up?
sorry for the super noob question but this is gonna be my first extraction and i dont want to waste material. is there any reason why hexane cant be used as the non-polar solvent? in place of toluene
why is citric acid or acetic acid used in step one over hcl? is there a reason for this? wouldnt hcl be effective for acidifying like in dmt extraction? also has anybody tried doing a mini a/b with this to clean it up.
Just wanted to thank ya Kash! Got a portion of some nice looking mesc from a quick overnight extraction with about a 1.4 foot length of trichocereus bridge monstrous.
First picture is prior to ethyl acetate wash.
Still need to weigh the final. It's sometimes hard for me to tell, but I imagine somewhere between 200-500 mg are there? I definitely could have put a little while longer into freezing my sliced cactus and even boiling some more would have been good. But it was a spur of the moment extraction, and rather painless compared to other extractions.


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Hey, have been away for a while.. sorry for not getting back to you sooner!

To shakan27, hcl is not used for heated extractions because alkaloids tend to be sensitive to the high pH and break down. That is why milder acids are used instead.

To cave paintings, glad to see those results and glad to it went smooth. Ethyl acetate wash works but generally MEK or acetone are better, hope it was a good experience. :)
I did a mesc extraction last night. I use heating to pull freebase, washed np solvent with cold distilled water, and gassed it.

Sadly I was using some napthalene that was sitting in the cooler for too long that had been used to wash fats out of root bark. I gassed the ever loving christ out of it with dry HCL and no precipitate fell out. :?

I had to go back and do the job proper with methylbenzene (toluene).

After extracting into solvent I cooled it with cold water washes, and drained into a closed solvent bottle over some MgSO4 chunks and sealed it up, allowing it to chill in a cold water bath.

(Gassing step omitted)

The precipitate was poured off onto filter paper and washed with dry acetone. residual acetone was allowed to fully evaporate and into a fresh glass the crystals were eluted through the filter using hot water. The filter was rinsed with hot distilled water a couple times to ensure no product remained behind in the filter.
Going to give this tek a try today with 1.5-2 foot of Pachanoi after I remove the little arms and replant them. With a bit of luck I have as much luck as the rest of you!
Looked back at my dish this morning after leaving it to naturally air dry and I have translucent needles forming! Probably only about 200-500mg but that is awesome!

Did 3 more solvent runs on the mix to exhaust it and got another ~130mg.

After washing with MEK it cleaned up very nicely, however I lost around ~30-40mg in the process. The end yield was a touch over 400mg of very fine clean tan crystals with a bitter cactus taste. Great tek, Thank you Kash.

Pics - Unwashed Mescaline Hydrochloride + Washed.


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Tryptallmine said:
Looked back at my dish this morning after leaving it to naturally air dry and I have translucent needles forming! Probably only about 200-500mg but that is awesome!

Did 3 more solvent runs on the mix to exhaust it and got another ~130mg.

After washing with MEK it cleaned up very nicely, however I lost around ~30-40mg in the process. The end yield was a touch over 400mg of very fine clean tan crystals with a bitter cactus taste. Great tek, Thank you Kash.

Looks pretty good, hope the experience was the same!

@1ce - Yeah, gassing mesc doesn't seem to work too well. It precipitates some junk, but not a whole lot of what your really after heh.
Kash said:
Tryptallmine said:
Looked back at my dish this morning after leaving it to naturally air dry and I have translucent needles forming! Probably only about 200-500mg but that is awesome!

Did 3 more solvent runs on the mix to exhaust it and got another ~130mg.

After washing with MEK it cleaned up very nicely, however I lost around ~30-40mg in the process. The end yield was a touch over 400mg of very fine clean tan crystals with a bitter cactus taste. Great tek, Thank you Kash.

Looks pretty good, hope the experience was the same!

I wish I could say I sampled it. I had an LSD revelation after 300mic's and disposed of every single compound I had....
Is it advisable to wash the combined xylene pulls with water first before salting (HCL)?
It seems as there is a whole lot of stuff that can be cleaned out but the concern is that a bit of the medicine may also be washed out, even though hcl/water has yet to be added?.
double post - see post above

just to add a side note:

it seems several washes are possible before the water shows that it is no longer pulling any gunk - it remains clear - presumably leaving all and just the mescaline in the xylene ready for salting.
Thinking out loud here.

I've used this tek a few times and am a little underwhelmed by the yields. I used 2 x 1 foot fresh cuttings blended up along with 50g of dry powder.
The final yield was 0.25g of washed mescaline. I'm just wondering if there is something else that could be done to push more alkaloids into the solvent? I know when extracting DMT we use NaCl to help it migrate to the NPS. I used xylene as the solvent in this case.

Any thoughts from some more knowledgeable folk? I've kept the aqueous mix along with the solvent and plant material, so I can try a few things before I throw it out.
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