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Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic drug. Medicinally, it is used to treat chronic, pharmaceutical-resistant depression and anxiety. It is used in emergency situations to help ease pain and discomfort. Entheogenically, it is often used to deepen meditation, enhance the effects of other substances, and help reduce trip-related anxiety.

Medical grade ketamine comes as a liquid. Ketamine obtained through typical channels has been evaporated down to a clear-white crystalline powder and is snorted. It is very important to make sure any ketamine you plan on snorting has been thoroughly crushed and broken down into a fine powder to minimize damage to your nose. An easy way to accomplish this is by using parchment paper to create a pouch, then crushing the crystal with a rounded object such as a lighter. Alternatively, a mortar and pestle works wonderfully.

It is unsafe and risky to combine ketamine with CNS depressants such as opiates, alcohol, GHB, and tramadol. Avoid taking ketamine in combination with stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine.

Like most powder substances, it is always worthwhile to test your ketamine. If you are unsure where to start, look at this test kit from dancesafe.

The effects of ketamine typically set in within 10-15 minutes from the time of insufflation. At low doses, it creates an inebriated floaty weightlessness, delayed reactions, and reduction of general anxiety/worry, similar to alcohol or N20. At higher doses, dissociation, similar to a feeling of "watching yourself", visual modifications/hallucinations, and even out-of-body experiences are possible. A general slowing down of the passage of time occurs. Most people find it difficult to choose words effectively or communicate with others in real time while under the effects of a moderate-to-high dose of ketamine. Moderate doses have similarities to deep states of meditation internally, but may also resemble utter inebriation and lack of outer awareness. Due to the nature of Ketamine, it can be difficult and/or dangerous to complete regular, everyday tasks while under it's effects.
As a general rule of thumb, try to plan your ketamine use so that you will have little-to-no need to move your body for any reason shortly after ingesting. If you have to use the bathroom, do so before ingesting, so as to avoid creating a situation in which you wish to relieve yourself but are unable to walk to the bathroom. Avoid handling any hazardous/sharp/delicate objects and fire while ingesting ketamine.

Avoid taking high doses of ketamine alone. Like any other substance which can produce out-of-body experiences, it goes without saying that having someone to protect and look after your physical form during your absence is extremely desirable.

For many, ketamine's baseline effect is a palpable reduction of anxiety, and a general slowing of reality. Combined with it's short duration, typical consumption method, and chemical mechanism, ketamine has a relatively high abuse potential. If you struggle with chronic states of dysphoria, anxiety, or depression, if you have struggled with addiction in the past, or generally have trouble self-regulating your substance use, be very cautious using ketamine.

Excessive ketamine use is hard on the kidneys. If you are using ketamine frequently and your urine is a concerning color, or if it hurts to urinate, you are using too much. Listen to your body always.

Here are some helpful resources:

Dancesafe Ketamine Page
Erowid Ketamine Vault
A published study on the risk of renal function decline due to ketamine abuse

Please help me add to this harm reduction resource with any helpful information, studies, or resources 😄
Safe travels 🌺
Excellent post @Subtlevibrations thank you so much for putting this together, I'm 100% sure it will be helpful to people looking into working with this substance. Please allow me to add a few points of interest:

Let's start with the dosage recommendations (taken from PsychonautWiki's data, which I find rather accurate in most cases).

Oral administration:


I will not mention IM and IV dosages because I'm not a big fan of this ROA, to say the least.

Naturally, this is anecdotal data that is collected by averaging multiple users' input. I find it quite accurate for me personally, but if you're doing ketamine for the first time, please don't try and be brave, and instead start out with a lower dosage, feel how it affects you and your body, and only then venture forth into higher dosages.

Apart from the kidney damage SV mentioned above, there is some evidence that heavy ketamine users can also suffer comparatively long-lasting cognitive and memory damage. Here are the two related research papers:
Consequences of chronic ketamine self-administration upon neurocognitive function and psychological wellbeing: a 1-year longitudinal study
Cognitive impairments in poly-drug ketamine users

It's worth noting that those effects were only observed on particularly frequent users (at least 4 days/week, averaging 20 days/month), and I would definitely not recommend using ketamine that often.

Furthermore, ketamine is classed as a dissociative, and it is well known that dissociatives are capable of producing a long-term or permanent form of tolerance (permatolerance) that accumulates slowly and independently from normal tolerance. This is a particularly important point, because it means a user suffering from ketamine permatolerance needs to ingest more and more of it every time to hit the same plateau, and that means more and more urinary tract and cognitive/memory damage.

With this in mind, I would recommend using ketamine no more than 4 times a month.

Another thing to keep in mind when ingesting ketamine is to lower the dosage in case you have consumed grapefruits recently, because grapefruit juice seems to contain compounds that increase the duration and potency of S-ketamine in the body. Here's the study that explores this peculiar interaction:
S-ketamine concentrations are greatly increased by grapefruit juice

To finish this off, here's something that relates to people who wish to test their ketamine (which I'd strongly recommend, especially considering how frequent and in what odd circumstances can fentanyl be found in many substances) using any of the more popular reagent kits. Here's what reactions you can expect:
Reaction Color​
No reaction​
No reaction​
Deep brownish orange/red
Light yellow
No reaction​
No reaction​
No reaction​
No reaction​
No reaction​
Orange - Pink - Yellow
Slow pink
No reaction​
No reaction​

And finally, to people wondering how ketamine (relatively) compares to other substances in terms of physical harm, social harm, and dependence, here's PsychonautWiki's beautiful radar plot:

With all that being said, it's important to note nobody is trying to scare anyone off of using ketamine. But we are responsible adults and we should approach the substances we consume accordingly.

Of course if anyone has anything to add, or has any questions, we're always happy to help here in the forum as well as in the chat.

Have fun and stay safe! ❤️
Hey this is great stuff guys :)

Ketamine has a close place to my heart but really does have a high abuse potential and is best used pretty sparingly. It ticks the box of being physically and emotionally euphoric, with potential for very spiritually profound experiences. A lot of people I see hide behind the spiritual thing with ket and use it to justify a grotesque level of abuse. Its very sad seeing people get lost in this one. But abuse potential aside it really is a fascinating compound. And it synergizes elegantly with DMT.. however since both compounds have a degree of 'amnesia' post breakthrough/k-hole it can make for some pretty sub standard memory retention of the experience. The experiences are always awesome but thats almost all I know aside from a slight recollection of the feel/theme. I remember even less of them than just smoking DMT alone.. does anyone else find this?

One thing I would add is that some people can get very nauseous and vomit on ketamine. So to people who experience those kinds of symptoms I would absolutely avoid doing ketamine alone. In K hole level doses I think the risk of choking on ones vomit could become a real possibility..
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@acacian I think it’s worth noting that we all perhaps have a tendency to justify our unhealthy behaviors one way or another; to ourselves more than anyone. It doesn’t help that ketamine allows for rat-brain dopamine cycling…. That’s one blessing I’ve found in tryptamines; nothing can stay under the rug.

Discipline is definitely the watchword. As the old alchemical axiom goes, the difference between a medicine and a poison is the dose.

As far as drug synergies go, I personally enjoy small amount of ketamine with LSD, so I can see why you find it harmonizing with DMT as well. I personally like it because the slight general numbness really helps level out any unpleasant body tingles or tension. Too much, however, and I start forgetting my trip, like you mentioned. One of my favorite elements of LSD is how memorable it is, so I usually find less is more when adding in ketamine.
I wouldn't say it potentiates it anymore than the fact that you are already intoxicated on a substance when you blast off. Perhaps it would mean you could smoke a little less DMT to reach breakthrough, but I just meant that they pair really nicely. I guess due to it's dissociative nature, ketamine renders the DMT experience a little less involved than normal (talking personally here). You probably won't feel as intense a sensation surrendering to/riding the DMT vibration as usual.. it feels more 'oceanic' and calm.

Depending on the situation, this might be a nice dynamic to explore.. if really looking to face deep personal stuff going on then I'd probably suggest leaving the ketamine out. But if you want a smoother, more oceanic kind of DMT experience that feels like a soothing bath in hyperspace then ketamine is a cool ally. Each has it's own unique place.

It goes really nice on LSD and mushrooms too.. small doses synergize particularly well with LSD and some fast pulsating trance. High doses IMO are better suited to an environment with less audible/visual stimulus.

@Subtlevibrations Well said! Ketamine, while kind of psychedelic, does seem to reliably reward the pleasure centres, even if there is a lot of inner turmoil in need of facing. Tryptamines as you say don't let you get off so easy.. although people do get lost in them too.
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Keta is one of those substances which are awesome with music
If you treat it like a once-a-year vacation kind of treat, then it's okay
Just don't start taking vacations every month :)
It's very interesting though, because in all of the 30+ times I've gone deep with ketamine, I've tried doing so with music like 5-6 times, and every time it was unbearable. The music got distorted in a way that made it unsettling and exceedingly unpleasant to listen to. I personally cannot stand any noise around me while going deep into the hole. Regardless if it's music, or my PC cooling fans, or the window being open letting in urban ambient noise, I can't tolerate it for some reason. I realize this is in stark contrast with many other people who seem to enjoy music on K, and even take it on raves, but I can't really focus on the experience and make the most of it if I'm not in absolute silence.

That's just me though, and this difference speaks to how unique of a substance K is. Got nothing but love for it.
It's very interesting though, because in all of the 30+ times I've gone deep with ketamine, I've tried doing so with music like 5-6 times, and every time it was unbearable. The music got distorted in a way that made it unsettling and exceedingly unpleasant to listen to. I personally cannot stand any noise around me while going deep into the hole. Regardless if it's music, or my PC cooling fans, or the window being open letting in urban ambient noise, I can't tolerate it for some reason. I realize this is in stark contrast with many other people who seem to enjoy music on K, and even take it on raves, but I can't really focus on the experience and make the most of it if I'm not in absolute silence.

That's just me though, and this difference speaks to how unique of a substance K is. Got nothing but love for it.
I find this as well! But I do find ambient music with no beat really nice with ketamine.. anything too beat driven just feels too wonky. Long sustained soundscapes though don’t interfere too much.
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