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LD50 of bananas

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I eat a lot of bananas. I just want to make sure that I can't kill myself. Please help I'm not good at math.

This is me:

The Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University advises there is no established safe upper limit for potassium intake; however, they report an oral dose of at least 18 g results in hyperkalemia in healthy adults. This dose is the equivalent of consuming 37 large bananas at once.

Tread carefully. :lol:
Bananas are not a good source of potassium, they are dead-center average in potassium content. The only unique thing about bananas is how good of marketing they have, lol.
The only meaningful nutritional difference between a banana and a potato is that a potato has twice as much protein.
Eating natural food wont overdose you on potassium, in any normal circumstances.
Bananas LD50 would be based on banana, not potassium content.
Banana is not an element or compound you can overdose on. :lol:

Please provide a banana overdose scenario/threshold then Auxin, rather than just hating against their nutritional content. :|

There has to be a point of no return.

This is serious stuff mate.
lol seriously, you can live forever just eating bananas and say moringa oleifera. Thsi should provide you a starttign stack of nutrients to keep nutrited. No need to overeat though. One banana and one teaspoon of moringa leaves powder is a good start for nutrition. YOU won't OD from that.
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