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Legality of Caapi in the UK?

Migrated topic.
Thanks for the update. It's good to hear that you've got through this. It's amazing how these dinosaurs think it's OK to rob you, destroy your possessions, and cause unnecessary medical suffering to you, because of some plants.

It's also amazing how a legal process can turn out to be great training in meditation :lol:

Stories like this underline the need in the UK for "Free the Plants" activism as has been seen in the USA recently.

DeltaSpice said:
Never talk to the police without your council [counsel] present . Even if you have done nothing wrong. Their job is to lock you away for as long as possible and do not care whether or not you are guilty or a decent person. The longer your sentence the better for their career prospects...
- I'm glad this one soaked in. It always bears repeating.
Hi Guys,
I thought I would give you a recent update because I know you will find it interesting and hopefully take heed in some respects.
I will try to be carful of breaking forum rules.

My Caapi usage is quite high and I always fear the worst now when waiting for the post. Recently I was awaiting 2kg of the sacred vine. After it had been with customs for 8 weeks I knew what was going on but surely they cannot be so stupid as to make the same mistake twice? (I think we know the answer to that question)

I had arrived at work when I received a phone call "The police are here (6 of them) at the house and they want to speak to you" I spoke over the phone and agreed to come to the police station for a talk.
Straight away I telephoned my solicitor. They advised me that the police would arrest and charge me and then enforce a search & seize warrant on my home.

On the way to the cop-shop I stopped off at home and hid my PC & Mobile phone, these items are important to me and cannot go without them for 6 months while the police bumble about. I also laid out on the bed all my Vine, about 4kg and some Alkaloid powder for the return & search.

At the police station the cops arrested me and charged me with the importation of 2kg class A drug containing DMT (facepalm)

They put me in prison clothes and locked me in a cell for the day whilst they searched my house and my solicitor was summoned.

I was advised to say No Comment all day long and I was let free pending the investigation, testing of the Caapi Vine for DMT.

To be fair this time they treated me well and gave me many coffees, last time they thought I was a drug lord.

I cannot help but think that Caapi B is the most studied plant on earth and there are many books on it. A 10 year old with google can figure out that it does not contain DMT.

I will have to find the money for my lawyers which is a problem and I have yet to tell my fiancé what occurred :/

Cheers Everyone.
What a pointless load of stress these ignorant buffoons are causing, yet again.

It only serves to emphasize how very necessary it still is for the UK to, well, just Legalise Nature.

Did the Plod even notice the irony of them giving you coffee in this situation?

Stay strong, you got this.
downwardsfromzero said:
What a pointless load of stress these ignorant buffoons are causing, yet again.

It only serves to emphasize how very necessary it still is for the UK to, well, just Legalise Nature.

Did the Plod even notice the irony of them giving you coffee in this situation?

Stay strong, you got this.

Thanks for the words of encouragement. This is zero stress for me. Pre my arrival at the station i was stressed and was reminded of the last part of the film Goodfellas where the main character was seeing helicopters and sweating haha
No matter what ever happens, these plants are the best thing to have happened to me.
PedroSanchez said:
this story drives me crazy!
i think it should be law that anybody dealing with law should have to actually learn the law :|
I have given some thought as to how this can happen to me. We have a system with a hierarchy of people giving orders and those orders being carried out. No one questioning along the way.

I was thinking of contacting Customs & Excise in Coventry. This is where my parcel was held. Maybe communicate with some one as high up as I could get to and explaining my situation. I can see that if you google Caapi B, Ayahuasca appears and Ayahuasca contains DMT. Is google really the catalyst?

Side note:
My previous experience taught me to dislike the police. Blatantly trying to lock me up for 20 years plus to further one mans career. Using transparent entrapping questions and tricks during interviews. The whole experience designed and thought out to put me in a locked room for as long as possible to improve some ones career.

This recent experience made me feel a sorry for the police. At the station I could see on the faces of all staff members what their jobs have done to them. On their faces and behind their eyes. Lets just say non of them were happy go lucky. They need the vine more than me.

Thanks for the update, hopefully you case will help towards clearing up the legal grey area a bit. Youve certainly scared me off from importing cactus powder, luckily I now have almost enough home grown material for sustainable harvesting. Not so easy with caapi, I know. Just a thought though, couldnt you switch to syrian rue, and convert the harmaline to thh, thus achieving a similar alk profile to caapi? And talking of rue, why is it freely available in middle eastern grocery shops in the UK? Must be imported in large amounts. Im sure youve already brought that up as part of your defence anyway.

Good luck and let us know the outcome.
ijahdan said:
Thanks for the update, hopefully you case will help towards clearing up the legal grey area a bit. Youve certainly scared me off from importing cactus powder, luckily I now have almost enough home grown material for sustainable harvesting. Not so easy with caapi, I know. Just a thought though, couldnt you switch to syrian rue, and convert the harmaline to thh, thus achieving a similar alk profile to caapi? And talking of rue, why is it freely available in middle eastern grocery shops in the UK? Must be imported in large amounts. Im sure youve already brought that up as part of your defence anyway.

Good luck and let us know the outcome.
Hi Ijahdan,
Nothing inside Rue or Caapi is controlled and totally legal in the UK. Even Mimosa Hostilis is legal as long as it is in whole form. Grinding or shredding = "Preperation"

I began my journey with Rue Harmala's. However on my first try of Caapi, of which I was expecting the exact same results as with Rue, I was confronted with a female-type head, Aya herself. She began looking into my brain to understand me. Thereafter a relationship began and I will never use Rue again.
The way forward for me is to grow my own vine . One day I will make this happen.
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