usually SWIM keeps alternating between the stiring/mixing (for, say, 10 minutes at once), then leaving it quiet so the layers separate for another 10 mins, then do stiring/mixing again and so on, for about an hour or 2 (so lets say 3-6 cycles of mixing/waiting to separate, lasting around 2 hours)
some people do more, some people do less.. find your own way and tell us
One has tried a couple methods, ranging from leaving it in for 5 minutes per pull to leaving it in for 24+ hours a pull. The long pulls obviously yield more, but they also pull out more yellow. One is trying to find a good medium.
One has tried a couple methods, ranging from leaving it in for 5 minutes per pull to leaving it in for 24+ hours a pull. The long pulls obviously yield more, but they also pull out more yellow. One is trying to find a good medium.
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