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Lophophora - is that the right color

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
i have been worried with a young lophophora sp. that i found in the garden of the college... it is with a clear brown tone in the base and a little more green in the top... maybe it's too dry or too wet? i don't know!


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let it dry out a bit between waterings - and the color looks like reddening due to receiving too much light
I've encountered the same color in a loph and watered it more and it perked up and turned more green/healthy looking in around 2 weeks. There were other lophs in the same area not showing the same color receiving the same amount of sun. I'm not saying that it wasn't too much sun,but more water made it better.
the... in who i believe? '^^

both are saying opposite things...

Should i take it from the direct sun light or it could be there during the first hours of the day?
well I didn't move mine from the sun and it's getting greener with just more frequent water. Move it if the sun gets real intense and you live in a sub/tropical environment I live way up north.
this loph that was the same color as yours is now completely green and healthy looking with just more water same sun. Any updates on yours?
oh man you won't believe it, some reforms happened at the garden of the college and when i came back the young loph wasn't there anymore, just a lot of debris in the garden... this is sad =/
ok best to show by example - check it out :

Baby Yotelings - hatched in a warm moist place on 50% sifted sand 50% sifted potting soil with a bit of mycorhizzal fungi added.


Now swims heard of a lot of ppl that like to keep their peyotes as babies for a long time - swims not one of them - he recons they need to be hardened off preddy fast.
A tad too much light was given to them - they got hehe sunburned - hehe not really they just go red to absorb more of the blue side of the light spectrum


Once nicely accidentally tanned they were moved to under some cfl's


This chuffed em up quickly and brought back their nice green glow


From the same batch one was grapthed and suntanned


once again moved to a better spot with less intense light


very quickly he got his glow back


and then kicked into growth


its best to keep a few pots in 1 tray and water from below - under cfl for baby cacti


Hope that cleared things up - btw that grapth is moving at light speed now - kicked into growth as soon as it went under the cfl's
great pics Phlux-

in general purpler=dehydration
brown=rot/sunburn/too much water

if they are a bright green and growing tall, they need more light as they are stretching :) seedlings will stretch but after about a cm they should start looking fatter than taller for sure.
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