Dr Psychonaut
Rising Star
Thanks for such an in depth response and I must say your knowledge and experience of exploring different states of consciousness truly fascinates me. I would love to develop these skills of my own and learn to travel to any reality I wish.
I find this intriguing as since using DMT I find myself having very out of the ordinary dreams where I go back into hyperspace and have bizarre very spice-like experiences. I also found this after ketamine use and had some strange dreams where I would visit similar places. I guess one your astral body has been guided somewhere through the aid of DMT or other entheogens it is able to travel back there on it's own during dream sleep.
In regards to what I have read of the astral plane it seems that in OOBE's one is able to travel to any of the 7 levels of the astral plane if one is able to navigate successfully (though these levels are undoubtedly impossible to define subjectively) as well anywhere in this physical realm. I am going to practice lucid dreaming as much as possible and look into methods of practicing astral projection and inducing OOBE's. Thanks for your wise information.
Entheogenic travelling is usually accompanied by visual hallucinations and patterns that are characteristic of the substance ingested. Spice, for example, has its unique and breathtaking visual style. Also, the realms visited are more specific to the substance. Once spice has shown you a hyperspatial realm, though... you CAN go and visit there with Lucid Dreaming. As I mentioned before, you can even smoalk spice in a dream. But simply intending to go to hyperspace and teleporting there can work on its own.
I find this intriguing as since using DMT I find myself having very out of the ordinary dreams where I go back into hyperspace and have bizarre very spice-like experiences. I also found this after ketamine use and had some strange dreams where I would visit similar places. I guess one your astral body has been guided somewhere through the aid of DMT or other entheogens it is able to travel back there on it's own during dream sleep.
In regards to what I have read of the astral plane it seems that in OOBE's one is able to travel to any of the 7 levels of the astral plane if one is able to navigate successfully (though these levels are undoubtedly impossible to define subjectively) as well anywhere in this physical realm. I am going to practice lucid dreaming as much as possible and look into methods of practicing astral projection and inducing OOBE's. Thanks for your wise information.