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making sceletium tortuosum nose spray:

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Rising Star
Toadman's sceletium tortuosum nose spray recipe:

here's the deal:

i have been experimenting a lot lately. i had made an 96.6% ethanol extract of 40g sceletium tortuosum.

this yielded 3.76g of black resin which was pretty dry, but still a little oily.

1.65 of this was dissolved in 30ml of warm distilled water. (this equals 17.5g sceletium powder)heating it from underneath with a hotplate helped. the black stuff needs to melt and the water will become deep yellow. let the black stuff settle and siphon off the water while still hot and squirt it in the nasal spray bottle. when the water cools precipitate forms. it looks like slightly yellowish crystals. it is very important to shake the liquid before spraying to stir up the crystals in the water.

1 spray in each nostril is good for nice effects. 1 spray push equals 0.125g of sceletium tortuosum powder.

now what i dont know is if all spray bottles emit the same amount of liquid per push.

i calculated like this: i added 30ml of water to the spray bottle and counted the pushes until its emptpy. this was in my case 140 pushes. since i wanted to distribute the dose between both nostrils i wanted 2 pushes to contain the power of 0.25 g sceletium powder. its really easy.

yesterday evening i had some friends over and we had tried it out. at first i administered 2 pushes to myself. and because of my macho ingestion syndrome added another 2 pushes after 5 minutes of waiting because nothing seemed to be happening. then at some point in the next 10 minutes a VERY STRONG euphoric rush started within seconds. i had visuals too. it was way too much. i had taken like 0.5g sceletium nasally in 10minutes. way more than you could fit in your nose. a friend of mine had taken the same dose 5 minutes later than me. at first he too wasnt feeling anything and then suddenly he felt it too. it was too much he said. we both had to rinse our noses out with water. after that the intense effects carried on another 15minutes or so and then lingered off in a very nice feeling of well being and love for our surroundings including empathic feelings to one another.

so be patient. sometimes it takes about 10-15 minutes to unfold its full effects. we had also puffed 2 very potent vaporizers of weed before. i think the visuals must have come from the weed in addition to the sceletium.

this morning on my way to work in the subway i administered only 2 pushes of spray and this was actually the dose i was looking for. very nice. (also the dose i had calculated..)

since the black stuff seems to be left behind and with the water becoming so active i thought of this: maybe one should test the precipitate which comes out of the cooling water for activity. this might even be an easy, nontoxic way of aquiring crystalline material from an ethanol extraction of sceletium.

i will report back when i have tested this. stay tuned.

/peace, love and euphoria,
the mysterious toadman from you know where ;)
just getting a prerooted plant might be easier.. but yeah.. its actually VERY easy to grow!
Awesome work! I've wanted to try Sceletium more but the insufflation of non-soluble organic matter is just too uncomfortable for me.

So was the material treated prior to EtOH extraction? ie., was the raw foliage fermented and dried like a traditional kanna prep for removal of oxalic acid? I imagine an EtOH extract of raw foliage would be messy too due to high water content...

Your reports of visuals are very curious too. I have read only one other report of visuals from kanna so this instance is of interest in supporting that phenomenon.

Sceletium is so easy to grow its not funny. Get yourself a cutting. They strike easily in a free-draining potting mix. Depending on climate they do die back during the dormant season so don't panic if your plant becomes a skeleton.
iv had visuals from sceletium - very simmilar to voacanga africana visuals - a bit on the mescaline side - everything is phenethylamine sparkly etc...
i had the same visuals from fresh catha edulis too.
so SWIM got some 95% pure kanna alkaloids...and if 250mg of dried material is enough for effects..then the dosage for pure alkaloids would be very small...because supposedly..the alkaloid content of potent kanna plants is something around 1.5%..

that would mean you would only need like 3-4mg of this stuff

is this right?
how do you do an ethanol extraction just pour over kanna and evap?what kind of ethanol did you use could I just use everclear, or something similar?
Awesome Im a big sceletium fan, ill defiantly be trying this out that's for sure. I love the warm glow that sceletium inhibits and the peace of mind it creates within me. Usually when i chew the raw sceletium its quite mild even though I'm super sensitive to enthogens. Its strength is on about on a scale from 1-10 only about a 3 for me so, I'm very interested in the stronger affects that this new nose spray will have :)

Much peace
Jorkest said:
so SWIM got some 95% pure kanna alkaloids...and if 250mg of dried material is enough for effects..then the dosage for pure alkaloids would be very small...because supposedly..the alkaloid content of potent kanna plants is something around 1.5%..

that would mean you would only need like 3-4mg of this stuff

is this right?

Sounds about right, threshold dosage is around 800ug(mesembrine is quite potent). Could try liquid dosing to get it nice and accurate :).

how do you do an ethanol extraction just pour over kanna and evap?what kind of ethanol did you use could I just use everclear, or something similar?
everclear would work, kinda expensive to use though. Use dried and powdered material, mix with your alcohol of choice, and filter. You could probably do a 2nd extraction if you wanted too. Combine the extractions and evaporate. There will be waxes and some oils present, but as is, it should be relatively clean and much better than shoving all that plant matter up your nose!
SWIM too would like to know if vodka can be used for making easy extracts from plants such a kanna (i.e. in situations when there are no water soluble 'nasties' to be avoided such as tannins in DMT extraction).
And if not normal 40% alcohol vodka, could the 80% or 90% stuff be used?
After all, isn't isopropyl alcohol only 91% pure, so it has some water in it too? As IPA is toxic (deadly if drunk!), SWIM'd prefer to use food-grade ingredients if possible. Even if it is just going to be evaporated, he knows more care has been put into keeping contaminants away from them. And buying IPA is suspicious where he lives.
Still want to know if the actives can be extracted from raw, green foliage or whether the traditional fermentation must take place first (conversion of oxalic acid etc etc).
I have only tried Kanna orally until now with little or no effect. I'm making this nose-spray tomorrow from some extract a special friend gave me some time ago. It's been sitting in the drawer and now it's time to experiment :)
SWIM feels exactly the same, and his order came in recently too.
Actually, he found that insufflating some after some ephedra tea had a more obvious effect, so he's starting to believe these claims that it's synergistic. But still to be convinced that it's worth the money... something to plant and grow oneself methinks.
So heres an update..SWIM extracted the kanna with acetone..then evapped..which worked great...then he warmed up some water and put the black gob of kanna stuff in it..the water turned a yellow color...he then set the water in a cupboard and forgot about it...he recently checked it to find it completely dry..he got a razor blade and scraped up the film that was left over...what he now has is a yellowish crystalline powder..its just a TINY bit sticky..about as stick as dmt freebase...unlike dmt fumarate...he has yet to test it out but is interested because he ordered some kanna extract..that is 95% pure..and is a full spectrum extract..and this stuff is close to black in color..more of a dark grey brown..and is a very dry powder..

SWIM is excited that it was this easy to get a nice clean looking powder..now all there is to do is test it out! but SWIM doesnt really know how much to take...does this stuff work sublingually? i know it works when you snort it..and when you smoke it or eat it..

but now SWIM can weigh this stuff out and find out the perfect dosage..and THEN put it in the nose spray bottle
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