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MAO spesific cuestio

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
I know that there are many diferent reports caused be diferent doses and sircunstancias but I want to compare the potentkon of syrian rue and moclobemide.At 375 u are full i hibited from MAO-A AND 25% FROM MAO-B.I want to know what is the amount for the hermalin to full inhibute.Some people say that full inhibited with Moclobemode u need very little dose do make effect.Tomorrow will perform Pharmacuasca with Moclo first try.I think will take:
Ot -300mg Moclobemode
0.45 200 mg white xtal freebase desolved with lemon + 75 mg DMT
Usualy I smoke 70+ from 3 hits or 4 and feel confort and nothing intensive or overhelming I am jsualy mentaly able to do more.(smoking).But there was times when I smoked ~60 in 1 hit and went too fast no breething relaxing.Now whant to go strong but not overhelming.First idea was 200 mg (refomended dose) But tbis is recomendad dose combinied with rue not moclo.
Anecdotally I have heard some good things regarding moclobemide being used as an MAOI for oral dimethyltryptamine. Though I have never attempted the combination myself, and though I do not plan to, I am interested in this subject.

there is an erowid report regarding a "hard headed" individual who had failed with banisteriopsis caapi/DMT on many occasions, but who had success with moclobemide/DMT...

It seems like a reasonable option:
A single 300 mg dose of moclobemide inhibits 80% of monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A) and 30% of monoamine oxidase B (MAO-B), blocking the decomposition of norepinephrine, serotonin and, to a lesser extent, dopamine.


No significant rise in blood pressure occurs when moclobemide is combined with amines such as tyramine-containing foods or pressor amine drugs, unlike with the older nonselective and irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), which cause a severe rise in blood pressure with such combination.[9] Due to the lack of anticholinergic, cardiovascular, cognitive and psychomotor impairments moclobemide is advantageous in the elderly as well as those with cardiovascular disease.


Any way, I'm fairly interested in this topic.

Thats why I am thinking and probably will do it tomrrow.I know tbat 300mg inhibit 80% mao-A and 30% mao-B.I readed alot of posts people saying diferent doses.I think tbat the efect depends on the amount inhibited if ur inzimes are 100% inhibited u should get effect from too lo dose.People report they get stronger effect on Moclobemide than harmalas.Don't want to open discutions and opinions for the both methods,already is sooken a lot but if u can compare the rue and the Moclobemide potency from pwrsonal expirience please share.
So I have 2 options:
1.Take 375mg MAOs 300mg+(75mg+75mg DMT) and weit.(Don't want to lose from he duration of the inhibitors)
2.Take 300mg + 150mg and weit.
Ok I took 300mg Moclo 45 min later I took 100mg almost instantly disolved in lemon juce.Nothing heppend just little nausea.One hour latet took 50mg more and still dont have any efect.I am chilling nothing like DMT.The feeling is like low dose RC "acid tab".
I think he Moclo by it self have some efect is like syntetic buz in the head similar feeling with sintetic coce shit.But the DMT isnt here wasted 150mg.
Could be low dose or I need to take more moclo for full inhibition.?
It's either a timing issue (gotta find the right timing between the Moclobemide and the DMT), or you may need more Moclobemide depending on how much MAO-A you have that needs to be inhibited.

The first time i tried Moclobemide i took 150mgs around maybe 4pm, then later on at 9pm took another 150mgs and 30 minutes later took a few capsules of Mimosa, and had a pretty strong/intense experience. I think i've also taken 300mgs of Moclobemide, waited 2 hours, took 75mgs more of Moclobemide and then like 10 to 30 minutes later took the Mimosa. I've also taken 300mgs of Moclobemide and waited an hour to take the Acacia and if i remember correctly things worked out fine.

Perhaps try taking the DMT about 15 minutes after the Moclobemide, or try 30 minutes rather than 45 minutes, or try taking 150mgs of Moclobemide then a few hours later taking another 150mgs then 30 minutes later take the DMT. I'm pretty sure it's a timing issue if you didn't feel much from the DMT. Moclobemide could perhaps be similar to a Harmala-containing tea in that it's gut MAO-A inhibition is short lasting (maybe 10 to 30 minutes), i'm not sure.

Also yes, Moclobemide gives a kind of clear headed feeling, and seems rather transparent on the body.
Why should try 30 min or 15.I think the Moclo have good life.The important is to be enaught enhibited to get the efect of the DMT.Also I think it isn't good to redose Moclo just reach the full inibition and take the DMT.Did u smoked after Moclo?
You need to get the timing right between Moclobemide and DMT, as the MAO-A inhibition in the gut can be short in duration, therefore if you take DMT too late it won't be orally active because it missed the gut MAO-A inhibition window, and if it's taken too early it won't be active because gut MAO-A isn't fully inhibited, so you need to figure out the best timing for you, which can be anywhere from maybe 10 to 15 minutes, to 30 minutes, to an hour. Maybe try taking the DMT after an hour, i read some experience reports last night and people have had success taking the DMT after an hour. Now that i think of it, 15 minutes may be too soon, 30 minutes might be alright but i'm not sure. I think an hour sounds right though. Just play around with the timing a bit and see which timing works best for you.

And re-dosing Moclobemide can work really well, i'm telling you, try 150mgs of Moclobemide, then a little bit later take 150mgs more and then take your DMT, it was a very intense experience when i did that.

And no i haven't tried smoking DMT after taking Moclobemide but i'd imagine it would be pretty potentiated.
@ShamensStamen I think all depend on the inhibition.If I am 70% inhibited some of the DMT will be absorbed other part destroyed.150mg white DMT in ur body can't be low.Is 150mg no point of gusto here.If I don't get anyyhihg seems I need more Moclo for full effect.I did 300mg Moclo,45 min later I did 100mg dmt.It can't be too late-impoeible.Moclo should need about 30 min to pass the degestive system like all medicines,15 later he effect should be on.I don't think neither I took to early,any way I redosed with 50mg lated 1h 45min after the moclo.I had efect but was like lo dosage acid.I think u can't redose MAOI yes befor the efect is gone so u can keep down the enzymes and keep the DMT sirculate in the blood.
I think today will do 300mg and hour later 30mg freebase vaped and soon will do experiment wih rue.
MY problem is that I would like enjoy and know what to do instead experimenting and looking where is the sweet spot.But do it rasonable and learn is better.First was with the idea 375mg and 200 dmt(advised to take 200 with seeds) and after tbat changed my mind.Is there dkference in doses peroral and smoked.Smoked above 100mg is sommething I can't inagine atleat for 3 hits or 1 ride.
You need to get the timing right. The dosage of Moclobemide may need to be adjusted, but no matter how much Moclobemide you take, if you don't get the timing right between the Moclobemide and the DMT, the DMT will be inactive no matter how much Moclobemide you take. It's the same way with the Harmalas in Ayahuasca, if you take the DMT at the same time as the Harmalas, gut MAO-A might not be fully inhibited yet so DMT will be broken down, if you take the DMT too late after taking the Harmalas, the gut MAO-A inhibition won't be there and DMT will be inactive. Gut MAO-A inhibition is transitory, so it's a very short window. Even if you have a full dose of Moclobemide, DMT will still be inactive if you take it too soon or too late.
Actualy I didn't like this substancd.Yestaday I had nause dazin feeling(not releated from the DMT).After I wake up I still feel the effects.Those effects started befor I take the DMT.Yestaday also had dificult woth brething(slowly and deep breeth)and some pain in the heart or in the chestmIt seems alergic reaction as I reed.Tody took 300mg again(just befor I readed for alergion symtoms)and feeling is the same slight nause little dizzy very little pain in chest heart zone and little hedeche.I took some dmt around 30-35 mg and coudnt smoke it all Wasnt nothing but fighting the bad feelings.
I think never will use Moclobemkde and u shoul'd not use it because his is heavy medecin.Without DMT it sits bad on stomath.Following the logic natural MAOi should be better than synhetic becaue they are natural.Didn't tryed seeds yet but will do it soon.
I think Harmalas/Rue/Caapi are better than Moclobemide personally, but for me Moclobemide hasn't given me any negative reactions/effects as far as i know, it actually feels pretty clean on the body for me. Although i can say i think i've gotten some dizziness from it at times, never any chest pain though or headache if i remember correctly, and it doesn't seem to cause me any nausea. I myself have been thinking about using pure Harmine instead of Moclobemide but Harmine will definitely cause nausea and vomiting with a high enough dosage and would color the experience with it's aspects because it's more than an MAO-A inhibitor, which makes Moclobemide kinda cool imo because with Moclobemide it's just MAO-A inhibition and doesn't color the experience so you get to see how DMT/Mimosa/Acacia/Chacruna/Chaliponga is without the Harmalas' influence.
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