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MDMA purity = afterglow / comedown ?

Migrated topic.


Rising Star
Last few years i have been introduced and experimenting with MDMA every 2-6 months, and sometimes every 4-6weeks. Firstly started off as a party thing or a weekend catchup with friends until i started noticing the profound effects on the body/mind it had and started researching more about it and using it more for spiritual and emotional/mental healing.

I now use it less often for healing and re-connection closer to source consciousness as i would say but i have noticed somethings which seem a bit strange.

When i come across pure MDMA from my main source, I almost always get an afterglow effect for weeks to come yet when i either take a pill or unknown sourced MDMA i can feel terrible the next few days, whole body aches, slight headaches and uneasy moods and so on..

I usually eat very healthy diet, Mostly fruits and vegetables, superfoods and herbs and healthy fats like coconut, hemp, olive, flax and so on.

Putting it into a dumbed down perspective: I Know MDMA boosts my (Feel good) Chemicals in the brain to an extreme that when its over you will feel depleted as you need to slowly restore and let them repair again. Could it be possible because of my diet/lifestyle i repair and restore much faster then the average person?

I honestly only had MDMA about 15-20 times but every time i acquired the pure version i cannot recall any comedowns or problems the next day, almost always get an afterglow or just regular day like you wake up from a big night of cannabis or mild alcohol use.

but when i did come by stuff of unknown source even with my healthy lifestyle/diet i notice side effects the next few days similar to after heavy nights drinking alcohol.

Any ideas?
In my experience even pure MDMA can lead to a crash/tough comedown. Chances of a tough comedown increase as the dosage increases. Also the more re-doses you do, the more chances of the hangover. And the less you sleep and worse you eat/hydrate yourself, also the more chances of a hangover.

That being said, some MDMA adulterants do increase side-effects, like MCPP or others for example.

As for your specific case, it's hard to say unless the pills were tested. I highly suggest before you consume any drug you didnt synth/extract yourself, that you test it. You can test with TLC kits (my signature) or send to EC's international testing service.

Good luck!
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