So I'm just gonna start by saying that I've just recently started getting some type of fear while meditating. At first when I'd sit in a mindless focus I would get nice "body highs" and I'd be able to pull this energy around through my body from my feet to my head. I usually worked on my head area a lot but just recently started focusing on what would be the heart chakra, only problem is the last time I did this I started to feel really uneasy and almost felt as if something was in my room with me. I started to get more paranoid as I focused on the energy in my heart and it started to intensify. This wouldn't of been bad for me but as that happened my head started getting this loud overwhelming buzzing but also comparable to thousands of birds chirping and it got worse with every second of me doing this. Colors started seeming brighter to me and it felt like the beginning of a spice trip. It's unsettling because it doesn't feel pleasant. After that I had to get up and walk around since it wouldn't stop. I've had this happen to me recently except I was sleeping and i awoke up from the noise and saw visuals engulfing my wall. Is this bad or is this due to me doing body work such as chakras and kundalini practices. I don't know what else to do about it. Sorry for rambling. Anything helps :d