I shouldn't have posted here knowing this would happen, but okay, here we go...............
DmnStr8 said:
Enlightenment is a pathless land as Jiddu Krishnamurti eloquently stated.
True, There is no path or seeker. It is impossible to be "enlightened". There is nobody to be enlightened. This ISness understands its non dual nature and can awaken itself in any moment. There is no path, journey or seeker. This is illusory. Someone that has been awakened knows "enlightenment" is a conceptual idea and wouldn't believe it or any other thoughts. They know the idea of thought is as illusory as the idea of them "self".
YggTheTempest said:
The symptom of one fully abosrbed in transcendental consciousness is compete sense control.
Again, in the dream maybe.. There is no-one to transcend and there IS nowhere to transcend to. There is nobody to have control and nothing to have control of. Everything is one. There are no opposing forces or "senses" to interact with each other. Anything you experience as a "self" is illusory.
Kena Upanishad said:
He who thinks he knows It not, knows It. He who thinks he knows It, knows It not. The true knowers think they can never know It, while the ignorant think they know It.
You cant 'know" until you see outside of the perspective of a 'self". Then you can be AWARE of it, but YOU is not the same you. Knowing is a perspective shift. Its not a knowledge that you suddenly realize in a haze of dmt vapor. There is NOTHING to know and THAT is the point. Nothing is empty of separateness. When you realize everything is one, you realize you are not the one thinking or doing. Nothing is actually happening. In this moment i am awareness that is watching my illusory self type illusory words to illusory DMT nexus member in the dream. I am aware in this moment that all of this is empty of any separateness and that this awareness is everything happening now yet nothing is happening at all. There is only everything and this eternal moment {NOW}.
Ultimately this is all nonsense and pointless no matter how true or not. This ISness already understands its non dual nature. We can use illusory ideas like science, philosophy, spirituality etc to point our finger at what we are talking about. I did this for years, but the end result is it cant be explained with words and it doesnt need explanation. The thinking mind needs explanation of something that doesnt need explaining because there is nothing to understand. There is only consciousness and awareness in this moment and it is empty of any separateness. Any "THOUGHTS" otherwise are nonsense. This is the dream. There is not this and that. Only this. There is nothing to understand.
I never said I was a master. There is no such thing. I have experienced non duality though and I do have a mentor that is a Zen Priest that has "seen" as well. He more or less points at what i am already aware of and brings me back when I start thinking again when I need it from time to time. He has stabilized non dual thinking after 25+ years. I have not.
I shouldn't have even posted this in the first place. I am not under any moral obligation to tell anyone this, I just enjoy discussing it with people that know. 90% of the time it is misinterpreted and assumed that i think i'm the authority on this. Let me be the first to say it, I AM NOT THE AUTHORITY ON THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH. I CANNOT BE SUCH A THING BECAUSE I DO NOT EXIST NOR DOES SUCH AUTHORITY EXIST. You are all free to believe what you want in "relative reality'
Absolute truth is knowing there is no "relative" reality though. You are not believing, thinking or doing anything anyway.
I'm done with this thread friends. Talk to you guys later in another thread on another subject.. peace.
Here is a quote.................
"You are awareness, disguised as a person."
Eckhart Tolle