SWIM, just returned from DMT space but can only just remember what happened. From what he remembers at first there was somthing laughing and telling him that "oh, you had forgotten us again had'nt you". Every time he gets to this initial place it is very familiar. After that he lost all awarness of this world and body and was propelled through a rapidly moving bright yellow space. There was the feeling that he was in a kind of classroom and the teachers were not very happy with him. Fast moving images and a very subltle sense of punishment ? This space was definatly inhabated by female creatures, but no direct contact. The details of this initial stage moved past too fast to get any sort of hold on. He can't even remember breathing. from there a very wierd looking kind of stick like lego woman appeared. She was pale blue and off white and extremly sexual. As he focused to get a closer look, this transformed into three dimentional fractal space for a short time, then he realised that he was coming down and it all faded away as quicly as it had begun. Entire time away maybe 6.00 or 7.00 minuets judging by the timer on the stereo. Spongle's 'Dorset perception' had been playing but he remebers nothing of this. As conciousness returned 'Star shpongled banner had begun'. Does anyone else have problems remembering details of their journeys ?